good old days

Chapter 526 Fracture

Chen Jinhua went to Song Wenxing's house with a murderous spirit today. His body was already a little weak, and he didn't have much energy after enduring it. But when he opened the courtyard door and saw the person who had led the bully to his daughter, he still kicked him hard. .

Jiang Xinyu groaned from the other side of the window, "Song Minghan was kicked away by Chen Jinhua."

She reported the battle situation to Chen Yi.

Wang Sumei, who heard her address from the side, tilted her head. Her daughter-in-law actually called Chen Jinhua by his first name?

Chen Yi stood up and stood in front of her, and saw that the courtyard door was closed.

He took her hand and said, "It's time to go to bed."

Jiang Xinyu wished she had clairvoyant eyes so that she could see what was happening in the backyard. When she heard the noise, she raised her finger and shushed, "Listen."

In the back yard, Feng Manzheng slapped Song Minghan regardless of his appearance.

After Song Minghan was kicked away, he only felt huge pain in his chest, and the bones inside seemed to be broken. Before he could stand up, he was pressed down and beaten by Feng Man.

Feng Man's eyes turned red with anger.

The partners can be separated without delaying her daughter's future marriage and children. This beast is good. A divorced man dares to attack her daughter. Beating him to death does not understand the hatred in her heart.

"You are a living thing with no one to support you. You are causing trouble to other people's daughters. I will beat you to death!"

Song Wenxing looked at Feng Man's crazy look and his eyelids twitched when he heard her words, but he pretended not to see it at the moment, thinking that he could just come to propose marriage after the two people's anger subsided.

His son Song Wenxing is still a college student. He is not as good as Chen Jinhua, but his father is.

Letting out your anger now won't prevent you from being an in-law in the future.

Song Wenxing was pretending to be dead next to him, but Yu Xiling couldn't pretend he didn't see it.

He turned around anxiously, "Don't fight, don't fight, you are here to solve the problem, beat the people out of the problem..."

Yu Xiling's eyes widened when he saw Chen Jinhua take out his weapon and load it. He was so frightened that he was scared to death. "I can't do it, I can't do it. What are you doing?"

Song Wenxing was also shocked and speechless. Is Chen Jinhua crazy?

Chen Jiajia, who was holding the window open in the house and saw this scene, ran out and stood in front of Song Minghan.

"Dad, Dad, Minghan and I really love each other..."

Feng Man pulled her in front of him. If it weren't for his scruples, she would definitely slap her awake.

Would you do that kind of thing to her if you were truly in love?

Fucking fart.

The beastly man ruined someone else's daughter. He was free and comfortable, but he left all the problems to her daughter.

He was married, didn't he know he would be pregnant? Has he ever thought about his daughter? I still want to do it in the future! That’s why his heart is so cruel! This bastard must die a happy death!

Chen Jiajia cried with snot and tears as her father put a weapon on Song Minghan's head.

Song Minghan was so frightened that he didn't dare to move at all. A strange white light appeared in front of his eyes.

Song Wenxing said from the side: "Brother Chen, please calm down. It's just for young people. There is really no need to use weapons..."

Feng Man said in a sharp tone, "That's right, it's not your daughter who's being harmed."

Song Wenxing swallowed, cursing the crazy bitch in his heart.

Then a scalp-numbing scream resounded through the courtyard, spreading in all directions from the courtyard.

Jiang Xinyu, who had just been lying on the bed and listened to the noise behind her, felt her scalp numb and sat up.

There was no sound. Song Minghan was definitely not injured. Where was the injury?

After listening to Feng Man's words, Chen Jinhua expected to knock Song Minghan to pieces several times, but he still had reason. When Song Minghan really fell into his hands, he only kicked one of his ribs and stepped on one of his bones. The legs are not crushable yet.

If you don't give him a lesson to remember what not to do, he will think that everyone is easy to fool.

Yu Xiling pushed him away and said angrily: "It's too much."

Chen Jinhua's voice was as cold as water, "Maybe you want him to go in as a gangster or a criminal." Yu Xiling was speechless.

Chen Jiajia was so frightened that she trembled. After she recovered, she rushed to Song Minghan, "How are you?"

Song Minghan felt that one of his legs must be broken, but he tried his best to smile and shake his head at Chen Jiajia, "I'm fine, it's just a little painful. You go home obediently."

Chen Jiajia cried "Wow" and felt that she had harmed him.

Song Wenxing said respectfully: "Chen Jinhua, I will settle the score with you later."

He asked for his son's leg, and the kiss sealed the deal.

The old man only has a few more years to live. Without a good in-law, how much foothold will the Song family have in the future? Many families who were suppressed by them in the past have revolted. He must make plans for his own family! Chen Jinhua considered it an opportunity for his family.

Chen Jinhua's lips curled up slightly, with a cold expression on his face. He nodded slightly and said, "If word of what happened today is spread, don't blame me for helping others to clear up old scores in your family."

Song Wenxing: “…”

Oh shit! Do you do things like this?

Song Minghan was carried to the hospital, and Chen Jiajia wanted to follow him. Feng Man scolded: "Rogues, if their crimes are serious, they will be killed in Mucang. Do you have to make us angry to death?"

Chen Jiajia was trembling all over as she was taken into the car.

The two cars left front and back, and the neighbors who heard the noise all breathed a sigh of relief.

Someone was worried that a murder had occurred and came here to take a look.

Wang Sumei patted her heart and returned to her own room from the hall.

It was so quiet at night that you could hear any movement clearly, not to mention that their home was so close to the yard behind them.

Chen Yi’s father is a real murderer.

But it's not okay for him to do things like this.

The two young people were in a good relationship. If they were separated violently, they would definitely be inseparable. If they didn't handle it well, Chen Jiajia would have to blame them.

Chen Jiajia, too, fell in love with Song Minghan, who had been married once. If she were her daughter, she wouldn't agree.

The sleeping child started to cry. Jiang Xinyu heard his cry and hurried over to comfort him.

"Mom, I will take him back to sleep with us. You are tired during the day, so have a good rest at night."

Wang Sumei: "You have to go to class tomorrow, go back and go to bed quickly. I won't waste much energy looking at the store."

Jiang Xinyu felt disappointed.

If she didn't take the child back, Chen Yi would definitely not let her go, and there would be no reason to refuse.

"He must have been frightened by the movement just now." Wang Sumei patted the child distressedly.

After hearing a lot of gossip just now, Jiang Xinyu was worried that there was no one to talk to, so she said: "Chen Yi's father has a pretty bad temper. I always thought he just looked serious."

Wang Sumei shook her head, "When he was young, he had a bad temper at home. He looked so gentle, but when he beat up Chen Yi, his fifth uncle who skipped classes, he could beat people to the point of peeing, but he was so fierce."

Compared with Chen Qihua, Chen Jinhua is more like the eldest brother of the Chen family. Even though he has a face that is harmless to humans and animals, this man has an idea of ​​everything when he was young.

"I heard what Feng Man said just now, that girl was ruined?"

Looking at her mother-in-law's curious eyes, Jiang Xinyu thought to herself that gossip really has no age distinction.

Jiang Xinyu corrected: "It's not a waste, it should be a consensual relationship between you and me."

Wang Sumei exclaimed, "What do you want me to do? That girl is stupid! She didn't want to think about it. She did something that crossed the line. A man can just pick up his pants and leave. Can she, a lesbian, do that? It's always the woman who suffers in this matter. !Song Minghan is not a good person. A man who has been married and had children would not understand?"

Just now, I felt that Chen Jinhua was very fierce today. Wang Sumei took it for granted that if she had a daughter who met such a man, she would definitely give them both a hard lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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