good old days

Chapter 531 Negotiation

The buyout price is 500 yuan, and % will be paid based on the royalty cooperation. In addition, a contract for one volume must be signed.

Jiang Xinyu snickered in her heart.

In just a few words, Editor Zhao exposed the fact that their publisher was very optimistic about her book. If not, why did they decide the contract for the next volume in advance?

The more relaxed she became, "Editor Zhao, to be honest, I applied to four publishing houses in total and received two replies asking me to send the original reading. Your publishing house is the most sincere."

This is pure nonsense. She hasn't received a single reply since the item was sent. Saying this is just to put some gold on your face so that you can negotiate the price.

"If this volume is released, no one can predict whether it will be well received by the market, so what I mean is that if the sales are good and your publisher wants to release a second volume, I will give priority to your publisher."

Zhao Weihua frowned slightly, knowing that she was not easy to dismiss.

In fact, the publishing house values ​​​​this book very much. It is full of childlike interest. What is commendable is that it combines Chinese and English, is educational, and has a very positive image. It is a good read in every aspect.

He pondered for a while and said: "Student Jiang, if you ask a professor from your school to write a preface and sign a contract with our publisher for the next volume, we can add more for you."

Jiang Xinyu: "Two points, ten percent!"

Editor Zhao really felt that she was opening her mouth and staring for a long time, but he finally agreed.

He took out the stamped contract from his bag, filled it out and pushed it towards Jiang Xinyu.

Jiang Xinyu read them one by one. When she saw one, she read out and asked: "Remuneration is calculated based on sales volume, not print volume?"

Zhao Weihua smiled and said: "Classmate Jiang, you should feel that our publishing house is very sincere and even agreed to 10%. The risks are all borne by our publishing house. Based on the sales volume, it is fair, right?"

Jiang Xinyu also laughed, "It's quite fair, but I have confidence in my own work."

Remuneration based on sales volume is a way for the publishing house to protect its own rights and interests. Jiang Xinyu agreed with this. After reading it, she felt it was okay and signed her name.

"I wonder when Editor Zhao will go back?"

Editor Zhao said: "The train is the day after tomorrow. If you can finish the preface in these two days, go to the guest house and find me."

"By the way, there is one more important thing. You should draw a cover."

Jiang Xinyu smiled: "The cover has been painted a long time ago. I'll get it for you now. You can see how it goes."

She went into the simple study room with only a desk and two chairs, and took out the cover she drew a while ago from the drawer.

The cover shows Duobao running on the grass beside a rolling green river. The hair on his head is blown back by the wind, and the two pointed ears that float in the wind have the words "happy, little" written on it. The squirrel leaned half out from behind the tree and opened its big watery eyes. The words "The Adventures of Duobao" floated above the paper. The English translation of these words floats below this line of words.

"Editor Zhao, how are you doing?"

It's vivid, the colors are well matched, and it looks extremely comfortable. Zhao Weihua can't say what's wrong with it. Just like the content in this book, she has taken all aspects into consideration.

He nodded, "I think it's okay."

"Okay, you can eat. I have something else to do and I'll leave first."

When the people left, Jiang Xinyu banged several times on the spot.

It's amazing!

Her hard work was not in vain.

A one-time payment of five hundred is a lot, but it is tantamount to killing the goose to lay eggs. The payment is based on sales. If the sales are good, there will be a steady stream of money coming in.

After the afternoon class, she was going to see Professor Yu. Professor Yu happened to teach foreign languages, so he was a perfect match.

When she reached the door of the office, she stopped. What happened between Song Minghan and Chen Jiajia is like Jiang Baoqin and Song Minghan back then. It’s weird no matter how you think about it.

With such an uneasy relationship, she felt a little uncomfortable asking Professor Yu for help.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the office door.

Professor Yu regarded her as his disciple, but he never mentioned anyone else.

However, when she entered the office, she heard from other teachers that Professor Yu had gone to the hospital.

Professor Yu has been in good health recently, so there is no doubt who he should go to the hospital to see.

She simply went to find an English professor in another department.

This is the advantage of participating in more school activities on weekdays. She has coordinated school programs and most of the teachers know her.

After telling him his purpose, the old professor picked up his glasses and put them on. He flipped through a few pages and then said, "Put your things here. I'll read them first and then give you an answer tomorrow."

Jiang Xinyu thanked her and left the office.

There were other teachers in the office, and those who were interested came over to take a look.

"Classmate Jiang is very skillful with his hands, and his paintings of small animals are very vivid."

Seeing someone reaching out to take away the reading material, Professor Wu quickly reached out and held it down, "I'll read it first and check if there are any grammatical errors."

If a reading book produced by a school student can be valued and published by a publishing house, it means that the reading book has been recognized by the publishing house. It is not impossible for him to write a preface and recommend it, but there must be no errors in it. He still had to think carefully about the contents.

Jiang Xinyu still remembered that Jin Youdong's son came to Xinnanyuan to fry seeds at five o'clock in the afternoon. When he rushed back after finishing his meal, it was already half past five. The simplest stir-fried melon seeds had been taken out of the pot and put into plates on the stone table in the kitchen. There was also a young man inside frying badam.

The melon seeds were the original melon seeds I bought yesterday. They had not been fried in any way. When I picked up a handful, the melon seeds were still warm and tasted like caramel. The texture was crispy and the caramel flavor was mellow.

The taste is quite good, and the more you drink it, the more fragrant it becomes. It's not that special to her, but now, most people must have never tasted this taste. After all, most people eat home-fried original melon seeds during the Chinese New Year. Or just spiced salty melon seeds.

There was a lot of stir-frying noise in the kitchen, and Jin Fuhai was stir-frying vigorously.

Jiang Xinyu told Chen Yi about the contract signed at noon.

Chen Yi went into the study and took out the contract. After reading it carefully one by one, he found nothing deceptive.

"I never knew you had this skill."

She hummed proudly: "You don't know much."

Before she married him, his family had done a thorough investigation on him, and his family must have done a thorough investigation on her as well.

Her resume was definitely not as dazzling as his, and her academic qualifications and experience were all mentioned briefly. After reading it, to him, her resume could be summed up as "no blemishes and not very outstanding."

Chen Yi nodded, "I really don't know you well enough. You are really excellent."

Jiang Xinyu's heart was bubbling with beauty, but she said modestly: "It's not outstanding, it's just an opportunistic trick."

Decades later, there were so many comics and cartoons, and her professional courses were not in vain. The production of this book was a combination of Chinese and English, and the pictures were good.

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