good old days

Chapter 534 Before Going Abroad

Chapter 534 Before Going Abroad

In order to sign a bonded work contract in advance to go abroad, Jiang Xinyu did not consider this matter and firmly refused in her heart. She expressed her intention verbally and thanked Teacher Yang for his consideration and kindness.

Although no cooperation was reached, Jiang Xinyu and Teacher Yang ran on the playground for more than half an hour.

After parting, Yang Qin sighed inwardly.

His brother wants to return to China for development, but the current soil environment in China is indeed not that good compared to abroad.

What she said just now is right. The core of the company is talents, and talents are really not easy to come by in this land.

This land is full of waste, but the thinking of college students is probably similar to what Jiang Xinyu just said. After graduation, they will be assigned to cadres, with high social status. Compared with other people, the salary and benefits are not bad. Why should they choose foreign companies?

What she did today was purely to pave the way for the future. The beginning was not smooth, but she was not discouraged. Just because one person disagreed did not mean that this road would not work.

Yesterday, Teacher Yang aroused the idea of ​​studying abroad, which tortured her to the point of insomnia until midnight. However, after talking to her today, her heart fell back to where it was before.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was mid-October, and Chen Yi was about to go abroad.

The son traveled thousands of miles and his mother was worried. Since Wang Sumei knew that Chen Yi would go abroad, she began to knit woolen pants and make shoes.

He was about to leave, and Wang Sumei wanted to pack everything for him, and asked Jiang Xinyu to take out the bankbook and bring it to him.

Chen Yi refused: "Money in China is useless, and I don't need to bring more money. The living allowance provided by the school is enough for others, and it is enough for me."

Wang Sumei felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry when she thought about not being able to see anyone for more than two years.

When she was feeling uncomfortable, Chen Jinhua's security guard drove up.

Chen Jinhua knew that Chen Yi was leaving tomorrow, so he specially asked the security guards to come over today to pick up the whole family and have a meal together.

Wang Sumei asked: "Apart from Chen Jinhua, is there no one else?"

The guard shook his head, "Only the chief. He is already waiting in the hotel."

"The chief said that the results of Jia Hong's investigation are out."

Chen Jinhua decided to eat in Donglaishun. When he entered the hall, the copper pots on each table were steaming white, and the fresh fragrance was assailed to his nostrils.

When everyone arrived, the service staff began to serve the food.

Wang Sumei looked around and felt that the business of this restaurant was really good. The hall was full and there were people queuing up outside. It seemed that it was not easy to get this bite.

Chen Jinhua said: "Eat first, and then talk about the rest after you finish eating."

Today's main dish is copper pot shabu-shabu. The mutton on the plate looks like a thin, delicate red paper cut. There are nine kinds of sauces alone. The fresh aroma filling the room makes your mouth water.

The meat slices rolled up as soon as they were thrown into the pot. After many years, Wang Sumei and Chen Jinhua ate at the same table again, but they were attracted by the mutton-boiled meat.

After eating a piece of mutton dipped in sauce, Wang Sumei's eyes lit up and she said to Jiang Xinyu who was drinking tea: "This mutton is not smelly, you can eat it too, try it quickly."

Jiang Xinyu tasted it and reluctantly swallowed it. The meat is indeed tender and the smell is not that strong, but I always feel that there is something else, maybe it is her psychological effect. If she is not told in advance that this is mutton, she will not be aware of the psychological burden and swallow it.

Chen Jinhua looked at her and said, "Don't want mutton? Order two more stir-fried vegetables."

Jiang Xinyu didn't refuse. She didn't want to sit here and watch someone in a restaurant eat meat. Chen Jinhua looked at Chen Yi, "Would you like a glass of wine?"

Wang Sumei glared at him, "Eat meat, eat meat, drink wine? I'm leaving tomorrow, don't miss anything."

Chen Jinhua didn't dare to fight back when he was retorted, and awkwardly picked up Jiang Yan.

He filled a bowl of soup and fed it slowly while blowing on it. The child drank a spoonful quickly. Chen Jinhua smiled and said to Wang Sumei, "He is quite easy."

Wang Sumei said she had forgotten the unpleasantness just now, and said proudly: "Isn't that true? He is not like other children who cry all day long and give people a headache."

Outside the hotel, Feng Man arrived with her brother and sister-in-law. She also heard that Chen Jiajia's incident was spread all over the city, so she came to talk to Song Wenxing behind Chen Jinhua's back.

Feng Man and her sister-in-law patted her hand, "I think Song Minghan is not bad either. He is still a college student after all. With Jiajia's reputation..."

Seeing Feng Man glare at her, her sister-in-law quickly changed the subject, "It's much better than the married college student from the country that the daughter of the Qin family is looking for."

Because of Chen Jiajia's incident, Feng Man had a few blisters at the corner of her mouth. She didn't expect that the previous incident would spread. Her attitude had softened before, but now she just wanted Chen Jiajia to settle down with Song Minghan quickly.

With her daughter's current reputation, where will she find a well-matched one in the future?

But no one knew before, who could have spread the news? Who wants to harm her Jiajia? !

The triangular relationship between Chen Jiajia and the painter and Song Minghan was deliberately spread by Lu Peilin to Song Hualin, just to pour shit on Song Minghan's good news of marrying Chen Jiajia. It's disgusting.

No matter what happened to Chen Jiajia and the foreign painter, Lu Peilin had to make the rumors spread as ugly as possible.

Song Wenxing knew about it, so he still rushed to marry Chen Jinhua as his in-laws? Even if he keeps going, Chen Jiajia's reputation will be ruined, and it would be a joke for Song Minghan to marry her back.

Song Wenxing did hear the rumors about Chen Jiajia, and went to the hospital to specifically ask Song Minghan.

Song Minghan didn't want his head to be green, so of course he denied it.

Song Wenxing was dubious, and when he went to discuss the marriage of his children with Chen Jinhua, he deliberately mentioned it in order to suppress Chen Jinhua's arrogance.

Chen Jinhua didn't let go at all. Hearing Song Wenxing's words, his heart really sank, but his face was calm and he even ridiculed Song Wenxing.

Rumors have spread, what good family can Chen Jiajia find in the future?

Song Wenxing even heard about the painter's incident and came to propose marriage to his children. This expression really disgusted him.

After Chen Jinhua refused again, Song Wenxing naturally started with Feng Man.

Hence today's "dinner".

Song Wenxing sat and waited in the northwest corner for more than half an hour. He had already seen Chen Jinhua and Jiang Xinyu's family of four coming in. The four adults and one child were sitting at the same table. They looked like a family.

Now that the weather is getting colder, Donglaishun's copper pot-shabu-shabu pork is famous in the capital. The restaurant is crowded with people every day. It's hot and humid, and every table is full.

This was not the first time for Feng Man to come to this hotel. When she first came in, she really didn't notice that Chen Jinhua and Wang Sumei were there until Song Wenxing reminded them maliciously.

Song Wenxing's mentality is that even if you don't make me happy, I will also add some trouble to you.

He guessed that Wang Sumei might be Chen Jinhua's ex-wife, and he didn't believe that Feng Man wouldn't be angry when he saw this scene.

How could Feng Man not be angry?

Feng Man was almost furious when she saw the happy family!

(End of this chapter)

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