good old days

Chapter 536 He deserves it

In the courtyard of Xinnan Courtyard, Wang Sumei was pacing back and forth at home, mumbling.

I looked at this and that, thinking about what good things I could take away from home for Chen Yi.

"There are some leeks at home. Beat some eggs and I'll fry up some more scallions. You can eat them in the morning tomorrow and you can take some of them away."

Chen Yi soaked the child with malted milk and said while stirring: "No, you can go into the house and sleep quickly. There are regulations on the weight of luggage that can be brought on the plane. I am tired of carrying so many things, so please stop working." "

"Yes, Mom, go get some rest quickly. Don't you have to go to the store tomorrow?"

Wang Sumei was persuaded to go back to the house and lie down, but she lay there for several hours without falling asleep.

She felt uncomfortable thinking that her son would go abroad and not see anyone for two years.

In the other room, Jiang Xinyu opened the document bag brought by Chen Jinhua, which contained Jia Hong's information.

Chen Yi came in with a basin of hot water, put the stool in front of the bed, took the documents in her hand and put them aside.

Jiang Xinyu said "Hey" and was about to take it back, "I haven't finished reading it yet. There are many female victims."

Chen Yidao: "As long as you know that he deserves to pay the price, you can continue watching after I leave tomorrow."

They put their feet into a hot water basin, and his feet wrapped around hers.

The foot soak made me feel warm all over, and I didn't feel cold inside the quilt even after I got into bed.

The child had slept soundly for a long time, and even made the sound of smacking his mouth in his dream.

The couple lay cuddled together, his arms around her waist.

Jiang Xinyu really didn't want him to leave. After all, the two of them had not been separated since they came here. But tonight, she really had nothing to say.

He patted her gently and said, "You must remember what I said before. If you meet someone with a puppy and pick one up and tie it up in the yard, don't go back to the village if you want."

Compared with the city, the countryside is not that safe. Even if a body is buried in a deserted dirt road and ditch, no one will know about it.

She said "Yeah" and said, "Stop being so long-winded."

She felt uncomfortable raising a dog, and she was afraid that if she got another one, she would die in an accident.

There is no direct route from the capital to the other side of the ocean, so Chen Yi has to gather before dawn to take the train.

It was already midnight, and she asked him to take a nap.

She didn't know whether he was asleep or not, but she fell asleep after a while.

Chen Yi heard the sound of his mother getting up, the sound of the fire burning in the kitchen, and the even breathing coming from both sides.

He would not be able to hear these ordinary and ordinary sounds for the next two years.

Before dawn, he quietly got up to wash up. When he was putting on his watch, he saw the document bag on the table, picked it up and went to the study next door.

The entire document was handwritten, and the last page read, "Many people have testified that Jia Hong has been arrested and is being reviewed by the prosecutor's office. If convicted of all charges, he will definitely be sentenced to death."

Seeing the result, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning back to the home page, the story of the case is recorded.

It is not easy to send Jia Hong in. Although he has harmed many female comrades, most people will not come forward to accuse him because they are concerned about their reputation.

Song Zhikun informed Jiang Xinyu of two cases. One of the young lesbians had a mental problem and the other disappeared from the world.

These two cases could not be used as entry points, but the police still persuaded the father of a mentally disturbed lesbian to report the case. Only when the case was established, there was a legitimate reason to investigate, and the comrades in the province focused on Jia Hong himself. . No matter how well-pretended a person is, he cannot control his eagerness to act and regard the law as nothing.

However, after watching him for less than half a month, I discovered that the victim was an unmarried young nurse from the city hospital, and she had been coerced by him for some time. The young nurse was caught in the act that day. She wanted to commit suicide. She was persuaded for a long time and her superiors promised that she would be transferred to another hospital before she was willing to testify against him.

When Jia Hong was arrested, of course his father couldn't sit still and even tried to find a guarantor. Even the nurse's family was threatened.

Jia Hong's father was fine even if he didn't move. But when he moved, the little nurse's family reacted. Jia Hong's father was first warned and then suspended for investigation. How could he challenge the law again?

The people who came to investigate were always outsiders, so they asked the local police to assist in the investigation. Jia Hong had one of his followers who was the closest to him. I heard that he was the one who came from the top, but after being detained for a day, he was so scared that he gave up everything he knew. .

The evaporated lesbian was buried deep in a ravine outside the city. The police found a place and dug for hours before digging out the body.

The number of girls who have been harmed by Jia Hong in the past few years can be counted on both hands, but only two are willing to testify against him in court.

At this time, they were not afraid of Jia Hong's threat, but were concerned about their reputation.

After reading it, Chen Yi put the file back.

Although Jia Hong's crime has not yet been decided, he feels that there should be no more accidents, and he will definitely not be able to escape a capital crime.

Wang Sumei stayed up for half the night, frying the leek box, steaming the egg custard, dripping in sesame oil, and still making the dough, fried the sugar-oiled fruit.

After Chen Yi finished eating, he went into the room to pick up his luggage. Jiang Xinyu was sitting sleepily on a chair to pee her child.

The urine pail was put aside, and Chen Yi picked up the child and kissed him hard. Jiang Yan didn't know that he was about to be separated from his biological father, so he smelled the scent of sesame oil and egg custard and pressed it hard against his biological father's face.

"I am leaving."

He refused to let him go, but the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law watched him get on the bus.

When Wang Sumei returned home, she went back to her room and cried silently.

Jiang Xinyu fed the child egg custard, listening to the sniffing sound from time to time, and poked her son's face, "Ask grandma to come out for dinner."

She supported him slowly to the door, and Jiang Yan shouted "milk" loudly.

Wang Sumei knew that her daughter-in-law had seen the joke, so she washed her face after coming out.

"Xinyu, I pity you."

Jiang Xinyu was reluctant to let go of Chen Yi, but not to the point of feeling pitiful.

"Mom, how pitiful am I? He just went away for two years, and when I graduated, he came back."

"Our family now has a yard and a shop, so we have no shortage of food and drink..."

When she mentioned the store, Wang Sumei patted her forehead and said, "If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that the old man selling peanuts is going to send 100 kilograms of peanuts to our shop today. They are grown in their village's private land for their own consumption."

Peanuts are also a rare commodity in the capital, and each family has a monthly quota. The ones sold at the supply and marketing cooperative are not cheap. The roasted ones seem to cost two yuan and a kilogram.

"What price did you give me?"

Wang Sumei gestured and said: "Four cents per catty."

"I have inquired about it. The unified purchase price is 38 cents. If I pay 40 cents, they will definitely be willing to sell it to me if they have any surplus grain. The old man said that except for those in his village, if our shop continues to collect, he can go to other villages. Collect, in addition to peanuts, there are also melon seeds, walnuts, etc. You can also look for them."

As soon as she talked about what happened in the shop, Wang Sumei's discomfort disappeared a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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