good old days

Chapter 541 Discussion

Chapter 541 Discussion

Guo Hong wanted to find a way to make a living for her family, and after repeated phone calls, she found out that someone had come to the village to collect wild ginseng, and the ginseng at home had been sold.

And her eldest brother had already followed her uncle into the mountains to collect ginseng.

It was her father who called her back, so he didn't forget to scold her.

Guo Hong endured the discomfort and told about the pig raising in other provinces that had become a household worth ten thousand yuan, and contacted her family to raise chickens and ducks.

Guo Hong's father: "You're talking so lightly? Are chickens and ducks so easy to raise? If you raise them to death, won't you lose money? Chickens and ducks don't cost money? Even if you raise them, who will you sell them to? Every household raises them. Yes, who will buy ours?"

Guo Hong gripped the phone tightly, "Our family has raised chickens and ducks, just keep them as before. If you're afraid you won't be able to sell them, just try raising a few twenty or thirty chickens first. If you don't buy the ones in the countryside, you won't buy them in the city." People will always want it, so why worry about selling meat that doesn’t require votes?”

Guo Hong's father said impatiently: "Okay, okay, you talk so much nonsense, and the phone bill also costs money. I won't say anything else if you go back to school. Don't forget to send the money back in the future. Send more to make it worthwhile." Me and your mother."

There was only a beeping busy tone on the phone.

Guo Hong felt like an eggplant beaten by frost. She felt even more regretful when she remembered that she hadn't asked her family to help collect the goods and ginseng.

After Jiang Xinyu learned about it, she could only say how important it is for a family to have a leading parent.

Raising chickens and ducks is risky, so what else can you do?

"Xinyu, I can't help you and I can't help you."

Jiang Xinyu shook her head, "It's okay. Others are busy with the goods. You go to school well. Now that you're out, don't go back easily before graduation."

How uncomfortable would it be to be with someone who doesn’t know how to make progress mentally?

Times are progressing, and if people continue to stand still, they will only remain poor.

Guo Hong nodded, "I understand, Xinyu, if you need goods, I'll contact my uncle. Since the things in the mountains can be exchanged for money, I want them to earn some money. You can set the price."

Guo Hong still has the brains to get into Huaqing. If she can help Jiang Xinyu get goods, it can help her and make some money for her family. Why not do it to get the best of both worlds?

Jiang Xinyu looked at her and said, "Have you thought about it? It's not easy to get the freight to the station. You have to help me push down the freight. It's not that easy."

When they went to Xinjiang Province to purchase goods, the soles of their feet were blistered. Chen Yi didn't let her do any physical work, but the process of receiving and delivering goods was very tiring.

Guo Hong nodded, "I'll call my uncle and ask. If you want to collect it, you have to collect it as soon as possible, otherwise it won't be possible if it snows by then."

Jiang Xinyu simply said: "Hazelnuts cost 43 cents, and pine nuts cost 55 cents. If your uncle agrees, I will mail him three thousand cents immediately."

Compared with Ding Changhai's price, everything here was two cents less, but she just didn't know if they could agree to it.

"Three thousand?" Guo Hong's face widened.

"Wan, what if my uncle can't handle it?"

Jiang Xinyu is also a little worried. Transportation and communication are not developed now, and she doesn't know whether Guo Hong's uncle is reliable. Giving out three thousand is risky.

However, she heard Guo Hong say that her uncle was the party secretary of the village and could support her in going to school. He should be a good person. He, the party secretary, couldn't just run away with the three thousand yuan.

"You should contact your uncle first."

Guo Hong had been thinking about this matter, and the next day his uncle called her back to the communication room.

Guo Hong explained the situation. His uncle was not intimidated by 3,000 yuan. After all, he often went to the commune. In the past, the team bought farm tools, fertilizers, seeds, tractors, etc. It was not a small amount, so he was not intimidated by 3,000 yuan. . "Is your classmate here? Let me talk to her directly."

"She's not here, otherwise hang up the phone and wait a moment, and I'll call her."

Guo Hong and her uncle responded. After hanging up the phone, they planned to mobilize the whole village to collect the goods. Can they collect enough goods for 3,000 yuan? If enough is collected, each family can get more money, which is definitely a good thing!

These wild products are quite valuable, it would be great if they could be cultivated artificially.

Jiang Xinyu was eating sorghum rice and Chinese cabbage in the dormitory when she was pulled over by Guo Hongfeng.

After the phone call was made, both parties inevitably introduced themselves.

Guo Hong's uncle Guo Yimin didn't expect that there was a girl across from him.

"Please tell me the purchase price, and I will collect all the goods for you in half a month. If it is later, it will snow soon. You will send one thousand and five dollars for the payment first, and the transportation fee will be deducted from it first, and the rest will be I’ll give the folks some peace of mind, and when you receive the goods over there, you can send me the rest of the money, what do you think?”

Jiang Xinyu naturally thought it was okay. Paying half of the payment up front not only reduced the risk, but also made the funds on hand less tight for her.

"Hazelnuts cost 43 cents, and pine nuts cost 55 cents. What do you think?"

Guo Yimin knew the market price, but the unified purchase price was already cheaper than selling it on the market himself, so there was nothing he could do about it.

"Okay, you still have to send the money over there quickly so I can pay the bills to the villagers."

"I agree. I will go to the post office to send the money in the afternoon, but you have to ensure the quality of the goods."

Guo Yimin nodded on the other end of the phone, "That's for sure. This is our first time working together, and you and Guo Hong are classmates. I can't cheat you."

"Boss Jiang, are nuts easy to sell outside?" Guo Yimin was very concerned about this issue.

Although the land here is black, the life of farmers is not that easy, and they have to depend on the weather to make ends meet. If these can be sold, there will be another way out in the village in the future.

Jiang Xinyu said: "My shop has never sold pine nuts and hazelnuts. Before, they were all dried fruits from Xinjiang Province. The prices were not cheap, but they sold very quickly. Now that the market is open, things that do not require tickets will definitely be sold when they enter the market. Uncle Guo, although hazelnuts are wild products, they should be cultivated artificially."

Guo Yimin was thinking about this problem. The phone bill was too expensive and he couldn't waste any more time. He said, "Okay, I'll start collecting the goods for you when I get back today."

Jiang Xinyu added, "If we can cooperate well this year, I will come back to you next year."

In this era, it is difficult to purchase goods and transport goods, but selling goods is the easiest. As long as the goods are solved, making money will be a matter of time. She hopes that hazelnuts can be mass-produced.

What she is worried about now is that she will not be able to sell enough new products next year. Whether it’s dried fruits from Xinjiang Province or hazelnuts and pine nuts that I’m thinking of purchasing. Now I naturally want to buy as much as I can.

The current productivity is not as high as it will be in the future. When I go to Xinjiang Province this year, the combined inventory of vineyards and supply and marketing cooperatives is only two tons. Even if the output is higher this year, how much more goods can be distributed to them?

After hanging up the phone, Guo Yimin lit a cigarette and went to take the donkey cart with a thoughtful look on his face.

Wild hazelnut cultivation? I wonder if it can be done? You need to find an expert to ask.

The order of three thousand yuan was not a small amount, and it was about to snow again. Guo Yimin started holding a meeting when he returned to the village, collecting hazelnuts at 40.2 cents per catty and pine nuts at 54 cents per catty.

His profit margin is a penny per pound. Even if Jiang Xinyu knew it, she wouldn't say anything. After all, people have to pay hard work fees, otherwise, what's the point?

(End of this chapter)

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