good old days

Chapter 545 Zhou Qi’s courtyard

Ding Changhai has to share part of the three-ton goods until the new goods come out next year. It is impossible to hold on until that time next year.

On average, more than 100 kilograms of goods are shipped to the store a day, which is the amount of all dried fruits. Nearly three tons of goods are shipped in a month. The Chinese New Year will be coming in more than two months, and she has no doubts about the sales volume during the Chinese New Year. Will you go to the meeting or not?

Jiang Xinyu asked: "Besides your vineyard, are there any other production areas?"

Abdul: "I don't know about this, but I can help you find out."

He said this, but thought in his heart that he would not help.

Not only raisins, Jiang Xinyu also wants to order a batch of pistachios, dates and badam.

She knew the price, but she couldn't guarantee the quality of the goods shipped. There is no reason for people to do things for nothing, and they will not do their best if there is no benefit.

So she promised 20 yuan and asked Abudu to help order other goods. The money would be mailed to him along with the payment for the raisins and the shipping cost.

There was money to take, and it wasn't raisins, so Abdul readily agreed.

There is no rush to ship this batch of goods, as long as it can arrive before the year, she also has to contact Lao Liu, who came last time to pack the goods, for help.

When this batch of goods comes again, even if the courtyard can be put down, it will still be packed.

Jiang Xinyu remembered what Chen Yi said about the newly built market on Huilin Street. It had a warehouse and a facade. The facade room was not needed for the time being. The warehouse had to be rented specifically to store goods.

Her mother-in-law took care of the store and the children. With Chen Yi gone, she could only worry about other matters related to the store.

On weekends, she carried the gift boxes from her store and rode her bicycle to find Zhou Qi, preparing to find something for Zhou Qi to do. The profit she and Chen Yi gave Zhou Qi Yicheng was not in vain.

Unfortunately, Zhou Qi and Jiang Yuzhu were not at home. Zhou Qi's father said that they went to the courtyard house in Houhai to inspect the decoration.

Jiang Xinyu put the gift box on the table. Sun Zhaohui, who was opposite, asked, "What is this? Why haven't I seen this kind of box in the capital before?"

Jiang Xinyu opened the lid, revealing the platter-style interior. Each empty space contained a kind of dried fruit. Pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and pistachios were all fried. Candied dates and raisins could not be processed and were all original.

There are already ten kinds of dried fruits in the shop. Peanuts, melon seeds and walnuts are delivered door-to-door. This platter can only hold six kinds. The dried fruits weigh less than two kilograms, but the price is not cheap. A whole box costs six yuan. Thirty-seven boxes were sold in one day during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"These are all products from our shop. This box is custom-made. It will look festive and beautiful when placed on the table during the New Year and holidays. It can be used all the time and will not break. Uncle Zhou and Aunt Sun, please try it. In our shop The ancestors of the employed speculator said he supplied goods to the nobles of the Forbidden City."

Jin Fuhai's stir-fried seeds were stir-fried with various spices. Although Jiang Xinyu was not impressed after eating it, the taste was definitely not bad, and the more she chewed, the better it became.

Zhou Ping nodded after tasting it, "It's really good. The aftertaste of peanuts gets better and better the more you eat it."

Sun Zhaohui pinched the peanut and said, "I heard from Zhou Qi that the business in your shop is good? You and Chen Yi are busy studying on weekdays, and your mother-in-law is busy in the shop, right? She is quite capable."

Sun Zhaohui still looks down on self-employed people. If there is a job, who will be self-employed? But there is no need to show what I think in my heart.

She originally thought that Feng Man had been divorced, and maybe Chen Yima and Chen Jinhua would get back together, but no one thought that it had been almost a year since there was any news.

After sitting for another twenty minutes, Jiang Xinyu said goodbye and went out, riding her bicycle towards Houhai.

On the way, I saw a small advertisement on a sticker at the entrance of a middle school. It was an advertisement for recruiting students for a training class. Guo Hong said that Sun Jianwei was running a training class. She guessed that this advertisement might have been posted by him. He was quite good at finding the venue.

After riding for nearly two hours, she reached the Houhai area and touched the newly purchased courtyard house of Zhou Qi's family.

Grandma Zhou Qi and her mother Zhang Tongzhi were ready to leave, and happened to meet her face to face.

After saying hello, the two of them left in the car. Jiang Xinyu walked all the way to the courtyard looking for people, marveling in her heart that her family's two thousand yuan courtyard was not even a younger brother compared to this courtyard.

I just rode all the way here and took a look at the layout of this area. Zhou Qi's courtyard with two entrances is not large in area. There are bigger ones around, but the decoration here is really good. He only bought it a few months ago. , the inside is so flat, obviously it was well preserved before.

After entering the courtyard gate, there are two trees on the left and right sides. There are green lawns on both sides of the main road in the courtyard. There is a row of green bamboo planted under the porch. Even if winter is about to enter, the courtyard is still full of greenery. A quick look at it shows that it has white walls, blue bricks and black tiles. Although the appearance is not gorgeous, it is antique and has a very ancient charm.

It's not that she dislikes her small courtyard. Her small courtyard is really not comparable to the courtyard here. Before even entering the house, the layout of the courtyard alone compares to hers. When you have more savings on hand, you can reorganize the layout of your courtyard and house.

Money is such a good thing, and she also wants to live in a courtyard house full of ancient charm.

There were still masters working on the roof in the courtyard. Jiang Xinyu entered the room where the door was open and sounds could be heard.

Zhou Qi was talking to the master inside about the bathroom problem. He wanted to install a toilet in the room, a avant-garde flush toilet.

Jiang Xinyu walked in and startled Jiang Yuzhu, who had his back turned to her.

"Oh, you can't walk without making a sound?"

Jiang Xinyu was slightly embarrassed, "I walk normally, you can't hear me and you still blame me?"

Zhou Qi chatted with the master for a while and took Jiang Xinyu to visit every room.

After I bought it, I started looking for someone to decorate the house. It has been less than three months since the beginning. Even if the courtyard house is not large, the renovation and decoration inside and outside is not a small project.

Not all houses have been decorated, but the furnished houses have been furnished and are ready for living.

This study is called a study. It looks stable, neat and symmetrical. It is made of mahogany furniture. There is also an ancient painting from an unknown dynasty hanging on the wall. It is such a peaceful and far-reaching study.

Jiang Xinyu said sincerely: "You are so good at pretending, I want to live here and never leave."

She likes bright decoration styles, but this antique Chinese style is also quite attractive.

Zhou Qi took her to visit just to show off. After all, he had put a lot of effort into decorating the yard.

Jiang Yuzhu said: "A lot of money was spent, and all his grandma's savings were put into it."

For this small courtyard, all the money saved by Zhou Qi's parents was used to repair and renovate the inside and outside and buy furniture, and Zhou Qi's grandma also sponsored some.

Fortunately, they all have jobs, the level is not low, and the monthly salary is high, so it will not have any impact on their lives.

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