good old days

Chapter 555 New Year’s Day Party

Chapter 555 New Year’s Day Party

Jiang Yuzhu didn't expect that after saying goodbye to her mother-in-law, she could move out in advance and live alone with Zhou Qi.

The courtyard over there is so big, just the couple lives there, so it shouldn't be too comfortable.

She felt like she was a blessing in disguise.

Zhou Qi listened to her talk about the conflict with her mother and said, "You are right. From now on, if she says anything about you, just blame it on me. Listen to me and let her come to me."

Jiang Yuzhu hit him and said with a smile: "Your mother will definitely be unhappy if she hears it."

Zhou Qi said confidently: "I just married a daughter-in-law and forgot about my mother."

After coaxing my daughter-in-law, I spent a long time in front of my mother.

Zhang Tongzhi became furious when she saw him, "You have a good wife, but you don't even take me seriously."

Zhou Qi: "Mom, why are you angry with her? If you tell me something, she won't dare not listen to my words. I feel sorry for you when you are angry."

After coaxing his own mother to look less ugly, Zhou Qi finally retired and left.


Jiang Xinyu heard Jiang Yuzhu talk about her wonderful life in the past half month at the entrance of the Grand Theater, and at the same time got the news that she was pregnant.

A red banner celebrating New Year's Day was hung on the wall at the entrance of the Grand Theater. People were coming and going at the entrance. They were not dressed in fashionable clothes, but they were all decent.

Today she also put on her most decent winter red bread suit. The pants were made of good material and she wore small leather boots with raw edges that Chen Yi bought from the Shanghai market last year.

Looking at the attire of the people coming and going, except for the green uniforms of various degrees, compared with the rest of the people wearing casual clothes, she felt that the fashion on her body was enough.

Zhang Tongzhi and Zhou Ping approached after talking to acquaintances. After saying hello, Jiang Yuzhu followed them in.

Zhou Qi's mother's attitude towards her is the same as before, not at all what Jiang Yuzhu said, but who is not a decent person out there who relies on his status?

She never thought that senior female cadres like Zhang Tongzhi also suffer from "mother-in-law disease."

She calls it mother-in-law's disease. Zhou Qi's mother may not think so. She may think that she is just regulating the behavior of her daughter-in-law, not that the east wind between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law overwhelms the west wind.

Chen Youtang, who was dressed in military uniform, and his wife approached and took her in with them.

Chen Youtang is Chen Qihua's eldest son. He is currently a regiment commander in the military. His wife Xu Min works in the banking system. His father is Chen Jinhua's former colleague. According to our last Mid-Autumn Festival chat, the marriage between the two was still brokered by Chen Jinhua. Pulled bridge.

She doesn't know much about the Chen family, but from what is known, it can be seen that the Chen family has achieved class promotion with Chen Jinhua.

For such occasions, in previous years Chen Jinhua would select two outstanding nephews from the Chen family, plus Feng Man and Chen Jiajia.

As for this year, Chen Qihua's second son was transferred to work elsewhere. Chen Jinhua called Chen Youtang and allowed him to bring his wife to attend this year. As for Feng Man, the two have divorced and it is not appropriate to attend together again. As for Chen Jiajia, it is not appropriate to appear recently. .

There was no loud noise in the auditorium, but there were low voices of conversation, which came to the ears from all directions. The atmosphere was not as serious as expected, and the atmosphere of celebrating New Year's Day was quite strong.

After registration, the greeter took a few people to the place where they were seated, and then Chen Youtang took the two of them to greet people they knew.

Jiang Xinyu looked around silently. The interior of the auditorium was not small. It looked like it could accommodate thousands of people. Near the front of the stage, there were about a dozen tables fan-shaped around the stage. The tables were covered with red cloth and placed Plate of fruit and dried fruit, and Arctic soda with a straw.

Unexpectedly, this place has kept pace with the times, and the Arctic Ocean is on the table.

Grandma Zhou Qi's hair is meticulously combed, she wears a pair of glasses, and she is dressed smartly. She sits at the table and talks to people with a smile. Her temperament is even and stable, not inferior to the men around her at all.

On today's occasion, even Zhou Qi's father was sitting in the front row seat behind the table.

The people sitting in front are probably big guys.

Chen Youtang whispered to the two of them: "Don't be nervous, just come and watch the show today and get to know some people by the way."

The second uncle gave him the task of taking care of Jiang Xinyu, and Chen Youtang knew what he should do.

Those who can appear on this occasion today are all disciples with backgrounds, and the relationships among them can be connected into a network.

Jiang Xinyu understood his underlying meaning. Chen Jinhua just wanted her to see the world, get to know more people, and be utilitarian, so she might be able to use it one day in the future.

Interpersonal communication does not rely on a party to create a close connection, but being able to appear on this occasion proves in the eyes of some people that you are qualified to talk on an equal footing. To be honest, she has no particularly big ambitions. She doesn’t want to become a powerful person. She is not ambitious enough. She just wants to make more money while knowing the future and moving towards the future, so that she can ensure a prosperous life in the future and get a good job after graduation. As long as the unit develops steadily and steadily.

There are still more than 20 minutes before the show officially starts, and this period is the time for all the guests to "talk".

In this kind of situation, she thought that no one would dare to speak and act indiscriminately, but she didn't expect that there was a harsh voice from behind.

"Song Hualin, I heard that you are not your father's biological son. You are your stepfather's biological son."

The person who spoke had a playful tone, and there were others who were fanning the flames.

Jiang Xinyu turned around and saw a group of people crowded into the first two rows of seats. She couldn't see exactly who was crowding with whom. Anyway, Song Hualin's name was mentioned repeatedly.

"Don't get involved, turn your head away, and don't look at the excitement. Let's go to the front to talk to others."

Chen Youtang didn't want to cause any trouble.

They didn't look at the excitement, they just listened to it.

Song Hualin was crowded around, but at first he could keep his wits about him and endure it, but in the end he broke through and shook his fist at the person who deliberately provoked him.

Finally, someone came to clear up the chaos here. Jiang Xinyu saw Song Hualin leaving the auditorium with a bruised nose, swollen face, and a drooping head.

Before the party started, it was as if nothing had happened in the auditorium.

Song Minghan's grandfather, who was sitting at the table, looked a little unhappy.

I have done a lot of things in the past, but now I will be retaliated against.

Looking at Chen Jinhua, who was drinking tea from a teacup at the next table, his eyebrows darkened.

Chen Jinhua noticed his gaze, but his expression did not change.

He wanted to see if his daughter would think Song Minghan was a good choice when something happened to the Song family.

The program of the party was rich and colorful. She sang a famous song that made her whole body tremble. Her singing voice was loud and deep, her breath was long and steady, and she had an inspiring sense of power.

There were many programs that young people didn't like to watch. Jiang Xinyu sat there with nothing to do and listened with gusto. She didn't even notice that some people were sneaking around until Yang Guangrong sat down next door.

Yang Guangrong sat down for a long time. Seeing that the person next to her didn't respond at all, he nudged her with his elbow.

Jiang Xinyu glanced at him with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Does it look good? Is it interesting?" Yang Guangrong asked, leaning on the seat and crossing his arms.

Jiang Xinyu was confused, "The drama is not derived from Western drama. Don't you admire Western culture very much? Don't you think it's good to watch?"

These words were somewhat sarcastic. After all, Jiang Xinyu knew a little bit about this person's character. There were not many things that he liked in this land.

After saying something casually, she turned back and continued watching. Not to mention, today's "Order in Danger" was quite good.

Yang Guangrong felt depressed for a while.

His father got today's invitation as a foreign businessman, and he felt unhappy since he entered the auditorium.

In the past, he was the only one who looked down on others, but today, here, he was ignored by many people, intentionally or unintentionally.

Only today did he realize that in this land, a wealthy family like theirs was nothing. In this auditorium, he was the person at the bottom in their eyes.

Finally I saw an acquaintance, but they didn't like to talk to him.

Yang Guangrong felt that his self-esteem was deeply hurt by this auditorium.


His family is obviously so rich?

(End of this chapter)

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