good old days

Chapter 557 is here

Wang Sumei is usually a smart person, but in an emergency involving her grandson, she can only be led by the robber.

Five thousand yuan was given to him, and the robber took out a small flashlight and took a look at it. They were large sheets of unity, all in denominations of ten yuan. After counting, they were indeed five hundred.

He was stunned and really felt that the dried fruit shop was making too much money. Five thousand yuan can be taken out as soon as it is said to be available, and I still feel a little regretful that I didn't order more.

"Go northwest along this road for five or six miles. There is a collapsed house at the end of the field. It used to be a ruined temple. Go there and find someone."

After receiving the accurate information, Wang Sumei turned around and ran away without saying a word. The robber calmly took the money and disappeared into the night.

In this cold weather, no matter how thickly wrapped the child is, the child cannot stay out in the cold for too long. What should I do if I get sick if I stay cold for a long time? What if this person lied to her? What should I do if my children are not there when I arrive?

The cold wind was blowing, and Wang Sumei's feet felt windy. If she tripped, she quickly got up and ran.

Here, the jeep entered the alley, and its headlights illuminated the situation in the alley. Seeing that Song Yahui, who was injured just yesterday, was not lying down in the house, but pacing back and forth at the door, he frowned and got out of the car.

"Sister Xinyu, you are finally back. Just now, my aunt said that Jiang Yan was taken away by a robber, and she took the money to redeem him. I don't know what to do. It's all my fault. If I come back with my aunt today, , the child must not be taken away easily..."

Jiang Xinyu thought she was hallucinating, "What?"

The child was snatched away by a robber? Did your mother-in-law take the money to redeem it?

Her legs are a little weak.

Chen Jinhua, who was in the car, got out of the car with a face darker than the bottom of a pot, "Which direction were you going? How many robbers were there? When did this happen? Did Wang Sumei go alone?"

A series of questions confused Song Yahui, "I don't know how many robbers there are, but I went alone and in that direction."

Chen Jinhua said to the guard: "Go to the police quickly and tell the police to be quiet."

There is too much noise. What should the gangster do if he hears the dog jumping over the wall and hurting the child?

Jiang Xinyu held onto the car with weak legs, took a breath and ran in the direction Song Yahui pointed.

When she was pregnant, she did not want this child. After the birth, her mother-in-law took care of her, but the child was the flesh that fell from her body. She was in so much pain that she had to fight to give birth to him. It would be strange not to feel distressed and worried.

To be honest, the child's position in her heart is higher than that of Chen Yi.

The cold wind filled my chest, and cold snowflakes fell on my face. The sky was blurry and dark, and the cold air was pressing. It seemed that there was going to be a snowfall at night.

Looking around blankly, there was no sign of her mother-in-law on the way back to Xinnanyuan from the bus station.

Asking for money should not harm the child.

People from the area police station arrived very quickly, and finally got into Chen Jinhua's special car.

Chang Zhou was the captain, and he cheered up when he saw Chen Jinhua among the people who reported the crime.

The police asked questions, but Song Yahui could not give much information.

Jiang Xinyu's brain was also spinning when she was anxious, "Song Yahui had an accident yesterday, and my mother-in-law was robbed today. It's not such a coincidence."

I'm afraid she has been watching her mother-in-law and Song Yahui for a long time, and even figured out the wiring.

Chang Zhou said: "I will take my people to look for it centering here. If there is any news, I will have people come back immediately."

"Don't worry. The robbers are here for money. There should be no problem with the children's safety."

Chang Zhou glanced at Chen Jinhua several times. Chen Jinhua seemed to have forgotten that he used to be a child who grew up in the compound. He wondered if he could remind him.

The police were out looking for someone, but Jiang Xinyu couldn't stay in the yard, so she chose the road to the west and followed the police there.

Chen Jinhua said to Song Yahui, "Stand guard here." Song Yahui had limited legs and feet, so he could only act in a hurry.

Jiang Xinyu shouted as she walked, hoping that her mother-in-law would respond when she heard her voice.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, the road became more and more eccentric, and the faint sound of a child crying could be heard.

Jiang Xinyu was naturally familiar with the cry of her child, and said in surprise: "It sounds like my child's cry."

Chang Zhou and others were also shocked, "In front, there is a ruined temple over there. Someone died in it during the winter."

He knew about the ruined temple over there because he came here to check it out two years ago, so he remembered it quite clearly.

It was not easy for Wang Sumei to reach this side of the ruined temple. She had never been here before. It was dark and cold and she couldn't find anyone who could guide her. There was a ditch under her feet and she couldn't see clearly. If she accidentally fell, she would be injured. It's mud.

She shouted the name "Yan Yan", and when she heard her grandson's cry nearby, she locked her position.

After she finally coaxed the child, she heard her daughter-in-law's voice again after walking less than half a mile, and she responded naturally immediately.

Jiang Xinyu ran forward, grabbed the child and held her tightly.

The child was crying loudly, and her eyes turned red uncontrollably.

The search for the child caused quite a commotion and alerted many neighbors in Xinnan Yard. Many neighbors came out with flashlights to help search for the child.

Jiang Xinyu carried the child back and thanked everyone in the circle.

When Chen Jinhua saw that the child was safe and sound, his heart dropped.

After entering the house, he became angry at Wang Sumei: "You came back after dark with the child in your arms? The child was snatched away. The message you left is unclear. If the child cannot be found, you will also disappear. We will go up Where can I find someone?"

In the past, Chen Jinhua would not have dared to be so angry with Wang Sumei. He had no right to be angry in front of her.

But in today's matter, if one goes wrong, both children and adults may get into trouble. He really couldn't help it, and he couldn't care about anything else.

Wang Sumei couldn't hold her head up after being spoken to, and she couldn't say a word.

She knew she was in the wrong, and she was more scared than anyone else before.

Jiang Xinyu had no time to pay attention to the quarrel in the main room at this time. She carried the child back to the house and explored the child's forehead. It was a little cold, but her body and hands were warm. Thinking that there should be no fever, she poured hot water from the tea bottle. I made a cup of milk and waited for it to cool before feeding.

When the child saw that she was about to go out, he opened his mouth and howled, looking like "I have been greatly wronged today."

Before Jiang Xinyu picked up the child, Chen Jinhua came in, picked up the child and patted it gently, with a distressed look on his face...

Wang Sumei did not dare to speak out after being reprimanded. Seeing Jiang Xinyu come out, she lowered her head and said, "Xinyu, the robber asked me to redeem him with five thousand yuan. After he gave me five thousand yuan, he told me that Yan Yan was being raped." Throw it somewhere."

Wang Sumei looked like a child who had done something wrong at this time. She was still covered in mud. She didn't look too pitiful.

The grandson was found, but the family lost 5,000 yuan.

It's not fifty yuan, it's five hundred yuan, it's five thousand yuan. You can buy two yards like hers.

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