good old days

Chapter 569 Success

Chapter 569 Success

"You guys wait, I'll go home and get the money."

The woman ran away in a hurry, and when she came back, she was accompanied by four more female comrades. Several people looked excited when they saw the fabrics on the stall.

Factory workers these days are definitely people with purchasing power. They have to be frugal on weekdays. In the supply and marketing cooperative, you need tickets for everything, and there is no place to buy anything you want.

The Chinese New Year is only a few months away, and who doesn’t want to wear new clothes for the Chinese New Year?

Good materials like Chun Liang are hard to come by.

Business is even hotter than Jiang Xinyu and Chen Zhengyu expected.

Within five minutes, the stall was packed with people. People behind the stall didn't even know what was being sold, but they wanted to squeeze in and join in the fun.

"If you've finished shopping, hurry up and leave. Don't worry if you need it later. We've got it all." Chen Zhengyu couldn't help but smile from ear to ear when he saw this grand occasion.

Whichever suit you like, you can pick it up and pay 15 yuan directly. What's more, you can buy four suits and pay 60 yuan directly.

The business was so good that Jiang Xinyu only collected money and gave changes. She was so busy in the winter that she was sweating. In less than an hour, Datong Unite conservatively estimated that she had collected more than a hundred tickets.

More than half an hour later, the car horn blared, and Jiang Xinyu didn't hold back. She asked Qiao Jianfeng to pack the package, collect all the money and go to the truck.

"Hey, don't leave, we still need to buy some."

Jiang Xinyu and the others got into the car, and behind the car were people who were eager to buy goods.

In the car at the front, Xie Xin wiped his sweat after getting on the car, "Master, no one is coming, why did you call us away?"

It's so crazy, those people are so crazy, it's like fifteen dollars is worthless, his heart is still pounding now.

Master Jin said: "It's not a good thing to sell in one place for too long. Go to another place. One hundred and twenty pieces of cloth. Xingcheng ate them casually, and it wasn't enough to sell. Safety comes first, and you can't be greedy when it comes to risks. ."

In the carriage, Jiang Xinyu was organizing the gathering.

Chen Zhengyu and Qiao Jianfeng handed over the money they had received before they could give it to her.

When she finished counting, she smiled.

Two thousand two hundred and fifty yuan were sold in one and a half hours.

Chen Zhengyu grinned so excitedly that he could reach his ears.

"When this batch is sold out, we will buy another batch."

Jiang Xinyu glanced at him and said, "We'll wait until the rest are sold out."

Star City is the provincial capital city with a population of one million, and 960 pieces of two-meter cloth are simply not enough for food. At one o'clock at noon on the third day, the goods were all processed without any risk.

Every penny of the 14,400 yuan was in Jiang Xinyu's bag.

With so much money, Jiang Xinyu couldn't guarantee whether Master Jin and Xie Xin would be tempted.

She seemed to think that Qiao Jianfeng was a pretty good person. He always had an expression on his face when he was selling things and collecting money. He seemed to have the courage to not give in to money.

"Sister Xinyu, this trip went so well, shall we do it again?" Chen Zhengyu was not satisfied with this trip at all, and opened the door of her room before leaving.

Jiang Xinyu waved her hand, "I will settle your money first. The profit of 2,666 yuan of 2,000 yuan is yours."

Chen Zhengyu insisted: "Just give me one thousand and three cents, and I don't want any more."

One thousand and three dollars was already a huge sum of money, and even though he had no capital, he felt sorry for Jiang Xinyu when he got this one thousand and three dollars.

Jiang Xinyu felt that if he hadn't found this business, she wouldn't be able to earn a penny, so she insisted on giving him as much as she should.

She insisted, and so did Chen Zhengyu. "I want one thousand and three. If you give me more, I will remit it to you."

What could Jiang Xinyu do? She could only agree.

She went to Qiao Jianfeng with another two hundred yuan.

Qiao Jianfeng didn't answer the question for the first time, but asked: "Is this trip over?"

Jiang Xinyu said: "If the return to Yangcheng goes well, I want to make another trip. I will have to trouble you on the way back. If Master Jin and Xie Xin have other ideas, we are still in danger."

Qiao Jianfeng nodded and took out fifty yuan from his pocket, "This is my own capital. Next time I make it, I will buy two hundred and fifty yuan."

It's really good to be nice to everyone. If we have money, we can all make it together. Jiang Xinyu has no problem at all. She felt more at ease with Qiao Jianfeng like this. If he didn't have any intentions on his face, she would still have to guard against him doing anything wrong.

Of the four gay men, she trusted Chen Zhengyu the most, but the two of them were really small. She, who had no fighting ability and still had so much money, was the most dangerous.

When getting on the bus, Jiang Xinyu said to Master Jin: "You and Comrade Xie take turns driving. Comrade Xie is definitely not as comfortable sitting in the driver's seat as sleeping in the back. Otherwise, let Qiao Jianfeng switch with him."

Xie Xin didn't realize what she meant for a moment, "I can make do in the front, I don't have to go to the back."

She is such a beautiful lesbian, and if she lets him sleep in the same compartment as her, if anything happens while sleeping, she will feel uncomfortable all over.

But Master Jin could tell what she was thinking at a glance. He nodded, "Okay. When someone changes to drive, my father and I will still have to take the lead."

In this way, the five of them set out on the road.

In the car, Jiang Xinyu was turned into a half-dead fish again. Qiao Jianfeng's physical condition was terrible. As soon as the car stopped, he became alert.

Until returning to Yangcheng.

After getting off the car at the street corner, Jiang Xinyu paid Master Jin four hundred yuan.

Master Jin glanced at Xie Xin, who was in a hurry to go to the toilet to find a place. After counting the money, he asked: "Do you want to buy more goods? I will make another trip in three days to get a bigger car, and I will also buy a batch of goods." , just like this time, I will keep watch in the car while you sell."

He calculated that Jiang Xinyu made a lot of money on this trip, and he heard from his apprentice that the cost of one meter of cloth was three and a half yuan, and the selling price was two meters and fifteen yuan. The profit from this trip was several thousand, who could not be excited? ?

Look, look, money is really a good thing, and no one wants to let it go when they can make money.

"How much goods do you want to buy? I'm going to talk to the boss. This time we cooperate. I still won't pay for the gas, and I won't pay you any dividends. How much you earn is yours, okay?"

Master Jin had no objection, "Okay, give me the address. I'll go home and see how much money I can get, and I'll send the money to you tomorrow to save you any delay. Don't tell my apprentice about this. The goods are all in my apprentice's house." It belongs to you, and I will give him a share when the goods are processed."

Jiang Xinyu kept an eye out and told the name of the guest house she saw on the roadside while taking the bus.

Selling things for money makes my blood boil, and riding in a bumpy car makes me feel sore all over.

I went back to the guest house, took a hot bath, and had no choice but to put on my old clothes again.

It has been more than a week, and Wang Sumei has not received a letter from Jiang Xinyu, and she is very worried.

Jiang Xinyu went to the post office and called the school communication room, and asked the operator on the other end to send a message to Guo Hong in dormitory 107, asking her to go to her house at 3:30 in the evening and tell her mother-in-law that everything was going well here. , I can go home in less than ten days.

When Guo Hong left, Wang Sumei and Song Yahui arrived home.

It’s almost Chinese New Year, and every street shop is overcrowded.

In the past, the shop usually sold two to three hundred yuan a day, but these days it sold seven to eight hundred yuan. Wang Sumei was so busy that she didn't even have time to drink water.

The business was so good that she couldn't even drink water. Chen Jinhua came yesterday and offered to take the child for a few days to take care of her. She thought about it and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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