good old days

Chapter 576 Selling like crazy

Chen Jinhua originally had a lot to say about Jiang Xinyu, but after a few words, he realized that he couldn't speak harshly to Jiang Xinyu.

Wang Sumei and he are not the same family now. Chen Yi didn't even call him dad. Jiang Xinyu is his daughter-in-law, but he seems to have an unfair reputation.

It was inappropriate to say something serious, and it made him feel uncomfortable not to say anything.

Jiang Xinyu knew that she was being reckless, that is, she could only stand here properly if nothing happened. He also had good intentions. She was about to say something to ease the atmosphere when she heard him say:

"I hear you talking like you have a cold. I will continue to carry the child today to avoid being infected by you. The child has a weak immune system. You, the mother, should be careful."

Jiang Xinyu: "..."

What he said made sense, but she couldn't refute it, and then she sneezed several times in dissatisfaction.

Not only did she have to watch Chen Jinhua take the child away, but she also had to carry the gifts she brought from Yangcheng to him.

She thought that Jiang Yan would cry as he watched being separated from his biological mother. Who would have thought that he would just point at "Beibei" eagerly, and when Chen Jinhua took Beibei away, he would lie back on Chen Jinhua's shoulder contentedly.

She was dumbfounded as she watched the heartless child get into the car. When the window was raised, Chen Jinhua's brows and eyes were filled with pride.

Chen Jinhua was really proud. He felt that his grandson was not a clingy grandson. When he saw his biological mother today, he didn't cry or fuss when he took her away, which proved that his grandson was still very close to him.

Jiang Xinyu has become autistic. She hasn't seen her for twenty days, and her children have stopped kissing her. She just pouted and cried a few times, which turned out to be her limit.

When I was getting ready to go out with my things, the postman came to deliver the letter.

It was Editor Zhao from the Shanghai Publishing House, urging her to start drawing the second volume. He said that the first volume sold well, and the first batch of 10,000 copies was almost sold out. More printings would be added after the year, and the royalties would be paid after the year. Mail it to her.

The 10% royalty for ten thousand copies is 2,800 yuan. After the publisher pays the tax, she can receive at least one set that is more than her yard.

The local honey she brought back from Yangcheng was bought on the street. There were two large cans in total, which she had to round up, and she gave an amount of one canned fruit to Teacher Yu.

"Has your mother sent you a letter recently?" Yu Xiling sat around the stove eating food brought back from the school cafeteria.

Jiang Xinyu was surprised and didn't know why he asked this. She nodded and said, "It's almost the Chinese New Year. She sent a lot of things and letters."

She put the dried fish and shrimps and the honey on the windowsill, and then saw a bottle of red ketchup. To confirm, she picked it up and smelled it. It was indeed ketchup.

"Teacher, where did you buy the persimmon jam?"

Yu Xiling put down his chopsticks and said, "This is from Zhou Shunyi. He said in the letter that it was made by your mother."

Jiang Xinyu: "?"

Who is Zhou Shunyi? Does she know him?

It has something to do with her mother. Could it be that she is her mother's partner?

Seeing her confused face, Yu Xiling reminded: "Don't remember? You used to live in a shed with me. He wore glasses and was about the same height as you. Now he is working at the University of Technology in your city. He is very elegant."

Following his reminder, Jiang Xinyu slowly remembered that there was such a person in her memory. Although the face was not very clear, she at least matched it. She seemed to have given him wild vegetables when she was in the village.

After hearing what Teacher Yu said and looking at the ketchup, she unconsciously thought: What is the connection between Zhou Shunyi and her mother?

Find a partner if you want to, and she won't object.

She asked with a smile: "Teacher, you are alone every day, and you have never thought about finding a like-minded wife?"

Yu Xiling snorted, "When we were young, couples were as soft as cotton. Half-way couples were as hard as iron. First-time couples touched each other's toes, and half-way couples took care of themselves. At my age, I can do it alone. If I find someone who will drag her down, it will be me or her. Just drag me down, save yourself the trouble." Don't bother with your feelings, his old bones can't stand it anymore.

If he wants to live with a partner, he doesn't feel that his life is poor by himself. There is no need for one person to become two people. No, if he finds a wife, instead of one person becoming two people, there are also the other half's children and grandchildren. Thinking about it gives him a headache.

The two talked again, and Yu Xiling took out a box of chocolates from the drawer and handed it to her, "It's a gift from an old friend. It's something you brought back from abroad. You can take it back and eat it."


It seems that the money spent during the New Year is not money. The plastic factory has sent a thousand gift boxes, and the shop hastily packed them all waiting to be sold.

Jin Fuhai and his wife were so busy that they called their own father to take care of them.

The mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and the store clerk spent a lot of time just weighing and boxing.

When it opened, there were only seven days left before the Chinese New Year, and the market was still crowded. As soon as the shop door opened, it was packed with people, and the business was quite booming.

In a metropolitan city with a population of one million, there is not enough free goods to sell at the end of the year.

The gift boxes were stacked and placed on the table next to the door, and there was a queue in front of the table.

Those who wanted to weigh bulk goods went to the store to buy them, and the two waves were sold separately, and the shop made a huge profit.

"Can you replace the pine nuts with candied dates? My grandson loves to eat your candied dates." After opening the gift box, an aunt was dissatisfied when she saw that only one grid contained candied dates.

Jiang Xinyu: "That's not possible. The gift boxes in our store can only hold six kinds of products. There are no duplicates. If the candied dates are still in stock, I can exchange them for you. Now except for these boxes, there is really no extra candied date. ”

She completely agrees with Song Yahui's idea. Anyway, these goods will not last until May this year. It is better to sell them during the Chinese New Year. How much can be sold, and when the goods are sold out, the store will be closed and rested until this year's new goods come out. Reopen the door. By selling them in gift boxes, they can get the maximum profit from their goods, excluding costs.

Based on last year's experience, we will definitely have to collect goods in large quantities this fall. Anyway, the warehouse is big enough and we have enough money on hand.

When everyone in the queue heard that the goods were out of stock, everyone became nervous. When they were waiting in line, they picked up gift boxes one by one, two by three, and so on.

From opening the door to closing the door, all 320 gift boxes were cleared away.

The same is true in the store. A lot of various goods have been sold out, and some goods are simply gone.

Jiang Xinyu was sitting there counting money and doing accounts, while the civet cat was sitting on the table, squatting and looking at her.

Wang Sumei lifted the blanket and said: "I still thought I could sell it for fifteen, but I think the store will be empty before fifteen."

The recent sales made her feel trance-like. The people in the capital were so rich, and now all the money had gone into her family's pockets. Listening to the sound of her daughter-in-law counting money, she became a little intoxicated.

The inside and outside of the store were tidied up, Jin Fuhai and his wife rode their bicycles home, and Qiao Jianfeng "escorted" the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to the bank to deposit money.

I saved more than 3,500 yuan today.

At today's rate, it is really possible to short sell the goods years ago.

Before the Spring Festival of 1980, every household was preparing New Year's goods, and Jiang Xinyu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were selling like crazy.

Jiang Yuzhu's stomach was slightly bulging. When she and Zhou Qi went to the market, they saw a queue blocking the road. The couple were stunned.

Zhou Qi smiled: "I think our dividends should be quite large."

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