good old days

Chapter 584: I can’t stop feeling sore

Old Man Jiang cried and howled because he was really sad, not because he was throwing a tantrum on purpose.

The eldest brother died, the third child was killed, and the second child's family was useless. The daughters of Lao Jiang's family and Chen Xiuyun's family were all promising, and even Chen Xiuyun went to live in the city.

Even if there is only a cramped dormitory in the Tongzi Building, it is a hundred times better than the dirt yard in the village. After all, not everyone can live in the city.

Chen Xiuyun and her daughters are both promising. If Chen Xiuyun remarries, what will happen to his and Lao Jiang's family in terms of future benefits?

"I originally planned to buy you wine and cigarettes every month. Dad is crying so hard that he can't breathe and makes all the neighbors see my joke. I won't give you anything in the future. Anyway, you used to I have a lot of opinions.”

It's not that the old woman is dead, the third child's family has stopped dancing, or the old man has stopped acting like a monster, that's why she disowns him.

After Chen Xiuyun finished speaking, Old Man Jiang's crying gradually weakened, but did not completely disappear.

After Chen Xiuyun calmed down, she continued her efforts, and said with a face: "I have neither sorry for Jianmin, nor do I owe you anything to the Jiang family. If you are crying here during the Chinese New Year, you are treating me as an enemy. We are all enemies. From now on, you will Don’t come into this house.”

After dealing with Old Man Jiang for so many years, she had already figured out what kind of virtue he had.

As soon as he finished speaking, Old Man Jiang's crying stopped completely.

While he was wiping tears quietly, he found Song Yahui who was in the dormitory of the city school and asked all the way to find Chen Xiuyun's dormitory.

Someone shouted outside the door: "Teacher Chen, someone is looking for you."

Song Yahui thanked the person who led the way, passed through the corridor, which was not spacious and was blocked by a bunch of people, and then entered the open door of the dormitory.

"Why are you here?"

Song Yahui put down the bag he was carrying, "I've been back for a few days, and now I have time to give you something. Sister Xinyu and Aunt Wang asked me to bring it back to you."

Although she still had money to bring back cloth and other New Year's goods before, when Song Yahui wanted to come back, Jiang Xinyu asked him to bring some things back.

In addition to daily necessities and food, the most important thing is the purchase of a TV set.

The ticket Chen Jinhua gave her included two TV tickets. Both his home and Jiang Xinyu's home had TVs, so Jiang Xinyu asked Song Yahui to bring one back to his mother.

Ma Meili, who was standing by, asked with a sour heart: "What did Xinyu send back?"

Song Yahui glanced at her, thinking that she should be a relative of Jiang Xinyu's family.

He took out everything in his backpack and said casually: "Sister Xinyu not only brought things for Teacher Chen, but also for other people. She gave her grandfather a bottle of wine and a hat, and a scarf from her second aunt. , a pair of shoes from her second uncle, a set of colored pens from her nephew, and the rest are from Teacher Chen’s family.”

Jiang Xinyu explained everything clearly when she asked him to bring gifts, and Song Yahui also remembered it clearly.

Ma Meili excitedly wanted to get the things given to her, but Chen Xiuyun stretched out her hand to block her.

"I have to take a good look at the things my daughter sent back."

Ma Meili knew that bringing Old Man Jiang here today had offended Chen Xiuyun, but she didn't regret it at all. The daughters of Chen Xiuyun's family are all promising, and even Chen Xiuyun himself has gone to work in the city.

They used to be sisters-in-law of the Jiang family, and their lives were not much different. After Chen Xiuyun's family became successful, she could also help her family. But the last time she came here, she saw Chen Xiuyun walking with the man just now, talking and laughing, and looking at the surrounding people. Neighbors asked around and found out that Chen Xiuyun might remarry the university teacher named Zhou.

As a daughter-in-law of the Jiang family, she could watch the daughter of Chen Xiuyun's family prosper, or she could watch her go to the city and become a city dweller. However, if she remarried and married a university teacher, she would be so jealous that she would burst into tears.

If Chen Xiuyun remarries, the connection with the Jiang family will only become weaker and weaker. How can they still benefit from it?

Girls are originally outgoing, but her daughters are all getting married. When their mothers are married, who will the Jiang family be?

"Sister-in-law, dad just wanted to come over today to see how you are doing during the Chinese New Year and see how you are living, but he doesn't want to make things difficult for you."

Chen Xiuyun ignored her. She remembered telling Ma Meili not to recruit Old Man Jiang.

She could bring something to Old Man Jiang to show her respect when she returned to the village, but she didn't want him to find out the place and end up with it.

Old Man Jiang has disappeared in the past two years, but she clearly remembers his previous virtues. If her daughters hadn't both been promising, she dared to say that they were the most disliked people in his heart.

He was still wiping his tears just now. When he heard that Jiang Xinyu had brought something back to him, old man Jiang's face turned into a chrysanthemum smile. He wiped away the tears that had not dried and said with a smile: "Xinyu is my most filial granddaughter. I still remember the old man from afar."

Jiang Xinyu was not thinking about her, but she had money on hand, so it was just a way of bringing him something worthless. The three sisters are far away from Chen Xiuyun. The eldest sister Jiang Zhenzhen cannot go back often when she is in school in the province. She is given to her second uncle and second aunt's house so that they can take care of things in the village. Her mother has gone to the city and has a house on private land in the village. Everything needs help from others.

It didn't cost much to her, and giving her something was just to buy herself peace of mind.

If she had known that Ma Meili and Old Man Jiang were like this today, she wouldn't have sent a hair back.

Chen Xiuyun still had to deal with Old Man Jiang's affairs, so he grabbed a handful of delicious food for Song Yahui, "It's not easy for you to come here. Come back when you are leaving, and I will prepare delicious food for you."

Song Yahui still had some things in his pocket. He glanced at Old Man Jiang and Ma Meili and stopped procrastinating. "There is also a ticket for a TV. Sister Xinyu wants you to install a TV at home."

Jiang Xinyu sent back 500 yuan a year ago, which was enough for Chen Xiuyun to buy a TV.

Ma Meili and Old Man Jiang were stunned when they heard about the TV tickets. The neighbors who heard the excitement outside were all wide-eyed.

The Tongzi Tower is not soundproof to begin with. Even if the door is closed, you can clearly hear people talking inside when you pass by the door. Unless you whisper it in your ear, there really is no secret.

Today Zhou Shunyi came to the door with a gift. When the three of them were eating, the door was opened just a crack, enough for people passing by to see clearly that serious people were talking and eating inside.

Ma Meili was almost sore. Only the former captain's family in their village had a TV, and they just bought it this fall.

As soon as evening arrived, the courtyard of the former captain's house was filled with people, and even the entrance to the courtyard was blocked with water.

I heard from the captain’s wife that a TV cost more than 400 yuan.

God! Four hundred dollars! Her family still doesn’t have a hundred yuan!

Jiang Xinyu asked her mother to buy a TV and directly gave her a ticket. Does this prove that Chen Xiuyun has so much money?

Why? While other people's lives are getting better and better, her family is still the same after all these years!

Old Man Jiang on the side kept talking, not knowing what he was thinking.

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