good old days

Chapter 589 Transforming the Yard

Chen Jinhua gained a lot today, including a refrigerator, a washing machine, and an electric shaver.

The refrigerator and washing machine combined are not as happy as receiving a small electric shaver.

"You've bought everything, so I'll take it back."

Wang Sumei didn't like hearing his reluctant tone, "What, you still don't want it?"

The two items add up to one thousand. If you can buy half of her yard and exchange it for pigs, how many pigs will you get?

She didn't feel bad at all. When Chen Yi went abroad, he gave him five hundred US dollars. Her daughter-in-law said that if she didn't exchange it through the official exchange rate, the five hundred US dollars would be worth much more than a thousand RMB, and it might take several times.

The country is short of foreign exchange, and individuals cannot exchange for U.S. dollars. Jiang Xinyu estimates that the five hundred U.S. dollars may be worth five or six times the value of RMB.

Chen Jinhua touched his nose and said, "Xiao Jiang respects me, I must."

The filial piety of his daughter-in-law is just a little bit different from the filial piety of his son, but he still feels very beautiful in his heart.

It has to be said that Wang Sumei and Xiao Jiang are not stingy people, and they handle things very openly. Although they don't want them to spend money, they have already spent money, and they feel happy when they accept it.

Comrade Xiao Jiang is timid when it comes to making money, and he is quite reckless, but he is polite and generous when going out and speaks very measuredly. Comrades who have met her in the camp all say that he is a good daughter-in-law. Chen Jinhua can only say that he is an excellent person. They were attracted to each other, otherwise why would Chen Yi marry her in the countryside?

Although he didn't get a job and didn't see the contents of Chen Yi's letter, Chen Jinhua felt so beautiful when he left.

Chen Yi's letter naturally reported good news but not bad news, and everything went well in life and study.

There was nothing special about it, so Jiang Xinyu let her mother-in-law take the letter away and put it away, but she put the photo in the album.

Before school started, Chen Jinhua sent ivy and rose seeds.

The bricks bought from the brick factory were looser than before, but transporting them back and forth was still a laborious task. Chen Jinhua did this for them directly, and sent two people to lay the floor bricks and repair the yard.

In just two days, except for the trees and the land reserved for planting, the entire yard was filled with green bricks. The foundation was built very flat and the bricks were paved very well. Standing at the entrance of the yard and looking in, it looked absolutely the same as before. There are two feelings. After riding for a while, it should not seem so abrupt.

The two thousand bricks were not used up, and there were still about a hundred bricks piled in the corner. The labor and brick money totaled one hundred and seventy-five.

Ivy seeds have been sown outside the wall in the study. When the time comes, a few sticks will be placed between the wall and the roof. In summer, the ivy will automatically climb to the roof, and a space will be formed underneath.

The pomegranate tree has a small circular garden space, and rose seeds are scattered underneath.

Seeds were sprinkled in specific areas outside and inside the yard, and when it grew, several wooden stakes were driven into the yard.

If the roses are alive, they will definitely bloom this year. As for the ivy, they may not be able to climb the courtyard wall this year, so they probably have to wait until next year.

Jiang Xinyu has started school, and Wang Sumei does not only take care of the yard but also takes care of the children, so her life is not too comfortable.

Song Yahui came back from his hometown in early March. Don't be too surprised when he saw the greatly changed yard. When he saw the refrigerator in the main room and the washing machine under the shed, he almost drooled with envy.

Jiang Xinyu didn't have time to ask him what his hometown was like because her "students" came to make up lessons today.

Four sophomore science students, three girls and one boy, came together in one car.

There was no stove in the new study, and it was too cold to sit in it. Jiang Xinyu simply moved a square table next to the dining table, spread the tablecloth, and tutored the four of them in the main room.

She still had her old notes, and borrowed Guo Hong's notes and high school textbooks. She tried her best to get the college entrance examination papers from the capital in recent years, and made a tutoring plan.

Fortunately, Chen Jinhua didn't send her students who didn't care about the college entrance examination, otherwise she would still have a headache. The only boy has pimples on his face and wears glasses. He looks relatively shy. He is the nephew of Xie Lao's daughter-in-law, his surname is Su Lai, and his name is Su Zhangrong.

As for the three girls, Huang Yingying and Yu Qing are cousins, and they look nothing alike. The other girl, Liu Wanjun, is very bookish and smart, and can draw inferences about other cases and ask quality questions.

Jiang Xinyu would not joke about other people's futures. She even took tutoring for Sun Jianwei and Sun Yaodong seriously.

After three hours, she asked the four of them about their final grades from last semester, and made a record of each person's weaknesses. After understanding clearly, she assigned less heavy learning tasks.

Compared with Chen Yi, she is not the type of person with extraordinary talents, but she is definitely not a fool. She knows best how to tutor such people.

After the tutoring session was over, she gave each of the four a chocolate. "My husband sent this back from abroad. If you work hard, you will definitely be able to study abroad one day."

Conversation can best reflect a person's upbringing. These four people are undoubtedly well-educated people. She doesn't know what they are like in private. Currently, they are all good boys in front of her.

Huang Yingying pointed to the quicksand music ornament placed next to the TV cabinet, "That one is very beautiful. Is it sent back from abroad?"

Jiang Xinyu twisted the little figure wearing a white princess dress on the ornament. The little figure clicked and turned, and the sound of pure music wishing you a happy birthday sounded smoothly in the room.

No girl can refuse this, even the boy Su Zhangrong’s eyes lit up when he stared at it.

Jiang Xinyu felt that this ornament was very well made. There was a small boat on the flowing blue liquid that would never capsize, and the little figure in the princess dress on it was spinning in circles to the music.

She liked it very much, but Jiang Yan only stared at it for a minute and then lost interest.

"Sister Xinyu, do you want to sell this?"

There are people in Liu Wanjun's family who can go abroad, but unfortunately no one can bring this back to her.

Jiang Xinyu refused: "This is a gift from my husband to my children, so I won't sell it. But whoever scores the highest in the college entrance examination this year, I can ask my husband to send one back to you from abroad."

Think of the gift as a bonus to encourage them.

Jiang Xinyu sent the people to the bus stop and watched them get on the bus before going back.

The four people on the bus were also discussing her.

They naturally asked about Jiang Xinyu before coming to tutor, and they all knew that Uncle Chen's son was found only the year before last, and that his son and daughter-in-law were both from the countryside.

Without Chen Jinhua, Chen Yi and Jiang Xinyu, who were admitted to university and studied abroad based on their ability, must have been models of rural carp leaping over the dragon's gate. With Chen Jinhua, they were different.

The difference brought about by the portal background is fundamentally different from the difference itself.

After nearly four hours of contact, several people felt that Jiang Xinyu was born and raised in the city. During tutoring, his conversation and attitude are not as serious as those of school teachers, but he is confident and calm in his heart, and his attitude is so natural that it is easy for people to get close to him.

The four of them discussed it and felt that the teacher Jiang Xinyu looked good for the time being and the tutoring could continue.

After Jiang Xinyu went to the post office to send a letter to Chen Yi and returned home, she saw Zhou Qi teasing Beibei in the courtyard, and her sister was sitting in front of the stove drinking hot sour plum soup.

Zhou Qi always came here because of business, and this time was no exception. He saw a few suitable houses and waited for her and her mother-in-law to go see them.

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