Chapter 86 Farming talent full (10)

The next day, Xining put five thousand bundles of honeysuckle on the electronics store.

The person staring at the shop quickly grabbed a copy, and within a minute, the five thousand bundles of honeysuckle were sold out.

This time, there were too many couriers to send, so Xi Ning asked the courier brother to bring a few colleagues to help.

With [-] orders at once, the boss of the courier station was laughing like crazy. In order to speed up, the boss of the courier station also came to help pack the courier.

In the next week, all the honeysuckle on the shelves were sold out within 1 minute.

Many people followed Ciming's advice and divided a bundle of honeysuckle into five parts. Cancer patients who drank honeysuckle herbal tea were cured.

They are very grateful to Xining, and they are very grateful.

500 yuan can cure my own cancer, which is much better than a shit hospital that only sucks blood.

In order to allow more patients to buy her own honeysuckle, Xining set a limit on the online store, each user ID can only buy one honeysuckle per day.

It was revealed on the Internet that the honeysuckle sold here can cure all major cancers, and the major pharmaceutical companies couldn't sit still, and they placed orders to buy honeysuckle so that they could be used for experiments.

If it is true as it is said on the Internet, it will be too difficult for pharmaceutical companies like them to make money in the future.

The bosses of the pharmaceutical companies all felt that Xining was cutting off their money.

Drug research and development personnel, after giving honeysuckle herbal tea to seriously ill animals and people who were testing drugs, their bodies improved rapidly.

It is also said on the Internet that as long as you drink it five times, your body's diseases can be cured.

As soon as the experimental results came out, it was true.

"How is it possible, how can such a common honeysuckle have such an effect, this is impossible!" One of the pharmaceutical company bosses was angry.

Thinking that he might not be able to make a lot of money in the future, he wished he could cut Xi Ning into pieces.

This damn bitch, planting herbs with such unnatural effects is not only against himself, but also against the country's taxation.

No, he didn't allow the honeysuckle from Xining to kill everyone.

There is more than one pharmaceutical company boss who came up with this kind of idea, and they all want to destroy the honeysuckle, which has an incredible therapeutic effect.

The bosses of pharmaceutical companies couldn't figure out why lemons could grow honeysuckle with such outrageous effects, which was beyond the laws of nature.

This evening, the big bosses of pharmaceutical companies decided to hold an online meeting.

We are all in the same circle and have contact information with each other, which is normal.

The circle of large domestic pharmaceutical companies is not too big, and you can't see it when you look up.

Xi Ning, who was still counting the money, didn't know that she had been targeted by someone with malicious intentions.

A month later, the sales of honeysuckle dropped significantly. Looking at the sales, Xining smiled knowingly:
"It seems that many cancer patients and many skin disease patients have been cured."

They can get back to health, Xi Ning is happy from the bottom of her heart.

Xi Ning was still looking at the sales of the online store when another cell phone rang suddenly, it was an unfamiliar number from another province.

She answered the phone and greeted politely:
"Hello, this is Siji Xiaocai, may I ask who you are?"

"Hello, Ms. Shi, I'm the deputy director of Nanhu TV in Shonan Province. My surname is Wang. That's it. We want to invite you to participate in one of our talk shows."

Deputy Director Wang revealed his purpose for calling Xi Ning.

When Xi Ning heard it, it turned out to be Nanhu Terrace, but it was a bit far away.

"Understood, you invited me to participate in your TV station's program, so how much will you pay for this appearance? Will the travel expenses of the itinerary be reimbursed?"

Xi Ning's question was very sincere, she didn't play tricks with the other party, as long as the money was in place, everything else was easy to talk about.

Asked by Xi Ning, Deputy Director Wang was not angry, and still looked easy to talk:
"Ms. Shi, it is a win-win situation for us to invite you to participate in this program interview. It will also let more viewers know about Siji Xiaocai, which is good for everyone."

Xi Ning understood the implication of the assistant director's words. To put it bluntly, he wanted to prostitute the traffic of Siji Xiaocai for free.

My own shop is already very famous, and the daily turnover income is quite a lot, so there is no need to record a program without any compensation.

"Thank you, Director Wang, for your invitation. I'm too busy with work to spare time. I'm sorry. I have other work. Let's stop talking here. Goodbye."

Xi Ning resolutely hung up and blocked the other party's phone number.

Broken programs that don’t give money, you TV stations and traffic stars can play by themselves.

Deputy Director Wang didn't expect Xi Ning to refuse so simply, and hung up the phone without the slightest hesitation.

Deputy Director Wang looked at the hung up phone and disliked Xi Ning's attitude:
"The young people nowadays really don't have any vision at all. They only pay attention to the immediate interests. It's really superficial."

I don't know where he got the face to say that about Xi Ning.

Their TV station is notoriously stingy.

The ace variety show in the station invites artists to participate, but they don't give money.

Even so, there are still many artists who want to participate in the recording of the show even if they earn a living.

The participating artists are not interested in the appearance fee of the program group, but in the traffic and popularity after exposure.

Xi Ning is different, she and the shop are already very famous, not to mention, Siji Xiaocai has a lot of diehard fans.

Xi Ning only wants to make money, and the TV station wants to prostitute the popularity of Four Seasons Side Dishes for nothing, but if they don't give money, how can Xi Ning give the other party a free job.

After Xining rejected the invitation of Nanhu TV's program group, a large number of short essays on Four Seasons Xiaocai appeared on the Internet.

The person who sent these messages is a big V certified by various sources, and there is no sign of a pharmaceutical company.

These big Vs didn't mention their names, but those who read these short essays know that there are behind-the-scenes actors connoting Four Seasons Xiaocai.

Xi Ning saw it herself, and was even more dissatisfied with these idiots from the media:
"These pharmaceutical companies are really willing to spend their money in order to blackmail me. They actually found so many self-media, a bunch of low-level garbage!"

The conclusions of the essay are summarized in the following three points:

One is that the effect of honeysuckle in the four seasons side dishes has been hyped.

The second is that Siji Xiaocai deliberately disrupts the pharmaceutical market and is malicious competition.

The third is that the price of honeysuckle, which is a side dish of the four seasons, is inflated, and the price is deliberately driven up, which seriously disrupts the market order.

Faced with this situation, Xi Ning chose to be positive, and she posted updates on [Pulse] and [Magic Note].

[The shop in my hand, Four Seasons Small Vegetables, sells vegetables that are indeed more expensive than vegetables on the market. From the beginning to the end, the prices are clearly marked, and there is no bullying. 】

[The unscrupulous pharmaceutical company hiding behind said that the honeysuckle I planted was a hype, so I want to ask, the price of the medicine you produced is so expensive, why don't you talk about your own problems? 】

[Calling me for driving up prices and disturbing the market order is even more nonsense. Whether the honeysuckle I grow is good or not is obvious to consumers, and it is worth the price. 】

[So many patients suffering from cancer and skin diseases have been completely cured. I just want to ask, can you dog pharmaceutical companies spend 500 yuan to cure patients' diseases? 】

[If you want to go directly to the front and hide behind to play tricks, it's really degrading! 】

[Also, before scolding me for driving up prices, which one is not expensive for the prices of tobacco, alcohol, pharmacies, hospitals, housing prices, gold, diamonds, etc.?Are they not driving up prices? 】

[Finally, I curse all of you unscrupulous self-media and unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies to die! 】

(End of this chapter)

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