Chapter 401
"When asking about performance, can't you ask from a distance? Why do you have to be so close?" Cheng Yu was almost driven crazy by her and said indiscriminately.

Grief welled up in her heart, and Fang Yu's tears fell down.

Seeing her crying, everyone was at a loss.

Liangxiu held her shoulders and whispered a few words in her ear.

Fang Yu wiped away her tears, her eyelashes stained with teardrops.

The tone was full of surprise, "Really? You didn't lie to me?"

He suddenly stood up and immediately returned to his usual smiling face, "Great, great."

"Okay, okay, why don't you cry. If you cry again, show me," Cheng Yu raised his eyebrows and stood looking carefree.

"Chengyu, shut up that crow mouth of yours, it's really annoying," Fang Yu said rudely, glaring at him.

Out of sight, out of mind, he simply turned around and talked to Liangxiu.

Cheng Yu was scolded, but he didn't get angry, just as if nothing happened.

He came to them humbly, feeling itchy and unbearable, "Tell me, tell me what the good thing is, is it a good performance?"

Fang Yu snorted coldly and put her hands on her hips, "Dream on it, I won't tell you, you stinky mouth."

What a pair of living treasures. Liangxiu shook his head and laughed secretly in his heart.

Cheng Yu also wanted to find another way to find out from Liangxiu in a roundabout way, "Sister Liangxiu, please tell me what's going on."

"Whatever you say, even if you tell the dog on the street, you won't tell him, just to make him feel uncomfortable," Fang Yu said with arrogance on her face and sharp teeth.

Liangxiu sighed, trying to stop the two of them from bickering, "Okay, you'll know when Mayor Zhang comes."

After talking about this, Cheng Yu also temporarily stopped inquiring.

In a moment, Mayor Zhang came back at a brisk pace.

After a few days of busy work, his face looked increasingly tired.Cheng Yu looked happy and said impatiently, "Sister Liangxiu, Mayor Zhang is here. Tell me quickly. I'm really anxious!"

Mayor Zhang fiddled with the cuffs of his sleeves, and there was no wave in his voice. "That's enough, Liangxiu, you are so fast."

Fang Yu puffed out her chest and said with a sly look in her eyes, "Isn't that right? Sister Liangxiu is very good at everything she does."

"You are so happy, it seems your performance is good," Mayor Zhang was infected by her emotions, and a smile slowly spread from the corners of his mouth.

Liangxiu watched them making jokes with a smile on his face.

He waved his hand, motioning for them to come over and whisper a few words.

"Really?" Cheng Yu had the biggest reaction and couldn't help but scream.

Fang Yu gave him a blow on the head and said angrily, "Why are you lying to me? Keep your voice down."

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm too excited," Cheng Yu touched his head and his voice became smaller and smaller.

Although Jing Qiao looked indifferent on the surface, he was already happy in his heart. It was great, the village was going to be developed.

Mayor Zhang finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and his eyes were full of waves.

There was a little moisture in his voice, "That's great, we didn't get it in vain this time."

At this moment, he seemed to have a anchor and calmly said, "Liangxiu, please send a telegram to Lao Tian quickly and ask him to hurry up and produce."

"Also, don't forget to send him the order and ask him to follow it," he rubbed his tense nerves and raised his hand.

"By the way, also, we must instruct them to improve the quality and not neglect it," he suddenly remembered something and quickly added.

"Chang Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely give instructions to Uncle Tian," Liang Xiu promised with a firm look.

(End of this chapter)

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