Chapter 403
Just at the end of work, Lao Tian heard the noise and rushed over.

He wiped his eyes and said in disbelief, "Ryosuke, you are finally back."

Xiao Wang got next to Liangxiu and leaned towards her as he said, "Sister Liangxiu, I miss you so much."

Jing Qiao quickly pulled him away and glanced at him.

He reminded, "What are you doing, Xiao Wang, why are you still here?"

"I, I'm just impatient and miss Sister Liangxiu. I don't mean anything," Xiao Wang waved his hands, fearing that others would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained.

Lao Tian had tears in his eyes, as if he were seeing a relative, "Liangxiu, when I received the telegram, I was shocked. I didn't react for a long time."

When Xiao Wang thought of the scene that day, he couldn't help but interrupt, "When Uncle Tian saw the telegram, he didn't close his mouth for a long time. We all thought his jaw dropped! We all wanted to send him to the hospital."

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter.

"I didn't expect Lao Tian to be so funny, like a child."

"Who says it isn't? I'm just laughing my ass off."

"This kid, Xiao Wang, doesn't know how to save some face for Lao Tian."

There are also those who gloat about misfortune, "It's over, Xiao Wang is going to suffer!"

"Xiao Wang, please make amends to your Uncle Tian."

Lao Tian blushed, as if he had been exposed.

Angrily, she kicked him and said, "You brat, you know how to expose me."

"Ouch", Xiao Wang covered his buttocks and said harshly, "Uncle Tian, ​​I'm telling you the truth, why are you kicking me?"

"I'm going to kick you, you stinky kid," Lao Tian took off his shoes and threw them at him.

"Okay, okay, after beating and scolding, this matter is over," Aunt Wei knocked her cane on the ground a few times and stopped.

Xiao Wang held his head and ran around, still shouting, "Uncle Tian, ​​I know I was wrong, please stop!" Fat Aunt shrugged her shoulders and spit out a mouthful of melon seed skin, "Okay, okay No, don’t worry about it, just let them be!”

With an envious look on his face, he said, "Liangxiu, to be honest, I envy you. You can do everything well. After you went out and brought back so many orders for us, I am really grateful to you from the bottom of my heart."

"Yes, if it hadn't been for good leadership, we would have gone to the northwest wind long ago. How could our life be so good?" Old Sun shouted with a hunched back.

Liangxiu shook his head and looked at everyone sincerely, "Don't praise me so much. The development of our village cannot be separated from everyone!"

The fat aunt waved her hands and pretended to be angry, "Liangxiu, you are just too modest. If it were anyone else, your tail would be cocked to the sky."

Looking up at the sky, it's getting late.

Liang Xiu apologized and excused himself, "Dear aunts and uncles, it's getting late and the children are still waiting at home. I'll take my leave now. When I've finished packing, I'll take a free day and let's have a good chat."

After all, half a month has passed, and it is human nature to worry about the children.

"Go back quickly, the children should be waiting in a hurry," Aunt Wei, who was most sympathetic to her feelings, urged.

The fat aunt still had more to say, so she had no choice but to give up, "Let's go quickly, Aunt Lu is probably waiting impatiently."

Liang Xiu quickened his pace and rushed home.

At the door, I heard children chirping.

Shi An held her chin and said pitifully, "Grandma, when will mother come back? She has been gone for many days."

Shi Yuan pursed his lips and cried, "I want my mother, I want my mother!"

"Creak", the wooden door opened.

"Whoosh", Shi An rushed to the door and shouted loudly, "Mother, mother, mother is back."

(End of this chapter)

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