Director Lu smiled mysteriously and said in a pretentious manner: "There is another happy event that has a lot to do with us."

There was a sense of mystery in his words, making everyone present feel curious and expectant.

"What's going on?" Li Xing's curiosity was aroused, and she couldn't help but ask.

Her heart was filled with anticipation and she wanted to know the good news as soon as possible.

Although Wang Ya was dissatisfied, she reluctantly urged: "Director Lu, please tell us quickly!"

Director Lu looked at Liangxiu, sat on the chair, and said jokingly: "Liangxiu, what about you, don't you want to know? This has the most to do with you."

His words made Liangxiu feel a little confused. She thought to herself, what does this have to do with me?

Seeing Liangxiu's confused look, Director Lu decided not to tease them anymore.

He sat up straight, his expression became serious, and said: "Forget it, I won't tease you anymore. There is an World Expo in August. This is the first time our country has held such a world conference. I want your Jasmine flowers to If you combine tea and porcelain and participate in an exhibition, you might be able to come out on top!"

Director Lu’s words shocked and excited everyone present.

They know that this is a rare opportunity and a huge challenge.

Liangxiu and the others felt even more excited and proud, knowing that their hard work and dedication had finally been recognized and affirmed.

"Really? Does our jasmine tea really have a chance to participate in the World Expo?" Li Xing asked excitedly.

"Of course it's true! But we have to think carefully about how we can stand out across the country and qualify to participate in the conference," Director Lu said firmly.

It turns out that this is the case, the matter of not having a shadow was made so fussy by him. Wang Ya sneered, not believing that they could do this at all.

No one with any brain would believe this. Director Lu is just imagining it!
She also stands out across the country. In her opinion, leaving the province is a problem.

There are many tea drinks across the country, each with its own characteristics.

As for Jasmine on the wild mountain, if she still wants to be famous, she will be embarrassed.

She tried to save the situation and said, "Director Lu, let's stand at the moment. The World Expo is too far away from us."

When Director Lu heard what she said, his smile gradually disappeared and his expression became a little stiff, "Comrade Wang Ya, I have already read your plan, and I think there are still some details missing. The greenhouse planting project we are going to carry out, The aspects involved are very wide, and it’s not just about drawing a frame. We need to consider all factors, such as light, temperature, humidity, soil, etc.”

When Director Lu said this, he paused and seemed to feel that he had said it a bit too harshly.

He added euphemistically: "Of course, I also know that you have put in a lot of effort for this project. You can learn more from Comrade Liangxiu and see how she considers the problem comprehensively. I believe that as long as you are willing to study hard, , we will definitely be able to write a better plan.”

When Wang Ya heard Director Lu's words, she sneered secretly in her heart.

She believed that Director Lu was deliberately belittling his own plan and exalting Liang Xiu and the others.

She thought unconvinced, what good things could a person from the village write?

Liang Xiu was just lucky enough to be favored by Director Lu.

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