Chapter 453

Being pointed at the nose and scolded like this, no matter how good-tempered a person is, he can't control his temper.

For the first time, anger appeared on Liangxiu's face, and he stopped her sternly, "Wang Juan, your words are too much. You can't be so insulting."

The joints in Liang Yi's hands clenched loudly, and the veins on his temples were exposed.

He yelled, "Brothers, we have been pooped on our heads today, how can we bear this?"

The brothers behind were furious and shouted in unison, "I can't bear it anymore, step brother, what do you say, let's do it!"

In an instant, the eyes of the two parties faced each other, and the atmosphere became extremely serious.

Director Lu's face was livid, and he couldn't hide the anger in his eyes, "Wang Juan, get out of here!"

Wang Juan wanted to defend herself a few words, but when she raised her eyes, she was frightened and ran away in despair.

Her departure temporarily warmed up the cold scene.

Director Lu was obviously still angry, and his voice was stiff, "Liangxiu, I will do as you say!"

After being lost and found again, Liang Jun's high-spirited heart finally fell back to where it was before.

He kept bowing to express his thanks, "Director Lu, thank you, thank you for giving us this opportunity!"

Director Lu waved his hand, and his anger dissipated, "Don't thank me, thank you Liangxiu!"

Turning around, he said softly, "Liangxiu, you are right. If everyone is afraid of making mistakes, no one will succeed. We are not afraid of making mistakes, and we must make mistakes worthwhile."

Walking up to Uncle Xu, his tone was sincere, "Uncle Xu, I hope you can help them. A single flower is not spring, but a hundred flowers bloom and the garden is full of spring!"

Since they don't dislike themselves as a bad old man, they still entrust such a big responsibility to themselves.

Uncle Xu then thought about it. The matter was very important and he had to discuss it with Lao Tian.

So he said, "Director Lu, since you leave it to me, I will definitely go all out. But we still have to take a long-term view on matters involving two villages." "Yes, yes, you should think carefully," Director Lu said After patting his head, he obviously realized the key point.

After nearly half a month of busy work, the preliminary selection for the World Expo is finally here.

Although he checked it more than a dozen times, Liangxiu did not dare to take it lightly and kept repeating it.

Li Xing's eyes were green, and she said feebly, "Sister Liangxiu, we have checked it so many times, there must be no problem."

Touching his fast-beating heart, "I suddenly felt a little nervous. This is my first time to participate in such an event!"

"There's nothing to be nervous about, I'm here for you," Sister Yuan closed the gift box and chuckled.

Liangxiu put the gift box into the box, "Xing, have you memorized those introductions?"

Li Xing's face was full of confidence, like a proud little peacock, "Sister Liangxiu, I have memorized everything by heart a long time ago, and now I can recite it fluently."

"Xing, ok, is this the first time I see you working so hard?" Sister Yuan joked with a smile on her lips.

"That's right, this is a big deal. I won't let my guard down at the critical moment!" Li Xing's eyes were firm and she held her head high.

With a "squeak" sound, the door opened.

Director Lu was wearing a dark tunic suit, and his whole body seemed to be straighter and straighter, which was enough to show that he was taking today very seriously.

Glancing at the clock, he said in a low voice, "The car is here, let's go!"

A few young men were very skillful, and after several trips back and forth, they finished moving the boxes.

The road at this time was not as smooth as that of later generations, and Liangxiu missed the highways of later generations very much.

The car in the afternoon was quiet except for the rising and falling breathing of everyone.

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