In the crowd of onlookers, everyone's face revealed different emotions.

They secretly commented that although the girl looked outstanding, her behavior seemed to lack the proper qualities.

Liangxiu frowned and responded calmly: "Comrade, she did step on you accidentally, but from the appearance, your leather shoes were not damaged."

Zhang Qian, the girl in blue skirt, interrupted her with a sharp tone, "How do you know there is no problem!"

Just when the atmosphere was tense, a female voice suddenly broke in: "Zhang Qian, stop fooling around, Director Qu is here!"

Hearing these words, Zhang Qian's face turned from red to white, and she stamped her feet.

His voice was obviously weaker, "I'll let you go this time, but you won't be so lucky next time!"

Sister Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief, and the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Liangxiu patted her shoulder gently and comforted: "Sister Yuan, this is just a trivial matter, don't take it too seriously."

Sister Yuan bit her lip and responded angrily: "It's all my fault, forget it, it's all over."

Near noon, it was finally the turn of Liangxiu and his party.

Li Xing muttered softly, "We've been standing here all morning, and it's finally our turn."

Liangxiu moved his numb legs and looked forward firmly.

I prayed silently in my heart that they could pass this review smoothly.

Following the staff, they passed through two floors and came to an office.

Everyone arranged their clothes in unison, hoping to leave a good impression on the inspectors.

As soon as he opened the door, a flash of panic flashed in Director Lu's eyes, and his body paused slightly for a few seconds. Sister Yuan recognized Zhang Qian at a glance, and her shoulders couldn't help but tighten.

Zhang Qian also recognized them and sarcastically said without concealment: "Sister Yun, this is the group of people I told you about. Even if they step on my shoes and don't apologize, they still look aloof!"

Hearing this, Sister Yun's eyes became more scrutinizing.

Zhang Qian crossed her legs, gestured casually, and said coquettishly: "Sister Yun, if they have any good things, just take a look! Director Qu is not here anyway, so it's not you who has the final say?"

Sister Yun straightened her body and reminded in a low voice: "Xiaoqian, this is a big deal. There is no airtight wall. If something goes wrong, we all have to bear the responsibility."

Seeing that acting coquettishly didn't work, Zhang Qian had no choice but to restrain her evil thoughts.

She put on a businesslike look and said, "Okay, okay, you all take your things out!"

Director Lu nodded and motioned for everyone to follow suit. So, everyone quickly opened the packaging and placed the boxes neatly on the table.

Zhang Qian glanced at the items on the table and urged dissatisfiedly: "Open it! What? Wait for us to open it for you personally? What kind of attitude is this! That's enough!"

In Sister Yun's heart, Zhang Qian has always been a generous and decent girl.

But her performance today made Sister Yun feel a little strange.

Sister Yun's voice became serious, "Xiaoqian! Stop saying a few words!"

Zhang Qian calmed down a lot in an instant, and became well-behaved and intellectual again.

She smiled sweetly and said: "Sister Yun, I was wrong. I was anxious too. There are still many people waiting behind. If they are working like this, we won't be able to complete the task even if we are busy until midnight."

"Even if we are busy until midnight, this is still our responsibility. We can't just deal with official matters just to save trouble," Sister Yun's eyes were firm and her tone was merciless. (End of chapter)

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