Chapter 25 Tianyuan Cover

Su Qing woke up and turned around, it was already dusk in the afternoon.

After Zhang Qian and the three confirmed that her physical condition had improved, they left.

After leaving the hotel, the three of them got into the car. Zhang Qian glanced at the signboard of "Crown Hotel" and muttered to herself.

"This hotel is indeed related to Zhang Po. It seems that I have to ask Shanshan to help check the specific situation here."

"By the way, check the female owner of this hotel to see if she has an affair with Zhang Po." Wang Hao added.

After all, in this day and age, it is quite normal for a rich man to kill his wife for the sake of his mistress.

It's hard not to make people suspect that Zhang Po staged such a drama.

But what the specific situation is, we have to investigate it later, and we can't make random assertions right now.

Zhang Qian didn't say any more, and immediately started the car and left, heading towards Chengnan Park.

When the three of them arrived outside Chengnan Park, it was still dark.

At this time, there were still many people playing in the park.

The three got out of the car and walked towards the gate of the park.

The facts are just as what Zhang Qian and Wang Hao saw in the illusion.

At the gate of the park, someone put down a high-level Taoist veil, the "Tianyuan hood".

"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Tiande raised his hand and knocked on the Tianyuan cover three times, and there were three muffled bangs.

However, in the eyes of everyone around him, his behavior seemed very strange.

Except for the visibility of the three people and the blocking of Zhang Qian and the three of them, this Tianyuan shield seemed to not exist.

It has to feel weird.

Wang Hao said with a serious face, "Senior, can you break the celestial shield?"

"You can try it." Zhang Tiande frowned, feeling a desire to challenge.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened!

Only an ear-piercing hiss sounded.

The time in the entire park seemed to be stopped by some invisible mysterious force.

The people who were walking back and forth in the park just now stood still in place.

Zhang Qian raised her head and looked around, and found that the scene in front of her was really strange and quite mysterious.

Walking towards the middle-aged woman who was closest to her on the right, holding a husky, Zhang Qian raised her hand and shook it in front of her, but she still stood there motionless.

Zhang Qian stretched out her hand and pushed, and found that she couldn't push the middle-aged woman at all.

Looking back at Zhang Tiande, Zhang Qian asked in surprise, "Second Grandpa, what's going on? Why is everyone so motionless?"

"Everyone is covered, how can they move?"

"Middle-mask method?"

Zhang Qian was very suspicious.

Growing up so big, it was the first time for her to see the advanced Taoist masking method Tianyuan masking. Naturally, she couldn't understand the principle of this masking method and the specific situation of the middle masking method.

Zhang Tiande didn't have time to explain.


The ear-piercing hiss just now sounded again.

As the second hissing sound fell, Zhang Qian's scalp felt numb.

All the people and animals scattered in every corner of Chengnan Park moved their bodies mechanically, approaching them slowly step by step.

The weird scene made Zhang Qian a little flustered, and hurried back to Zhang Tiande and Wang Hao.

At this time, these people approached them with mechanical steps, like walking corpses, not only expressionless, but also exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

But they are also innocent, and they cannot be easily killed.

This made Wang Hao and Zhang Tiande feel embarrassed.

Zhang Tiande didn't have time to think about it, so he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, interlaced his middle and ring fingers, and formed the golden light spell seal.

"Inside and outside the Three Realms, only the Tao is the most respected. There is a golden light in the body, which reflects the truth. The golden light mantra protects my body."

After reciting the formula, Zhang Tiande raised his palms upwards.

A streak of golden light shot out from his palms, forming a golden mask, protecting the three of them.

"Bang bang bang..."

At this time, there were already people around, hitting the golden mask with their heads non-stop, causing ear-splitting bangs.

Zhang Qian's scalp felt numb.

Even though some people have already hit their heads and bled, they still have a terrifying look of bared teeth.

Wang Hao clenched his fists and said, "Senior, you must find a way to break the Tianyuan shield as soon as possible. Otherwise, if this continues, firstly, your golden light spell will not be able to last forever; secondly, these innocent people may be killed. They all crashed into the golden mask."

"I know, am I thinking of a way? Do you think the Tianyuan shield is so easy to break?"

Zhang Tiande roared anxiously and angrily.

In the short period of two to three minutes just now, he had already thought about hundreds of ways to break the barrier in his mind, but in the end he denied and overturned them one by one.

It is not so easy to break the most advanced Tianyuan shield of Taoism.

But now they dragged on for another second, and an innocent person hit the golden mask with his head broken.

Once the time is prolonged, these people will definitely smash their heads and die.

At that time, even if the three of them don't die under the Tianyuan mask, they will be identified as murderers by the relevant departments, and they will be caught and brought to justice!
Just now in the hotel, the person who was hiding behind, used the shadow shadow in the mirror, and did not kill the three of them.

Right now he is using the Tianyuan Shield to control so many innocent people to deal with them.

This also shows how vicious his methods are.

Seeing that the Second Grandpa was helpless, Zhang Qian said with a stiff face, "Second Grandpa, don't worry, calm down and think slowly, what is the high level of the Tianyuan Shield, and what is its principle?"

"This Tianyuan veil was created by our Taoist school, a supreme purple-robed Taoist ancestor. Up to now, no one can easily undo this veil. There are only a handful of people who have untied this veil before. When the law is broken, I will die in Huangquan!"

"This mask? Is it so powerful?"

Zhang Qian was stunned when she heard it.

At first, she thought that this Tianyuan shield was advanced, but at least it was not insoluble.

But she didn't understand until now that this masking method is really an advanced masking method, and it is really not so easy to solve.

If, as Zhang Tiande said, anyone who breaks the veil will die, then what should we do now?

(End of this chapter)

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