Chapter 90 The Great Way of Shifting the Soul
"Miss Zhang, don't be dumbfounded! Move your chopsticks!" Just when Zhang Qian was puzzled, Sun Yaoyang, who was sitting opposite her, waved enthusiastically.

Zhang Qian smiled awkwardly, and reached out to pick up the chopsticks with difficulty.

The three of Sun Yaoyang have already started eating.

Zhang Qian turned her head to one side, not daring to look at it at all, the scene was really disgusting.

Zhang Tiande put his elbows under the table, touched Zhang Qian, and whispered in her ear, "This is a trick, don't make a fuss, have the courage to eat it, and it will break."

"But this... I..."

Zhang Qian couldn't speak, only felt sick and wanted to vomit.

Zhang Tiande and Wang Hao looked at each other, and they immediately picked up the chopsticks.


Sure enough, the facts were exactly as Zhang Tiande said.

The blindfold was broken, and the table of delicious dishes in front of them returned to its original appearance.

Seeing this, Zhang Qian immediately mustered up her courage, endured disgusting chewing, and broke the blindfold.

"Clap clap clap!"

As soon as she broke the blindfold, Sun Quanfu, who was sitting opposite, put down his chopsticks and clapped his hands three times in succession.

Zhang Tiande stared at him and smiled lightly, "It seems that Mr. Sun is really not an ordinary person! He still knows some tricks."

"Mr. Zhang, if I insist on it, I should call you Uncle Master."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Tiande asked in confusion.

Sun Quanfu explained quietly, "When your father Zhang Lingheng was alive, he not only taught two apprentices like you two brothers, but also took in another apprentice when he was traveling abroad, and this person is the tutor. "

"So, you are still Zhou Jiuxiao's apprentice."

Only then did Zhang Tiande know that there was still such a past.

Zhou Jiuxiao was exactly the apprentice his father took when he was traveling outside. According to their seniority, the Zhang family brothers and Zhou Jiuxiao should still be senior brothers.

In this way, it was completely reasonable for Sun Quanfu to call him "Master Uncle".

After figuring this out, Zhang Tiande didn't talk nonsense, "Okay, since it's my family, I'll cut to the chase. Your mother asked my granddaughter to bring you a few words. Listen carefully."

"Yes, Mr. Sun, your mother said that she was very upset that you learned some crooked spells and misbehaved outside, and told you to reform yourself and stop being disobedient." Zhang Qian hurriedly followed suit.

Sun Quanfu shook his head disdainfully, "My mother knows nothing. If it weren't for me, do you think she would still be living in the Anyang Cemetery now? And for so many years, if I don't harm anyone, and don't kill, it's considered a magic spell." Those who are punished are also those who deserve what they deserve, and they are only allowed to suffer the retribution they deserve, why am I wrong?"

"Anyway, I have brought my words to you. I promised your mother, and I did it. Whether you listen or not is your business."

"Then that's it, you have said the words, you have eaten the rice, and my Sun family has exhausted its hospitality, please!" Sun Quanfu was full of arrogance.

After leaving such a sentence, he waved at Zhang Qian and the three of them.

The three of them were about to get up and leave.

But at this moment, a scene that surprised them happened.

Before they had time to stand up, they saw the scene around them, as if a painting had been torn apart, cracks began to appear slowly.

Not long after, the surrounding scene disappeared, and the scene switched to another place in an instant.

Zhang Qian raised her eyes to take a closer look, and found that they had returned to the Anyang cemetery at this time.

Zhang Qian looked confused, "Second Grandpa, what's going on?"

"This is the Taoist method of transferring souls. Sun Quanfu performed this method on us and moved our souls to the Anyang cemetery. Now our physical bodies are still in the Sun family's villa."

"This Sun Quanfu is really arrogant! We didn't want to deal with him at all, but instead he attacked us aggressively. I'm really convinced." Zhang Qian muttered angrily.

Zhang Tiande smiled wryly, "Forget it, his moral power is in the same line as mine. As an elder, I don't need to have the same knowledge as him."

"Then he can't, move our souls to this cemetery again!"

"He did this, presumably there should be some deep meaning."

Zhang Tiande pinched his fingers and calculated this possibility suddenly.

Zhang Qian and Wang Hao looked at each other, their eyes were full of doubts, they really couldn't figure out what Sun Quanfu's intention was.

But just when they were wondering, a black car suddenly and quietly drove to the gate of the cemetery and stopped.

The car door opened, and a man got out of the car in a ghostly manner, holding a shovel in his hand, and sneaked into the cemetery like a mouse.

Because Zhang Qian and the others were in the spirit state at this time, the man couldn't see them at all. On the contrary, they could clearly see his every move.

Zhang Qian took a closer look and found that this man was none other than Zheng Sheng.

Wang Hao sneered and said, "Now I understand. It seems that Sun Quanfu used the soul-transferring method to move our souls here. He really had a deep meaning. He just wanted us to see what this bastard Zheng Sheng is going to do." ghost."

"Follow him, go and have a look." Zhang Tiande ordered with a gloomy face.

Then the three of them quietly followed Zheng Sheng and walked towards the depths of the cemetery.

Not long after, Zheng Sheng stopped in front of a woman's tomb, then picked up a shovel and dug behind the tombstone.

Zhang Qian looked at the tombstone and found that the owner of the tomb was a young girl who died of illness at the age of 19.

Zhang Qian frowned, "Second Grandpa, why did this pervert dig a young girl's grave?"

"Don't talk, just watch carefully." Zhang Tiande replied coldly.

Zhang Qian closed her mouth knowingly.

Zheng Sheng bent over and kept digging. After digging for more than ten minutes, he finally dug up the urn buried in the tomb after making himself look like a man.

Putting down the shovel, he reached in to take out the urn and opened it. He grabbed a handful of ashes and put them in a small yellow cloth bag. Then he covered the urn again, put it back in the cemetery, and filled it with soil again.

Zhang Tiande's fists were clenched, he gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, "You bastard! I'm really not afraid of losing my life, so I did such an ugly thing of stealing other people's ashes for fun."

"Nursing Yin and playing? What does this mean?"

Zhang Qian looked puzzled, completely unable to understand the meaning of the word.

Zhang Tiande and Wang Hao fell silent, both furious.

After Zheng Sheng filled up the soil again, he put away the bag of ashes, carried the shovel and slipped away with a sinister smile.

(End of this chapter)

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