Chapter 11

Zhu Zhuqing ignored Dai Mubai, looked at Rongrong, and said, "I'll be in your team, we join hands, we won't be worse than them."

Oscar leaned over, "Boss, come with me."

Qing Guan and Fu Feng were in a group, Xiao Wu was in a group with Tang San, Ma Hongjun was not yet thirty, Dai Mubai had no choice but to agree to Oscar's suggestion.

As for three-on-three, it is easier to form a group.

Ma Hongjun is inserted between the two beauties, Xiao Wu and Tang San are in a group with Dai Mubai, Oscar is in a group with Qing Guan and Fu Feng.

In the evening, except for Yu Xiaogang, the others set off wearing masks.

In less than half an hour, we arrived at the Soto Great Spirit Arena.

After signing up, first one-on-one.

Qing Wan's opponent is a soul master who specializes in defense. His martial soul is an iron-clad giant tortoise named Gui Yi, a level 38 soul master.

The referee spit all over the place: "The peak duel between long-distance attack and defense system soul masters, now, begins."

Gui Yi is very arrogant: "Or, you admit defeat now."

The smile on Qingwan's face was sweet and gentle, "I also want to see if the Guangling Bow can penetrate your turtle shell."

Gui laughed loudly, and released the second soul skill, Turtle Shell Control.

A layer of transparent tortoise shell appeared around him, which seemed indestructible, and seemed to surpass the level of defense of the soul master.

Qing Wan was not in a hurry, she released her second soul skill, Soul Breaking, and every feathered arrow she shot carried powerful destructive power.

This layer of tortoise shell couldn't stop the continuous attack at all. After three breaths, he was forced to release the third soul skill, "Turtle Possession".

Qing Guan continued to attack, the effect of breaking the soul was still there, and the opponent's highest defense was also broken, and then released the Bingling Divine Light to freeze directly.

The referee announced: "Guangling Divine Bow wins."

The audience stood up and burst into cheers.

Qing Guan left the ring and came to another venue, where the match between Xianjian Supreme and Yunmao was.

The soul power of the strong attack type is comparable to that of the agility attack type.

Originally thought it was a peak duel, but Yunmao was instantly defeated.

Fufeng left the arena, took Wanwan's hand, "Let's go to participate in two-on-two. Is your soul power still enough?"

Qingwan followed him to the next venue, "It's up to you."

The match against the tortoise just now was a bit exhausting, and I need to recover my soul power, otherwise I won't have the strength to participate in three-on-three.

In a two-on-two match, their opponent is the Demon Rhinoceros combination, one Wuhun is a Rhinoceros, and the other Wuhun is a Crypt Demon Spider.

Fufeng didn't pay attention to it, and one-on-two was not in vain.

The rhino rushed in front, and the spider controlled it with a spider web. Unfortunately, it was not enough to look at in front of the fairy sword.

Fufeng releases the first soul skill Epee Wufeng, defeating the opponent with one move,
The referee was stunned, and shouted: "It's another move to win, the title of Xianjian Supreme is well deserved, well deserved."

Fu Feng said: "Let's go, a three-on-three match."

Qingwan nodded, and went to the door with him, saw Oscar, he smiled and said: "My points, it depends on you."

Fufeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Small, don't hold back."

Oscar was very confident, "Don't worry, I will pay attention to escaping and won't let the enemy catch me."

They came to the meeting place, this time the opponent was very weak, Fufeng ended the match with one move by one player, directly making a name for himself.

There was also a team battle, and everyone in Shrek was adjusting their breath in the lounge.

Only Fufeng was very relaxed, "Is your game going well? Will it affect the team battle later?"

Dai Mubai replied: "Fortunately, it's not too difficult."

Xiao Wu said proudly: "With Xiao San here, we ended the battle in one minute without consuming any soul power."

After thinking about it, Oscar made a few recovery sausages, "Everyone eat one."

This time, everyone did not delay and took one.

At this time, a strong man came in with a beautiful woman to make trouble, insulting the girl verbally, and the two sides immediately fought.

Although the head of the fighting spirit field stopped it in time, they have already successfully detected Dai Mubai's strength.

Qing Wan recognized them, they were the opponents in today's two-on-two team battle and the next team battle, captain Kuang Xi and vice-captain Spiderwoman.

Suddenly, Yu Xiaogang came in, "Are you all ready?"

Dai Mubai nodded, "It's ready."

Yu Xiaogang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "I said it's everyone's state, how is it? The next opponent will be very difficult."

Dai Mubai replied firmly: "Master, you are ready."

Suddenly, the referee's voice came from outside, "Next, there will be a team battle at the Shifen venue. Shrek will fight the Nine Monsters against the Crazy Team."

Yu Xiaogang said: "Okay, children, let's go, victory is second, don't let yourself get hurt."

Dai Mubai responded, stood up first, and led everyone out.

On the soul fighting arena, on the side of the Crazy Battle Team, there are all soul masters above level 35. Shrek also has three great soul masters, their strengths are relatively different.

The captain of the Berserker team is a rhinoceros, the vice-captain is a spider woman, and behind them are twin monkeys, twin sheep, twin wolves, and a wishful disk.

Fufeng said in a low voice: "Guangling, you look for an opportunity to assassinate the assistant."

Qingwan nodded, "You can rest assured."

The referee announced loudly: "Now, the game begins."

Fu Feng stepped forward and met Kuang Xi, "I'm here to fight you, I want to see if I can block the second move of the Immortal Sword."

Dai Mubai directly went to the twin wolf soul masters, with the strength increase of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, one against two is still worthwhile.

Kuang Xi was beating drums in his heart, but he couldn't retreat now, "Boy, please go all out, this time, I will definitely defeat you."

Fufeng released the first soul skill Epee Wufeng, and Ning Rongrong applied a 30.00% power increase.

Kuangxi directly used the first soul skill to charge and resist, plus Ruyi Pan's [-]% attack boost, it only lasted three seconds.

Spider Woman wanted to help, but was entangled by Tang San.

The twin monkey soul masters faced off against Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong's two buffs arrived in time, narrowing the gap.

Shuangyang soul master wanted to sneak attack, Ning Rongrong boosted Ma Hongjun, stopped the two together, and protected the assistant from being attacked by the opponent.

Qingwan knew that this was a good opportunity, so she directly released her first soul ability, Piercing Cloud, and after five seconds of charging, she aimed directly at the support of the Berserker Team.

An arrow of ice pierced through Ruyi Pan's chest without a sound. Spiderwoman blamed herself and asked, "Can I still use the soul skill?"

Ruyi nodded, and released the light of madness with the last strength.

Fu Feng retreated, "Go down, I will fight with Wan Wan, if Xiao San is willing to stay, that's fine too."

Dai Mubai nodded, and led everyone out of the ring.

The Crazy Team rushed over like a group of irrational lunatics, Tang San used Ghost Shadow to dodge, Qing Guan used Treading Wuhen to dodge and counterattack.

With Fufeng's tough front and the overbearing attack power of the Immortal Sword, the Berserker team in the berserk state can be divided evenly.

After the battle lasted for 1 minute, the Berserker team was backlashed by the berserk transformation, coupled with the attacks of Frost Arrow and Immortal Sword, they all lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

(End of this chapter)

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