Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 117 The Power of Oranges

One day, Fu An, Qing Ning, Qian Xiaoyi, Feng Zhiyou, and Ning Xiaoao came with Immortal Sword City and Angel Temple.

Which man with black wings on his back smiled arrogantly, "Ants also want to fight against the power of demons?"

On the one hand, the demon plane was destroyed, fled to the demon world, and was destroyed by the rookie empress, and finally escaped to the Douluo Continent.

It took him a long time to regain some strength.

Although it is still far from the peak period, it is completely enough to deal with the human race like ants.

I also want to thank Xu Tianhua very much, if he hadn't brought a lot of evil hearts to find him, he wouldn't be able to recover so quickly.

Fu An smiled slightly and said, "You underestimate us too much."

Then, release the Sword God Martial Soul Avatar together with his sister, and join hands with other titled Douluo Elders.

All the people in the Temple of Angels lined up together and laid down the magic slaughter array, and the sacred power came to the world with golden sun flames.

The power of the Sword God Martial Soul fell together with it, with a devastating effect, as if it could swallow up all darkness and evil.

The man still wanted to resist, but he couldn't resist the power of the magic-killing circle at all, so he could only be wiped out.

Fu An looked indifferently, and said: "Xu Tianhua, you shouldn't make deals with the devil, the throne doesn't belong to you, I plan to support Xu Yue to the throne."

A young man came out from behind, with a gentle smile on his face, bowing slightly.

Xu Tianhua laughed and asked, "When did you find out?"

Fu An said: "The first time I used the martial soul to detect your soul, I found the breath of the devil, and today I will make a stop."

Xu Tianhua closed his eyes, "I lost."

Qing Ning looked at the man and asked, "After you ascend the throne, you must keep your promise and never start a war."

Xu Yue nodded, "I am a disciple of Immortal Sword Sect, I know what to do, so don't worry."

Hearing this, Fu An was really puzzled, "What's going on?"

Fu En explained: "Xiao'an, his father is a collateral lineage of the royal family, and his mother is a direct disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect. He grew up in the sect."

Fu An nodded, "So, very good."

With the support and supervision of Immortal Sword Sect, the Sun and Moon royal family should not dare to do anything. There will be no war in the mainland in a short time.

A few days later, Xu Yue ascended the throne under the witness of all ministers, Xianjian City and Angel Temple, and then announced it to the world.

On the other side, Fu An and the others finally ushered in the third test.

At this moment, the strength of Fu An, Qing Ning, and Qian Xiaoyi has reached the level of Contra, and their talents are quite amazing.

Ning Xiao'ao, Ye Weiwei, and Feng Zhiyou are already in the Soul Sage realm.

In order for them to break through the Title Douluo as soon as possible, the third test was to practice in the God Formation for about a year.

On the other side, Xu Yue is entertaining the envoys from the other three countries, and then dealing with the affairs of the Holy Spirit Church, it can be said that she is very busy.

There is another one who is doing things secretly.

Orange lost everything overnight, feeling very unbalanced, so he found General Vidal.

This one, who used to be the staff member of the crown prince Xu Tianran, was not convinced by Xu Yue's ascension to the throne at the moment, but it was because of Immortal Sword City.

In the study, General Vidal said with a smile: "You should leave quickly, I will not help you."

Tangerine looked stern, and asked: "Natural trusted you so much before he was alive, but now you are just asking you to avenge him, are you so timid?"

Vidal shook his head, "No, no, I am aware of current affairs."

If he is really against His Majesty, he doesn't know how he will die. After all, there are two forces behind him, Immortal Sword City and Angel Temple.

The sacred power of the Angel Temple is the nemesis of evil soul masters, and the Holy Spirit Cult is not very useful right now.

I heard that Zhongli Wu has gone into seclusion.

This kind of behavior is obviously because he doesn't want to confront Immortal Sword City and Angel Temple head-on, so why is he doing this early bird.

Tangerine frowned and asked, "What if the Holy Spirit Cult has already agreed to take action? Are you planning to stand by?"

Hearing this, Vidal was surprised at first, and then asked: "Really?"

When did the Holy Spirit Cult become so bold?Could it be that he was counting on Long Xiaoyao to deal with that old angel?Don't you think it's too risky?
Orange nodded and said, "I've already convinced him."

Immortal Sword City and Angel Temple will not sit idly by the evil soul masters, they must save themselves, otherwise they will only usher in destruction.

For the future of the Holy Spirit Church, we must join hands with her.

Vidal thought for a long time, and finally nodded, "Alright, I promise you, as long as I can avenge His Highness."

Orange sneered, since they are unwilling to start a war, then let her do all of this.

However, they seriously underestimated the power of the two major forces.

Xu Yue had already received the news, so he invited the elders from the Temple of Angels and Immortal Sword City to discuss the matter.

On the other side, Meng Hongchen and Jing Hongchen took part in the God Examination and practiced in secluded practice among the gods. The speed of cultivation was a hundred times faster than that of the outside world.

Although they have no rewards, their strength has improved very quickly.

In just half a year, Fu An, Qing Ning, and Qian Xiaoyi have already broken through the Titled Douluo realm, but they have not absorbed the soul ring and have been cultivating.

A year passed quickly.

After completing the task, he was rewarded with a god-given spirit ring or a spirit bone again.The brothers and sisters of Hongchen have also reached the realm of Contra.

Now, the fourth test is ushered in, suppressing the Holy Spirit Cult.

So, they set off and came to the Sun Moon Empire again. The common people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the borders of the two countries had already been traded.

However, he met Jing Hongchen on the road.

Xiao Hongchen proudly showed off his strength, and then asked, "Am I great, Grandpa? I am now much stronger than you were back then."

Meng Hongchen also showed his soul ring, "I am also very strong."

Jing Hongchen nodded with a smile, and said, "You guys have made great progress. Grandpa is very happy, and I feel relieved to hand over Mingdetang to you."

Fu An suddenly asked: "Are you busy right now?"

Qing Ning remembered something, "I heard that Juzi led a team of people and joined forces with the Holy Spirit to destroy the Dou Ling Empire."

Jing Hongchen nodded and said, "That's right, but the people from the Dou Ling Empire and the Sun Moon Empire have already accepted them all."

Ning Xiaoao interjected: "The Dou Ling Empire's control over the empire has long been inferior to what it was ten thousand years ago."

Thousands of years ago, Xue Beng worked hard to govern the empire, and managed it in an orderly manner, but it split up after a thousand years, and changed hands after ten thousand years.

Feng Zhiyou frowned, and asked, "Hallmaster Hongchen. Then, will the orange deal with the Heavenly Soul Empire or the Star Luo Empire?"

Jing Hongchen replied: "The Heavenly Soul Empire has the Noumenon Sect, and they can hold on for a while. The Star Luo Empire has already started war with them."

As for the Sun Moon Empire, they have never participated in this war, but everyone has been preparing, and they can resist their attack at any time.

You don’t have to watch it if you don’t like it, you can also block me, don’t scold people, don’t be so hostile, peace is not good at all?

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