Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 121 Supervisory Hall

They were one of the champion members of the last Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, and they were the pride of the academy.

After hearing this, several inner court disciples felt excited.

It turned out that it was Senior Fuan and the others, and it was considered lucky to be able to see senior sisters while doing tasks.

Elder Xuan smiled and said, "You should follow their example and practice hard, so as to win honor for our academy and benefit the mainland."

The students didn't hesitate: "Students, remember everything."

On the other side, Fu'an and the others had traveled for several days and arrived at Immortal Sword City at noon. After a few days of recuperation, they began their own assessment.

Fu Rui showed no mercy and fought with all his might.

The children fought with wheels and barely passed the test, but it was precisely because of their opportunism that the difficulty of the next assessment increased.

In the sixth test, everyone persisted for 1 minute under the attack of the sword god.

Why not five gods?All they have left is a wisp of remnant soul, and they still need to keep the throne of inheritance.

In a pale world, the children waited quietly.

After a while, the sword god Fufeng appeared, but the real body could not come to the mainland, so now it is just a remnant soul here.

Qing Ning acted like a baby: "Father, you have to show mercy."

Fu An swallowed his saliva, "Father, if you fight with all your strength and take the challenge seriously, the few of us will die."

Fufeng smiled slightly, and said: "Now there are no fathers and sons here, only examiners and examiners, and you asked for it yourself."

Qian Xiaoyi sighed, "We are now, just like Uncle Tang San back then, opportunistically making the assessment more difficult."

Fuan said: "We will definitely win."

Qing Ning thought of his second martial spirit, which seemed to have never been used until now, so he said, "That's right, we can definitely do it."

Fufeng smiled slightly and said, "Okay, let's start."

In order to assess the children, Fufeng unleashed the Wuhun Immortal Sword and made a full attack, but unfortunately, the first move was blocked by Bai Zeyouling.

Qing Ning panted lightly, and joined forces with Qian Xiaoyi, Bing Yan combined to attack, but was blocked by the sword spirit guard.

The two sides fought back and forth, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was the wind and water, otherwise the children would have lost.

With one second left, Fufeng directly defeated them.

Then, the assessment starts again.

I don't know how many times it was repeated, the children were almost desperate, Fufeng finally let them pass.

Next, it was their seventh assessment.

This time, it is always to suppress the evil forces on the mainland, and the time is only three years, which seems to be an impossible task.

However, Fu An quickly thought of a way. He directly used the name of Immortal Sword Sect to invite the emperors of the Sun Moon and Xing Luo Empires.

Xu Yue asked: "What is there that needs us to do?"

The emperor of Xingluo has become Dai Hao, he said: "As long as I can do it, I will definitely go all out."

Fu An coughed, and analyzed: "Soul masters are powerful, and they are always different from ordinary people. At the same time, they are also the most difficult to control."

Dai Hao nodded and said, "That's right, I'm paying a lot of money to recruit some powerful soul masters and set up a monitoring team."

Fu An coughed and said, "I have a better solution, I wonder if your Majesties want to hear it?"

The two were silent, but listened attentively.

The two empires established the Supervision Hall, which was directly managed by the emperor, and issued reward tasks for folk soul masters to complete and receive the imperial reward.

These tasks are mainly aimed at those soul masters who have done wrong or bad things, so that the common people can have grievances to sue.

In this way, the strength of the soldiers can be greatly saved, and it can also protect the safety of one side, with no harm at all.

Dai Hao felt that this proposal made sense, so he could give it a try.

Xu Yue also didn't have any objections, "I'm also a disciple of Immortal Sword Sect, I agree with all your proposals and fully support them."

Next, they continued to discuss the details.

The two emperors didn't leave until it was dark, and the next thing started to be done the next day.

The Supervision Hall has mission offices, reporting offices, and bounty offices.

Starting from the capital of the empire, since it was just the beginning, there would be Titled Douluo sitting in command, but very few of them took on missions.

After waiting for several days, a young woman finally came to the door with tears on her face.

To show their importance, Fu An and Meng Hongchen personally received him.

Meng Hongchen asked: "What's the matter, you can tell us, we will definitely solve it for you, please rest assured."

The girl nodded, sat down beside her, and said, "My name is Liu Fangfang. I slept at home at night and was bullied by hooligans..."

This rascal, relying on himself as a soul master, came every day.

Meng Hongchen was very angry, but still endured his anger, "Then do you still remember what this person looks like?"

Liu Fangfang thought about it for a while, and said, "He looks...very obscene, with wicked eyebrows."

Then Fu'an called the painter, and after a long time of beauty, he drew a particularly disgusting face based on the girl's clues.

Liu Fangfang nodded and said, "That's him."

Fu'an comforted him: "Don't be afraid, we will definitely catch him and get you justice."

Liu Fangfang nodded and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

After Meng Hongchen personally sent the girl away, he turned around and asked, "An'an, what do you think about this matter?"

Fu An said, "He is very courageous."

Just use him to make an example, to warn those who are not at ease, don't think about making trouble every day if you die.

Meng Hongchen sighed, and said: "I'm asking, how can you catch him, you can't go looking for him with a portrait, it's too difficult."

Fu An shook his head slightly, and said: "No, I can go alone tonight, you don't have to follow."

Meng Hongchen was a little unhappy, "I'm going too, I'm a Contra now, and the Martial Soul is also highly poisonous, I can do it."

Fu An tried to persuade her for a while, but her girlfriend refused to let her in. She had no choice but to agree, but she could only follow him closely.

After a while, they got the exact news.

After nightfall, he immediately changed into black clothes and set off under the natural cover of the night.

They came to the outskirts where fish and dragons were mixed together and waited for a long time.

Finally, there was a scream in the distance.

Meng Hongchen and Fu An rushed over immediately, kicked open the door, and restrained the hooligan with one move.

The girl shivered on the bed, her tears were like pearls.

Fu'an directly sealed this person's soul power, knocked him out, and brought him back to the Supervisory Hall, and sent someone to invite the judicial department.

After a while, the inspector from Star Luo City came.

He glanced at the man on the ground, "What happened?"

The man woke up, knelt on the ground begging for mercy, and kept saying that he was obsessed with ghosts.

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