Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 125 The Emperor of Glazed Glass Chapter 9

Huo Yuhao couldn't help feeling disappointed in his heart. He seemed to be disappointing brother Tianmeng's wish, and no god came to him.

Fu An seems to have noticed it, walked over, and comforted: "Don't worry, there will be a god who will take a fancy to you, if not, I will help you find it."

Huo Yuhao was very happy, "An An, thank you."

Tang Wutong said: "An'an is willing to help you. That is your opportunity and your blessing. You should cherish it."

Huo Yuhao looked at Fu An with a grateful expression on his face, "Thank you."

Fu An nodded slightly, but said nothing.

The place of inheritance.

Ning Xiao'ao has successfully obtained the magic weapon, the Glazed Star Staff. The magic weapon is radiant, and it is the martial soul of the previous Liuli God.

This artifact contains powerful star power.

Liuli Shenjun was a battle assistant soul master before, and after ascending to the God Realm, his divine skills also have some offensive power.

Ning Xiaoao waved the god and said, "Very well."

At this moment, Lord Liuli appeared and said, "Its power is stronger than that of Lord Bai Ze."

Ning Xiaoao was dubious, "Really?"

The power of the Lord Bai Ze can revive a dead god without any influence on himself.

Liuli Shenjun nodded and asked, "When did I lie to you?"

Ning Xiaoao thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "You never lied to me, but I still think it's a little too exaggerated."

Liuli Shenjun coughed, "Okay, let's not discuss this issue for now, it's time for you to carry on the inheritance."

Ning Xiaoao took a deep breath and said, "I'm ready."

Then, the scene changed, and he came to the place of inheritance, and started the ninth test of the Glazed Lord, with a total of nine levels.

The first level, the level of joy.

The soul bone was peeled off, the scene changed, and this place became Shrek Academy, the dean and the others lined up to welcome him.

Yan Shaozhe came over and said, "Son, you did a great job in eliminating the evil soul master in one fell swoop. You are the pride of the academy."

Ning Xiaoao laughed loudly, "Dean, this is what I should do."

But, why don't you see An'an and the others?Could it be that she carried him back to the God Realm?

But this is unlikely, An An will never abandon him.

Thinking of this, Ning Xiaoao asked: "Dean, where are An An and Xiao Ning? Why don't you come?"

Yan Shaozhe shook his head and looked at Zhang Tiantian, "I don't know."

Ma Xiaotao came over and said, "They have gone to a far away place, maybe... they will never come back, right?"

Hearing this sentence, Ning Xiaoao understood, "Why am I left in Douluo Dalu? Are they ignoring me?"

Yan Shaozhe shook his head, sighed, and left.

Gong Yangmo came over and comforted: "Don't be sad, they didn't abandon you, they died well."

Ning Xiaoao was stunned, only the words "deserved death" remained in his mind, what happened this time?
Ma Xiaotao thought he was too sad, so she said, "Twelve black angels have descended, they died, don't be sad."

They, forever, live in everyone's mind.

Ning Xiaoao closed her eyes, it turned out that behind the joy was sadness.

Just like 1 years ago, after defeating the Wuhun Palace, how many people have lost their lives since then.

The joy of victory is piled up with life.

If, one day in the future, he needed to exchange his life for the joy of victory, he thought, he would also be willing.

Passed the first level, and then came the second level of anger.

The soul bone is stripped, and the scene changes.

At this moment, Ning Xiaoao appeared in the God Realm, but saw the funeral of his parents' love, and froze in place on the spot.

After a long time, Empress Qingguan came, "Little Ao, my condolences."

Immediately afterwards, Tang San also came, bowed his head, and said: "We didn't protect them, the plane of the fat devil attacked."

Ning Xiaoao took a deep breath, "Where's the demon plane?"

Empress Qingguan raised the corners of her lips slightly, and replied: "It's already gone, and there will be no more crisis in the God Realm."

Ning Xiaoao nodded and closed his eyes, "I see."

They died for the sake of the God Realm, and this feat will be forever recorded in the history of the God Realm.

Suddenly, a black light fell and landed on Ning Xiaoao's body, his eyes turned blood red, and his expression was evil.

The crowd came and watched this scene in disbelief.

Qing Guan shook her head, "It's unlikely, the demon plane has been wiped out long ago, how could he..."

Fufeng also came supporting his injured body, "What should I do?"

This is the only blood of Rong Rong and Xiao Ao, really... is it going to be cut out?This is unfair to the heroes of the God Realm.

Qingwan closed her eyes, "Angel God."

Qian Renxue appeared, released the angelic divine power, and slowly purified the devil energy in his body, but it still didn't work.

On the contrary, Ning Xiaoao's devilish energy became stronger.

Qingwan releases her artifact and uses its power to cooperate with the Angel Goddess to purify Ning Xiaoao, but finally finds a problem.

Fufeng also noticed, "Xiao Ao, what do you want to do?"

Ning Xiaoao smiled wryly, and said, "Uncle Fufeng, I am willing to become a useless person, and I don't want to hurt you."

Qingwan could only reluctantly order, "Go on."

The power of purification increased its output, and after a long time, the demon energy in Ning Xiaoao's body was evolved, and the martial soul was completely melted.

Now he is just a useless person without any soul power and martial soul, but he does not regret it.

At this moment, God Realm, Royal Palace.

Seeing this scene, Qingwan sighed for the rest of her life, "This child is a child who can take care of the overall situation."

Fufeng nodded, and pulled her into his arms.

"Wanwan, my son is not bad either."

The three life martial souls are all god-level martial souls, and they have been inherited from ancient gods, so they are much more powerful than him back then.

Qing Wan looked at her husband and said, "I know how to put gold on my face."

Fu Feng laughed loudly, and said: "They are all envious of coming. My son and daughter have a home, and my wish is over."

Qingwan nodded, "We don't have to worry about it."

At this moment, Ning Rongrong and Oscar came, their expressions were very worried, whether their eyes were looking at the human world.

Qingwan got up, walked over to hold his hand, and asked, "Rongrong, what's wrong with you today?"

Ning Rongrong sighed, "Wanwan, I'm very worried about my son."

Fufeng walked over and comforted him: "Don't worry about that kid, An'an will protect him, and Liuli Shenjun has a sense of proportion."

Oscar looked helpless, his wife was spoiled by him.

Ning Rongrong was dubious, and asked: "Really? But every assessment, I think he is very painful."

Qingwan laughed out loud, "This is normal."

Oscar also said: "Think about how many difficulties we experienced when we inherited the throne, but we all survived."

Having said that, Ning Rongrong finally felt much calmer.

Qingguan breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she didn't know whether Ning Xiaoao could pass the ninth test.

The new book will be released next month. I haven't thought about e-sports articles, team names, and game IDs of players. If you have good names, you can leave them in the comment area, thank you.

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