Chapter 14
Time passed quickly, and it was finally the day for Shrek to move.

Flender took everyone to detour and came to Silves City to participate in the soul fighting in the soul fighting arena.

Due to Fufeng's absence, Yu Xiaogang took the place.

Soul Zun level Silver Fighting Soul team and Soul Zong level team confronted each other, everyone took the weapons given by Tang San and killed all the opponents.

After leaving the ring, Flender came, "Children, today I hope you understand one thing. This world is cruel."

Qingwan nodded, "Dean, I know your painstaking efforts, I will change my mind."

Tang San also comforted everyone: "If we were weak and didn't have these weapons to defend ourselves, those people would have killed us long ago."

Friend went on: "You are defending yourself."

Everyone felt better, took a deep breath, tried to strengthen themselves, and kept telling themselves, "We are defending ourselves."

Yu Xiaogang turned around, "Okay, let's go."

A group of people started on the road again, and after driving for several days, they finally arrived outside Tiandou City, and then walked to the suburbs.

Ning Rongrong and Qingwan led the way, they turned around for a long time, but they were still circling in the forest, seeming to have lost their way.

Ma Hongjun doubted: "Have you really been here?"

Qingwan nodded, and then said embarrassedly: "Every time I come, I come with Fufeng, I don't remember the way."

Ning Rongrong also said: "I just couldn't find the school gate."

At this time, a mocking voice came from the front: "Those countrymen in front, this is not a place for begging, please get out."

Qing Guan glanced at it, raised her hand, and released Bing Ling's divine light, freezing them all, "I really deserve a beating."

Flender asked: "I won't be looking for trouble."

At this time, Qin Ming came, "Teacher, Dean, you are here, come with me, the Board of Education is already waiting."

Qingwan lifted the ice block and followed the teacher's footsteps.

A noble man asked: "Xue Beng, they should have been invited to the academy. We seem to have gotten into trouble."

These dandies also know that those who can be offended and those who cannot be offended. They are so powerful that they should belong to the latter.

Xue Beng said angrily, "How dare you offend me? They don't want to stay in the academy safely. I'll go find the dean, Uncle Huang."

On the other side, Qin Ming led them to the main teaching building.

They met the three Contra Education Commissioners, and then Tang San and Qing Wan took the test and passed it successfully.

Meng Shenji said with a smile: "Miss Qingwan, why didn't His Highness Fufeng come with you? Was it delayed by something?"

Qing Wan replied: "He has something to do at home."

Yu Xiaogang interrupted: "Can I join the Royal Academy?"

Mengshenji smiled and stretched out his hand, saying: "Of course, welcome to Tiandou Royal Academy."

At this time, Prince Xue Xing came and said sharply: "They are not qualified to join the Royal Academy, get out now."

Flender said: "My student Fufeng is His Majesty's nephew, and he invited us to come together."

Prince Xuexing asked: "Oh, what about Fufeng?"

Qing Wan stepped forward and smiled softly, "Your Highness, you have seen me. Fu Feng has already returned home, and the return date is yet to be determined."

Prince Xue Xing smiled coldly, "Who knows if you want to climb high? Fufeng has never mentioned Shrek Academy."

Xue Beng relied on his power: "If you are sensible, get out quickly."

Meng Shenji became angry, "His Royal Highness, please be careful with your words and deeds. If you insist on chasing people away today, don't blame me to go before His Majesty and sue you."

Prince Xue Xing didn't care at all, turned his head slightly, "Hurry up."

At this time, Dugu Bo appeared, and came to Qing Guan, "This place is not suitable for Shrek, the prince is kind to me."

After hearing this, Qing Wan didn't make things difficult for him, and turned around, "Dean, Dad, and everyone, we can leave now."

Flender didn't want to stay any longer, so he turned around and left immediately.

The others immediately followed, Qin Ming got angry, dropped his resignation letter, and followed.

At the gate of Tiandou City, Shrek and his party were extremely lonely.

Ning Rongrong suddenly thought of something, and said, "Dean, let's go to Lanba Academy, it's opened by my aunt."

Flender suddenly thought of something, nodded, "Lead the way."

So the Shrek people came to Lanba Academy, the gatekeeper knew Ning Rongrong, and when he saw her coming, he went directly to inform the dean.

After a while, Ning Fengque came with Liu Erlong.

Seeing this scene, Yu Xiaogang felt even more relieved, and took a deep breath, "Second Dragon."

Liu Erlong introduced: "Brother, this is my husband Ning Fengque."

Ning Rongrong smiled and said: "Little uncle, aunt, Shrek is homeless, please take us in now."

Liu Erlong brought his old friends to the office, Ning Fengque asked them to sit down and poured tea.

As for the children, they all played outside by themselves.

Yu Xiaogang asked curiously: "Erlong, when... did you get married? Why is there no news at all?"

Ning Fengque answered first: "13 years ago, we already had this child, and we are very happy now."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, "That's good."

Liu Erlong asked curiously: "Where's your wife? Brother, you already have a daughter, why didn't your wife come with you?"

Yu Xiaogang was puzzled and shook his head, "I don't have a wife, Wan Wan is my adopted daughter, and when I get old, she will be enough to take care of me."

Liu Erlong understood that he had misunderstood at the beginning, and agreed to Feng Que's pursuit in frustration.

Ning Fengque lowered his head, "Second Dragon, do you want to give up?"

Yu Xiaogang was taken aback for a moment, but then he also figured it out. He missed Erlong by picking up a daughter, but he will never regret it.

Liu Erlong shook his head, "You are willing to risk your life for me, I will never abandon you in this life."

Ning Fengque was relieved, and changed the topic: "Why did you come to Tiandou City? What does Rong Rong mean when he says he is homeless?"

Flender talked about being humiliated in Tiandou, and then said: "I really can't swallow this breath. When Fu Feng comes back, let them look good."

Liu Erlong was furious, "Boss Fu, from today onwards, you will be the dean of Lanba Academy. You must fight back and let them know that we are not easy to bully."

Ning Fengque raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "I listen to my wife. If you dare to bully the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, you must teach her a lesson."

Flender knew that she was straightforward, and seeing that Ning Fengque had no objection, he readily accepted it and said, "Thank you."

At this time, Xiao Wu broke in, "Principal, master, something is wrong, Wan Wan and third brother are gone."

Yu Tianheng came, "You don't have to worry, Senior Dugu, please let them treat the poison in your body, everything will be fine."

Xiao Wu hurriedly asked: "Really?"

Flender thought before leaving Tiandou Royal Academy, "Wanwan should know Poison Douluo, let's wait patiently."

(End of this chapter)

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