Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 141 The Bell and Wu Lin Meet

The Seraphim is a god-level spirit, and its quality is higher than other spirits, so the Ice Goddess spirit may be lost.

However, Ice Spirit Douluo still held a glimmer of hope in his heart.

She had always hoped in her heart that she was just thinking too much, but these words could only be used to hypnotize herself.

Lord Bai Ze comforted: "Don't think too much, old woman."

Si Qin asked: "Why don't you let Xiao Ning and Xiao Feng have another child? This way, maybe we can inherit the Bing Ling Goddess martial soul."

Ice Spirit Douluo shook his head, "Impossible."

The Ice Spirit Goddess is a rare top-level martial spirit, and each generation has only one direct inheritor.

In other words, only Xiao Ning's children may awaken this kind of martial spirit in the future, and the chance is very low.

Qinglian stroked her stomach and said, "Let's talk about it later."

Si Qin nodded and said, "I listen to my wife, you must tell me what you want to eat, and you must not wrong yourself."

Qinglian nodded, and said, "Don't worry, I'm sensible."

Qingyi said: "You should have a good rest."

Guangling Douluo left with his wife, and Lord Bai Ze and Ice Spirit Douluo stopped bothering him.

Thinking that the sun was just right outside, Si Qin asked, "Do you want to go out for a walk? It's good for your health, and it's also good for your baby."

Qinglian nodded: "Okay, thank you husband."

The two went out together, visited a lot of scenery, and unknowingly came to a bamboo forest.

The sound of the piano was faintly heard in the distance. They were really curious, so they followed the sound to find the past. After walking for an unknown distance, they saw a god king.

Ye Yinzhu stopped when he heard footsteps, frowned slightly, and asked, "Who are you two?"

Siqin saluted, "I'm the god of music, Siqin, excuse me."

Qinglian followed her husband to salute, and said, "I'm sorry, my husband wants to accompany me for a walk, and I didn't intend to disturb you."

Ye Yinzhu was interested, so he asked them to sit down.

"You are the god of music, you should have a lot of research on music, can you play the guqin, can you stay and discuss with me?"

Si Qin nodded and released her martial spirit Fuxiqin.

Qinglian said with a smile: "Husband, I want to listen to the Shenqu, you can play one today, the baby is looking forward to it too."

The violinist nodded, stroking the strings with his fingers, and then, a very hypnotic sound flew out from his fingertips.

Ye Yinzhu was very surprised, and when the piece was over, he said: "Your piano sound is very good, you and I can communicate more when you have time."

Si Qin nodded, "It's an honor."

Here, Qinglian had already fallen asleep, and Si Qin was worried about his wife catching a cold, so he picked her up, said goodbye to Qin, and left first.

The news of Qinglian's pregnancy quickly reached Qingwan's ears.

Fufeng and the others knew about it soon, and went to visit once. In order to ensure that the pregnant woman could raise the baby with peace of mind, they didn't bother too much.

On the contrary, Si Qin and Ye Yinzhu have become confidants.

On the other side, Bai Chenxiang and Ma Hongjun's daughter, Bai Lingdang, had grown up, and one night, she even wanted to sneak out to play.

This scene happened to be seen by Fu Feng, he said a few words to the little girl, and gave her a light screen before letting her go.

After a while, the couple was notified, and asked again: "Do you need me to say hello to the people from Immortal Sword City?"

Ma Hongjun nodded and said, "Thank you Brother Feng."

Bai Chenxiang was very worried, and said: "Honey, what should I do if something happens to the child?"

Fufeng comforted: "Don't worry, she will be fine."

Ma Hongjun also said: "That's right, don't think too much, I left a ray of divine sense on my daughter, and nothing will happen."

Fufeng released his divine power, made a small paper crane, and let it fly.

Douluo Continent, Immortal Sword City.

Immortal Sword Douluo received the paper crane from the God Realm, and after reading the message inside, he said, "Master Sword God, don't worry."

Just in time, Fu Pian, the new lord of the Immortal Sword Sect, came. Hearing this sentence, he asked, "Father?"

Immortal Sword Douluo said: "Someone from the God Realm has come to Douluo Continent, you go and look for it, if you find it, send someone to protect her."

Fu Pian was puzzled and asked, "Who is it?"

People in the God Realm need to be protected, maybe--it seems that there are only those people, and he is also curious about what kind of genius they will be.

Immortal Sword Douluo said: "That female doll is a mutated martial soul, a nine-headed fire phoenix, a mechanical fire attribute martial soul."

Fu Pian was surprised, as expected of a child of God.

However, Douluo Continent is so big, how difficult it is to find someone, like finding a needle in a haystack.

Immortal Sword Douluo seemed to know what his son was thinking, and said: "Her experience will not be too ordinary, let's wait patiently."

Sure enough, 12-year-old Bai Lingdang went directly to Shrek Academy after coming to Douluo Dalu.

She is already at level 35, so she can easily enter.

When I came to the square of the college, I was very surprised to see the statue of my father and the statues of my uncles and aunts.

There is also a very cute boy in front of him, calling his father and mother to the statues of Aunt Wu and Uncle Three.

Bai Lingdang walked over quickly, patted him on the shoulder, and asked with a smile: "Your father's name is Tang San, and your mother's name is Xiao Wu, right?"

Tang Wulin remained silent. This was undoubtedly the best answer.

It was only now that he knew that his father and mother were so powerful, and they hadn't revealed anything before.

Bai Lingdang stretched out his hand and said, "My name is Bai Lingdang, and I am the daughter of your father's friend, Tang Wulin. We will be friends from now on."

Tang Wulin was shocked, but said, "Why should I trust you?"

The woman had never met herself, nor had Mom and Dad mentioned her, but she didn't look like a liar.

Bai Lingdang took out a light screen and handed it over, "Look at this first, and you'll know if I lied to you after reading it."

Tang Wulin took it, and looked at the pictures on the light screen one by one.

It was a photo of mom and dad, and a group photo with other people, one of whom was the white bell in front of her.

Bai Lingdang said: "I will protect you well."

This is something I promised Uncle Feng, so I can't break my promise, besides, she quite likes this younger brother.

Tang Wulin returned the light screen and shouted, "Sister Lingdang."

Bai Lingdang responded, and said, "Brother Wulin, let's take a stroll around the academy together, and improve our relationship by the way."

Tang Wulin nodded, "I'll listen to my sister."

At this moment, Xie Xie came and asked suspiciously: "Who is this sister? Wu Lin, your friend?"

Tang Wulin nodded and introduced: "She is the daughter of my father's good friend. Her name is Bai Lingdang. You can call her Sister Lingdang."

Bai Lingdang said: "You can also call me Bell directly."

Xie Xie changed the bell, and then asked, "You guys, where are you going? Take me too."

Bai Lingdang said, "Wu Lin and I are going to visit the academy."

Tang Wulin nodded and said, "My parents graduated from here. I want to see where they study."

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