Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 19 The Killing Horn

Chapter 19 The Killing Horn

Qingwan complained: "Who made you not love yourself."

Fu Feng looked at Wan Wan, and said affectionately: "Our Immortal Sword Sect has a rule that there can only be one woman in a lifetime."

Qingwan blushed, and gently pinched the soft flesh around his waist.

"Wan Wan, it hurts." Fu Feng resisted the pain, "From now on, let me take care of you, so you can be proud now."

The regret in Dai Mubai's heart.If he loved himself a little more, Zhuqing would look at him more now.

Yu Xiaogang coughed and said, "Okay, let's go back to the academy."

Fu Yun said: "Young master, during the period of your retreat, I want to take my wife over, but I can't bear to leave her alone at home again."

Fufeng nodded, "Yes, go early and return early."

Dai Mubai walked out of the forest, "Let's go back to the academy, I want to know, Zhuqing, if she misses me."

Qing Wan said: "Well, after returning to the academy, don't you know?"

It's not so easy to get rid of one person's prejudice against another person, let alone that kind of thing.

The group set off on their way home and returned to Shrek Academy three days later.

Fu Yun tidied up and saluted, then left.

Now, apart from attending classes, everyone is practicing hard. With half a year left before the competition, everyone except Xiao Wu has broken through level [-].

This time, among the nine monsters, there are three with the highest spirit power, Qing Guan, Fu Feng, and Dai Mubai.

Qingwan's soul power is level 47, Fufeng's soul power is as high as level 48, and eight of them come from celestial grass.

Dai Mubai is only level 43, and his spirit power is only ranked third, but his status has never been shaken, he is still the boss among the nine monsters.

The two brothers Liu Qianhan and Ning Qiu, because their mother is Liu Erlong, have been acquainted with the Shrek Nine for a long time.

There are more than nine main players required for the Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, so they are also the main players by default.

After breaking through level [-] this time, he followed Flender, Liu Erlong, Yu Xiaogang, Zhao Wuji, Ning Fengque, and the Nine Monsters to the Sunset Forest.

They searched for a long time, but they couldn't find a suitable soul beast. They were a little discouraged, but no one gave up.

It was finally dark, and everyone set up camp and started a fire, but Flender only brought three tents this time.

Asking is stingy, and buying another tent will cost you a lot of blood.

Flender looked at everyone and asked, "How about we, the three elders live together, and Erlong and Fengque live together."

There is a tent left for the children, just to cultivate a tacit understanding.

The tent was set up, and after dinner, Ma Hongjun went to sleep in the middle first, "This place is mine."

Ning Rongrong kicked him to a corner, "Go aside."

Fufeng looked at Wanwan and said, "We sleep in the middle, you can do what you want. The boys take turns to keep watch at night."

Qingwan blushed, but did not refute her.

Dai Mubai said: "I'll go watch the night, you guys have a good rest, in the middle of the night, Xiaofeng will come out to replace me."

Fu Feng nodded, "Yes."

Then Xiao Wu was next to Qing Guan, followed by Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong.

On the other side of Fufeng is Tang San, then Oscar, Liu Qianhan, Ning Qiuqiu, and the last one is Ma Hongjun.

Beside the fire outside, Dai Mubai sat cross-legged.

On a tree not far away, Fuyun lay down gently.This time, he also followed secretly, the young master is not in danger, he will not make a move.

At some point, a huge red scorpion appeared.

Dai Mubai yelled: "There is a situation, everyone come out quickly." Then the spirit possessed him, fighting with the scorpion.

Then, Liu Erlong appeared, with a displeased expression on his face, attacking the scorpion like a storm.

This scorpion is of the fire attribute, and his backhand attack is not enough to watch.

When the children saw this scene, they were terrified.

Ning Fengque appeared, also with a gloomy face, but instead of releasing his martial soul, he reminded: "Don't beat me to death."

Zhao Wou-ki said with emotion: "Boss, you said before that this sister has a bad temper, I didn't believe it before, but today I really believe it."

Flender took it for granted, and said: "The horn of killing in the golden iron triangle is not in vain."

Zhao Wuji asked curiously again: "How did you endure it, Lao Ning? Are you not afraid of being raped by the mother dragon?"

Ning Fengque shook his head and said, "I love Erlong, I am willing to tolerate all her petty tempers, and I am willing to help her deal with all messes."

Yu Xiaogang covered her eyes, let her vent.

Dai Mubai looked at the twins sympathetically, "You guys are in dire straits every day, right? Such a violent mother."

Liu Qianhan closed her eyes, "She practiced with me every day, and my father is just an ear-scratcher. It is God's grace that I can grow so big."

Ning Qiu smiled and said, "Fortunately, I'm an auxiliary soul master."

Ning Rongrong added: "So, brother Qianhan took your share for you. Is it really okay to gloat over others' misfortune?"

Ning Qiu didn't speak anymore, but looked at his brother guiltily.

After Liu Erlong finished torturing the scorpion, he said: "I want you to spoil my good deeds—fat classmate, this soul beast belongs to you."

Ma Hongjun was trembling all over, where should I go to pick him up?

Ning Fengque walked over, comforted his wife gently, and said to the fat man, "Lord of the Earth, it suits you very well."

Ma Hongjun came back to his senses, took out the dagger, closed his eyes and killed the soul beast, then sat cross-legged and began to absorb the soul ring.

Flender protected his disciples, while the others went back to sleep.

On the second day, Ma Hongjun showed everyone his soul ability, which was the explosive soul ability of the second hand, named Phoenix Crying Sky Strike.

They continued to move forward, and met the pink girl, who was the partner of the king of the earth, and was finally killed by Ma Hongjun with one move.

This soul beast was given to Oscar, who obtained a maddening soul skill, increasing all attributes by ten percent.

Qing Wan smiled and said: "Rong Rong and Xiao Ao, my Bing Ling arrows, only the soul sage can fight with all my strength, and I can take about three of them."

Tang San was stunned, "So powerful?"

Xiao Wu was also very surprised, and murmured: "Then can we directly book this championship?"

Dai Mubai said: "It's really perverted."

Yu Xiaogang said proudly: "Piercing the cloud and breaking the soul can make Zhao Wuji suffer. Once the Shura soul skill is released, who will compete with it?"

Flender was envious, "I know you have a good daughter."

Qingwan looked at Fufeng, and said proudly: "How about it, I'm very good, can I surpass you?"

Yu Xiaogang strikes: "You should still be dreaming."

The owner of the Immortal Sword and Martial Soul is invincible at the same level, let alone has a domain, even if it is a trivial challenge to leapfrog the level.

Qingwan stuck out her tongue, "Keep looking, there's still a lot to go."

They continued to move forward, but most of the spirit beasts hibernated, and they searched for several days without any results.

Finally, Tang San took out the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product, and said: "Use this to attract spirit beasts, but it will be very risky."

Qing Guan understood what she meant, and immediately released Jiucai Shenlu, "Dean Ning, let's sit on it and go to the medicine garden of the old poison first."

(End of this chapter)

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