Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 28 Hunting the Soul Beast

Chapter 28 Hunting the Soul Beast
Yu Xiaogang said: "Wan Wan, your fourth soul skill, the group control skill is the best, and the locking effect is even better."

Qing Wan asked: "I want to add a soul ring to the Jiucai Shenlu as well."

Fufeng also said: "Me too."

Fuyun didn't object, but asked: "Xiaofeng, can you bear a 5-year spirit ring? If you can, I agree."

Qingwan was surprised, and asked, "You also have twin spirits?"

Fufeng nodded, "Yes, my second martial spirit is called Ghost Emperor, suitable for controlling, but I prefer Immortal Sword."

Qingwan thought: "If this is the case, my third martial spirit will also be equipped with a soul ring. With dual control, no one can beat it."

Yu Xiaogang was equally astonished, but he did not forget to tell: "Wan Wan, Xiao Feng, don't be greedy."

Fufeng explained: "After taking the fairy grass, our physique has been greatly improved, and we can all bear these forces."

Guang Ling Douluo was very happy, and laughed loudly: "Father will find you the best soul ring, and protect you to participate in the final."

Qing Wan nodded, "Thank you Dad."

Yu Xiaogang looked forward, and seemed to have the breath of a soul beast, "Go ahead and have a look, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Fuyun Yujian flew over and found the Burst White Tiger hunting, about 6 years old.

The others followed, and Guang Ling subdued the soul beast with one move.

Fu Feng looked at Wan Wan and asked, "Have you absorbed it, I think this soul beast is very suitable for your Light Feather Bow."

Qing Guan was also polite, took out a dagger from the soul guide, killed the soul beast directly, sat down cross-legged and began to absorb it.

Perhaps it was because of the strong smell of blood that it attracted another 6-year-old soul beast, the Night Wolf.

Yu Xiaogang said: "Subdue it, this soul beast belongs to Xiaofeng."

Fu Yun nodded slightly, then subdued with one move, and said, "Xiaofeng, this is yours, hurry up and absorb it."

Fu Feng nodded, he was not polite at the moment, he immediately killed the soul beast, sat down cross-legged, and began to absorb its soul ring.

The process was very easy, and it was over in two hours.

Guang Ling Douluo asked: "Wan Wan, good girl, what kind of soul skill is this time? Is it a group attack?"

Qingwan nodded, "It's Qungong, I call it, Aspiration."

Fufeng said: "My soul skill is also a group attack, I call it, Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect, cooperate with the competition, even the Elephant Armor Academy can't hold it."

Fu Yun laughed loudly, "Very good, very good."

They followed Yu Xiaogang to continue searching for the soul beast, but after searching for a long time, they didn't receive any goods, so they couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

After careful consideration, Yu Xiaogang said: "In battle, the soul skills of control-type soul masters are very difficult to deal with, so the first soul skill must be released."

Qingwan nodded and said, "I listen to Xiaogang's father."

After walking for an unknown amount of time, they came to a lake, and there was a fairy grass, Yuyingyuehe, in the water.

Many soul beasts are here to cultivate, almost all of them are more than 5 years old, and some of them are only 9 or [-] years old.

Facing the intrusion of humans, the spirit beasts all stood up and glared, but they did not attack, but roared a few times in warning.

Guangling Douluo releases his martial soul, and releases the eighth soul skill "Boundary".

All the soul beasts were instantly frozen, and countless ice feather arrows drilled out from the ground, severely wounding all the soul beasts.

Guangling Douluo said with a smile: "Okay, now you can choose whatever you want."

Qingwan was speechless, but nodded, letting Yu Xiaogang find a suitable one for you, hunt and absorb the soul ring.

Here, Fufeng also took action, and quickly found a suitable one.

About three days later, all their second martial spirits had a suitable spirit ring, but the immortal grass was reserved for the spirit beast.

The most unexpected thing is that there are eight spirit bones left this time.

But it's stored, and after this competition is over, it will be divided equally with the partners, otherwise some people will be useless.

Yu Xiaogang calculated the time again, it was too late to go back now, they had already missed the last game.

Fu Yun asked: "Where are you going now?"

Guangling Douluo said: "In terms of ice-type soul beasts, the best ones in the extreme north, of course, where did they go?"

Fufeng thought of Shrek, "Can they handle it?"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, "Trust them. Fuce can win the Weevil Academy by himself, and he should be able to win the last match."

So they set off at once,
Three days later, I finally arrived at the bitterly cold place in the extreme north.

This place is covered by ice and snow all year round, and the temperature is extremely low. Even the spirit beasts are mostly of the ice attribute.

Fortunately, with Yu Xiaogang around, it didn't take much effort to find a suitable ten-thousand-year soul beast, and he also got a few good soul bones.

At this moment, in Heaven Dou City, the last match is being held.

In the arena, Shrek Academy vs. Tianshui Academy.

On the Shrek Academy side, Tang San, Fu Ce, Dai Mubai, Liu Qianhan and four substitutes came on stage.

On the Tianshui Academy side, Xue Wu and Shui Bing'er are the strongest, one is a 43rd level Soul Sect and the other is a 44th Level Soul Sect.

Referee: "The points of Shrek Academy and Tianshui Academy are the same. Who can enter the promotion competition with the No.5 score?"

All the audience shouted for Shrek or Tian Shui.

On the high platform, the smile on Emperor Xue Ye's face was very faint, "Shrek will definitely win, even if Xiaofeng is not around."

The referee exited the ring: "The competition officially begins."

Shui Bing'er from Tianshui Academy took the lead, and everyone in Shrek was instantly frozen. This was her first soul skill of freezing.

Fu Ce was the first to break the seal, and fought with a fairy sword in his hand. He didn't use any soul skills, but with one against three, he didn't lose the slightest bit.

Dai Mubai and Liu Qianhan found several other Tianshui team members, both of them fought against two with all their strength.

Seeing this, Shui Bing'er immediately looked at Xue Wu, "Let's get started."

The other Tianshui team members looked at each other and fought with all their strength. Xue Wu used her soul skills to consume the enemy, and Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu began to fuse their souls.

In the auditorium, Feng Xiaotian said: "Shrek is in trouble. If we didn't blow them down back then, Kamikaze Academy would not be able to hold them back."

The team member next to him said: "Boss, I thought you were only thinking about Huo Wu, so you came up with this idea."

Seeing this, Fu Ce immediately released the second soul ability Xiaoyao, bypassing layers of defenses in an instant, and interrupted the fusion with the first soul ability Breaking Waves.

Tang San released the Blue Silver Prison, Dai Mubai immediately released the fourth spirit ability White Tiger Meteor Shower, the combination of spirit abilities directly severely injured these girls.

At the end of the Tianshui Academy side, Shui Binger was left standing alone,

Fu Ce once again released the first soul skill Duanlang, directly injuring the person until he fell into a coma, and then looked at the referee: "It's over."

Dai Mubai looked at Jiang Zhu: "I'll leave it to you later."

The referee counted down for five seconds, and all members of Tianshui Academy failed to stand up, so they announced: "Shrek Academy wins."

Jiang Zhu immediately released her martial soul and used healing soul skills to heal them.

After a while, the medical team came up and lifted all the girls down, and the treatment ended.

Fu Ce walked off the ring first, and said, "It's time for us to go back."

(End of this chapter)

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