Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 47 Fighting against the White Tiger

Chapter 47 Fighting against the White Tiger
Qingwan was a little surprised, "Your ancestor is really powerful. Are there 10-year-old soul beasts here?"

Fu Feng shook his head, "I don't know about this."

The two came to a cave, and there was only a white jade-like ice bed inside, exuding a strong cold air.

Qingwan asked curiously: "What is this?"

Fufeng introduced: "This is the cold jade bed, you are of the ice attribute, if you can sit on it and practice, your speed will increase by leaps and bounds."

Qingwan understood, walked over and tried to sit down, her body was frozen to the bone in an instant, but she hesitated about the relationship with Wuhun, and soon got used to it.

Fufeng took out another bottle and handed it over, "Wan Wan, this is Bigu Pill, if you are hungry, you can eat this."

Qingwan took it immediately, feeling very miraculous, and tried to eat one immediately, and she was no longer hungry.

Fufeng coaxed a few more words gently, and then went out, he came to a cave, where there is a powerful sword array.

This formation was left by the ancestors for the training of the younger generations.

After entering, countless swords in the formation flew over at the same time, cooperating seamlessly with each other, only attacking the same target.

Fufeng releases his martial soul, forgets the Zongmen swordsmanship that he has memorized by heart, and practices it in the form of confrontational sword formation, or directly cultivates in it.

On the other side, Qingwan has entered the state of cultivation, with ice-blue light flowing around her body, and her aura is slowly merging with the coldness of the cold jade bed.

Outside the secret realm, Fu Ying put her arms around her crying wife and comforted her: "This is his own choice, we as parents must support it."

Xue Weiwei said, "But he's only fourteen."

Shenlu Douluo came and said: "This child Wanwan is also considered to be honored by you, thank you, old man."

Fuying said: "No thanks."

Xue Weiwei pushed the man away and said, "We are a family."

With these words, Qing Wan's identity was recognized, and there was really only one ceremony between them.

Fuying said again: "Cultivating inside is the best experience for them, let's go first, they will be safe and sound."

Shenlu Douluo nodded, turned around, endured his reluctance and left.

Time flies, and half a year has passed in one turn.

Fufeng has already broken the sword formation, his soul power has not improved much, but his strength has improved a lot, and it is not impossible to challenge beyond the level.

Qingwan was about to break through to the Soul Emperor, but she was brought by Fufeng to a formation called Bingtianxuedi.

As soon as she walked in, she saw flying snow all over the sky, and an endless snow field under her feet, and the strong cold air kept eroding her body.

Qingwan immediately released the Ice Spirit Goddess Martial Soul, and slowly tried to control the ice and snow, but to her surprise, she awakened the Ice Spirit Domain.

This field has been in a sealed state for a long time.

Today, being awakened in the formation is probably the biggest gain of the trip to the secret realm.

The ability of the ice spirit domain, control the cold air and control the temperature, and its own attributes can be strengthened by three times, turning into a master of ice.

Qingwan smiled slightly, "Fufeng, he is so kind to me."

Now only the Guangling Divine Bow has no domain, but it doesn't matter, she will help find one.

Time passed slowly, and the ice and snow in the entire formation was dominated by the Ice Spirit Goddess, and the formation immediately sent people out.

Qingwan found herself standing at the entrance of the cave, so she went in and found Fufeng, who was actually sitting on the cold jade bed to practice.

After waiting for a long time, Fufeng finally opened his eyes.

His soul power has broken through to the soul emperor, it seems that it only took half a year, this is considered a genius.

Fufeng got off the ice bed, hugged Wanwan, and said: "Let's go to the next formation together, it will be very dangerous."

Qingwan nodded, her eyes sparkled with excitement, "Okay."

The two left the cave, continued to walk forward, and unknowingly stepped into a strange forest.

Suddenly, a huge white tiger stepped out in front of it, majestic and majestic.

Qingwan asked curiously: "Is this a soul beast?"

Fufeng summoned the Wuhun Immortal Sword and said, "It's the white tiger, an ancient divine beast. It strayed into the four divine beasts' training circle. Now we need to defeat them."

Qing Guan nodded, and immediately summoned her own martial soul, the Light Feather Bow.

The white tiger rushed over fiercely, about to bite its prey.

Fufeng activated the second soul skill Sword Spirit Guardian Wolf stopped him, Qingwan immediately released the second soul skill Breaking Soul, continuously attacking with ice plume arrows,

But these ice feather arrows had no effect, they were all blocked by a layer of defensive cover followed by the white tiger.

With a roar, the white tiger spat out a ball of light and threw it over.

Fufeng withdrew his defensive soul skill, and the sword in his hand slashed forward with a sword aura, splitting the light ball from the middle.

The white tiger rushed up to fight with him.

Qingwan immediately activated the third soul skill Shura, and then released the ice feather arrow to cover it, but unfortunately it had no effect on Baihu, and couldn't help feeling discouraged.

Fufeng tried his best to stop him, "We use combined soul skills."

The white tiger seemed to understand human nature, roared provocatively, slapped the ground lightly with its paws, and the two energy attacks rushed over in an instant,
Fufeng released the sword spirit protection again, but the defense was instantly shattered.

Qing Guan immediately switched to the third martial soul, Ice Spirit Goddess, and released the second soul skill, Ice Spirit Possession, to protect herself and Fufeng.

It's a pity that the moment the ice armor came into contact with the energy, the ice armor also shattered, and they all vomited blood after receiving a lot of impact.

The white tiger stopped, and said: "Go back and recover from your injuries. Now, neither of you is my opponent."

Fu Feng nodded, and went out with Wan Wan in his arms.

The two came under a tree, sat down cross-legged, and resumed breathing.

After a long time, Qingwan opened his eyes and said: "I have already broken through the soul emperor realm, we can hunt soul beasts to advance."

Fufeng also opened his eyes, and comforted him: "Don't worry, fighting the white tiger first will help us a lot."

Qingwan nodded as she said, and continued to adjust her breath.

After three days, their injuries recovered a lot, so after some discussion, they continued to challenge.

Baihu asked: "Are you sure you don't need to hunt soul beasts?"

Fu Feng shook his head, and said: "Not for now, let's defeat you first, then there will naturally be suitable soul beasts."

But Baihu laughed and said, "That's right, there is a reward."

Qingguan's eyes lit up, this secret realm is indeed the gathering place for treasures in the world of cultivating immortals, any one of them can make them flourish.

Fufeng looked down at Wanwan's appearance of being a money fanatic, and couldn't help laughing, "Okay, let's start the battle."

Qingwan came back to his senses and released the Wuhun Jiucai Shenlu, "I will assist you, we will definitely win."

Fufeng nodded, and released the immortal sword and martial soul, "Let's start."

The white tiger was not polite, and released two energy attacks first, "You have to catch it, this attack is very fierce."

A purple soul ring rose from Qingwan's body, "The third soul skill goes crazy."

All attributes of Fufeng have been increased by 30.00%. Although the effect is only 5 minutes, it is enough.

He immediately released the second soul skill Sword Spirit Guardian, and this time he really stopped the white tiger's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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