Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 55 Recovering the 4 Clans

Chapter 55 Recovering the Four Clans
Fuying nodded and said, "Who said it wasn't."

Fu Ce secretly made up his mind that after returning to the sect, he would immediately accept the sword god's assessment and work hard to become stronger.

Qingwan is somewhat interested in Tang Sect, "I want to go with you."

Tang San nodded, "Okay, but don't you need to enter the palace? His Majesty seems to be waiting for you."

Qingwan shook her head and said, "No need, my grandfather is already here."

Ning Rongrong felt that running the sect needed funds, so he said, "I'll help you too, third brother, you will need me."

Oscar also said: "And me."

Ma Hongjun said: "Don't forget me, I don't want to be the deputy suzerain, just give me a nominal hall master or something."

Tang San nodded, looked at everyone gratefully, "Thank you."

Fuying said: "Don't worry, go, Tiandou City, with me and Xiaofeng, nothing will happen."

Tang San said: "Then I will trouble you uncles."

In the night sky, the moon and stars are sparse.

The entire Shrek Academy also fell silent, and it was not until the next day that the hustle and bustle of the past resumed.

Tang San, Qing Guan, and Ma Hongjun went to the Li Clan early in the morning.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong didn't go, they were researching, where is the most suitable place to build the Tangmen's base.

At this moment, the Power Clan.

Tai Tan sighed and said, "If you want to establish your own power, we may not be enough alone."

Tang San said: "So, I plan to go to the Star Luo Empire."

Qingwan asked curiously: "Recover the other three clans?"

Tang San nodded, and said: "Father said that he was ashamed of the four major clans. As his son, I should apologize."

Qingwan thought of her mother saving Tang Hao, so she asked: "Tang San, does your father have any objections to me?"

Tang San sighed, "Father can't face you."

Ma Hongjun felt strange, and said: "Wan Wan is the future heir of the Shenlu clan, what does it have to do with your father?"

Tang San said: "Wanwan's mother Qingyi and my parents once fought side by side, but my father didn't know about Qingyi and Guangling at that time."

Qingwan understood, "Tang San, what about you?"

Ma Hongjun also felt that this problem was very serious, "You have something to do with Wuhundian, we may have to keep a distance."

Tang San smiled, and said: "You were raised by the teacher, we have known each other since childhood, you are you, and Wuhundian is Wuhundian."

Ma Hongjun nodded, "That's right, it makes sense."

Tai Tan feels that children are innocent, and the grievances of the previous generation should not be involved in the next generation.

Tang San changed the subject: "It's getting late, it's time to go."

Qing Guan said with a smile: "I want to see how powerful the plate armored giant rhinoceros' defense is."

Tai Tan nodded with a smile, "Alright, let's go now."

So, several people got into the carriage and went to the Star Luo Empire.

After driving for several days, they finally came to the border between the two countries. As long as they entered the city in front, they would be the Star Luo Empire.

The guards at the gate of the city are not low in strength, at least at the soul king level, but they are too wretched.

Qing Guan shook her head, "The Star Luo Empire accepts any soul master."

Tang San explained: "At an extraordinary time, the empire needs the power of soul masters very much, so as long as they are strong enough, they will all want it."

Ma Hongjun took a look and smiled, "Isn't that unhappy?"

When Qingwan heard this name, she immediately remembered the plot of the original novel, so she asked, "Bule, who is he?"

Tang San said with a smile: "Back then, when he was in Suotuo City, he bullied girls, Ma Hongjun was a hero to save the beauty, and he took care of him."

Then, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Xiao Ao, and Boss Dai went to help him avenge him.

Qingwan asked curiously: "Then what is his martial spirit?"

Ma Hongjun said: "Looks like two hands."

Qing Wan remembers that in the original plot, the unhappy Wuhun was another very special thing, and it was changed in the anime version to pass the review.

After experiencing this world for myself, I realized that many things have changed.

When the carriage arrived at the gate of the city, it was stopped.

Bu Le asked very arrogantly: "Where did you come from? Now we need a routine inspection."

The old goose also said: "That's right, you all come down for me."

Ma Hongjun went down first, and said tauntingly: "It turned out to be unhappy, do you still know me? I was treated so badly back then."

Bu Le had an impression, "It turned out to be you."

The old goose asked: "Do you know each other?"

Bu Le talked about the beating, and then said: "I want revenge, I want to fight you one-on-one, one-on-one, if you lose, you have to kneel down and apologize."

Ma Hongjun nodded, and said: "Yes, I, Ma Hongjun, Wuhun Xihuophoenix, 57th level Battle Soul King."

Bu Le said: "My name is Bu Le, Wuhun Guishou, a level 54 control system soul king, please advise."

This time, the ghost hand wanted to directly limit the flame's display, but was defeated by the bursting phoenix flame.

Then Old Goose and Tian Ya also went to help, Qing Wan came out, released her Title Douluo-level cultivation, and asked, "Do you want to fight?"

The three of them were so frightened that they immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, not daring to offend the boss.

Qingwan stepped into the carriage, glanced at Tai Long who was driving the carriage, "It's settled, let's go."

Bu Le approached Ma Hongjun very wretchedly to disgust Ma Hongjun, this time he succeeded, and disgusted the two brothers too.

Ma Hongjun was about to vomit, so he ran into the carriage quickly, and said to her with starry eyes: "Miss Wanwan, you are too powerful, they are scared."

Tang San joked: "Who dares to offend Title Douluo."

Furthermore, that Bu Le had never met Qing Wan before, so naturally he didn't think that she was just that.

Tai Long drove the carriage, and after several days of running overnight, he finally came to the Royal Clan. He was able to enter the door only because of his relationship with the powerful orangutan.

The patriarch of the Yuzhi Clan is called Niu Gao, and he is also a Contra. He is good at defense, and his strength is not inferior to that of Diamond Mammoth.

After the two patriarchs exchanged pleasantries for a while, they brought up the matter of the Soul Master Competition, and then talked about Tang San.

This will inevitably lead to a big fight - see the original work for details.

Qing Guan said with a smile: "Senior, I heard that your defensive power is no worse than Titled Douluo, I want to... try."

Niu Gao nodded, "Yes."

Tang San reminded: "Wan Wan is very powerful, she is a titled Douluo, and her main spirit is called Guangling Divine Bow."

At this time, Hu Yanzhen came and persuaded him to return to the road.

Qing Guan said with a smile: "It turned out to be Sect Master Huyan. A few days ago, the attack on the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect suffered heavy losses, and he recovered so quickly?"

Hu Yanzhen was startled, why is she here?However, it's all here, so I can't be cowardly, "Don't worry about it."

Qingwan released the spirit and spirit ring, and asked: "Then I'll try again, can I kill you?"

Tang San reminded again: "She is the daughter of Elder Guang Ling."

Hu Yanzhen was still terrified, that elder loved his daughter like his life, and he was going crazy looking for his daughter these years: "I'll leave right away."

(End of this chapter)

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