Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 67 The Gods Arrived

Chapter 67 The Gods Arrived
Tang Hao introduced: "His martial soul is called Evil Heart, which is also his own heart, and its power is astonishing."

Qing Wan thought it was unbelievable that there was such a martial spirit.

Fufeng also became interested, "I'm going to meet him."

Suddenly, the sound of war drums sounded outside, followed by a soldier shouting outside: "Wuhundian is ready to attack."

Fufeng and Qingwan immediately released the external spirit bones and flew to the battlefield.

The soul master of Jian Wuhun immediately took off with his sword and rushed to the battlefield, and the other titled Douluo also set off immediately.

On the frontline battlefield, Douluo the Evil God and Bibi Dong led dozens of Titled Douluo in person, pressing forward mightily.

Fufeng and Qingwan came first, followed by Sword Soul Master.

Qingwan released the Nine-Colored Divine Deer Martial Soul, the second soul skill Holy Light, and the third soul skill Madness, all released at the same time.

All mental strength and other attributes have been increased.

Fufeng unleashes the spirit of the immortal sword, and nine soul rings rise up, three black and six red, and the realm of the immortal sword is fully opened, confronting the evil god Douluo.

Qing Guan switched to the Ice Spirit Goddess Wuhun, and eight spirit rings of five black, three blue rose instantly, "Bibidong, let's see who is stronger."

Ning Fengzhi, Qinglian, Guanglu Douluo, and Ning Fengque had already arrived, and they immediately activated the spirit avatar.

Other Title Douluo also arrived one after another, releasing their spirits one after another.

The black soul ring rose, Guanglu Douluo: "The eighth soul skill, absolute protection. Don't worry about boosting, they can't break this layer of defense."

Qinglian nodded, and the black soul ring slowly rose, "The sixth soul skill, Nine-colored Divine Light. Hurry up and give everyone a buff."

Ning Fengzhi and Ming Fengque raised seven soul rings, and they chanted the soul mantra at the same time: "Seven treasures turn out, there is Liuli."

In the state of Martial Soul Avatar, the soul power consumption is halved, and then the strength and speed, soul power, defense, attributes, and attack boosts are fully released.

After being strengthened by the Nine Colors Divine Light, the effect of the amplification is doubled.

The strength of Fu Ying, Tang Hao, Fu Bai, and Chen Xin directly soared to level 99, and the others all reached the level of peak Douluo.

Bibi Dong laughed loudly, turned her head slightly, "Let's get started."

Canjin Douluo activates the Martial Soul, first increases his own attack power and attributes, and then activates the edict of light.

The last soul skill is specially used to shorten the charging time of the soul skill.

The gap between the two sides was shortened, and a title Douluo battle officially started, and even the soldiers of both sides began to fight.

The Evil God Douluo laughed, sacrificed the artifact Evil God Sword, and started to fight Fufeng, but found that he was suppressed by the opponent.

Fu Ying, Chen Xin, and Fu Bai faced Bibi Dong, and they were able to fight back and forth, which shows how strong Bibi Dong is.

Qingwan smiled slightly, switched to Jiucai Shenlu, and then activated the fourth soul skill seal, "I am also a support, don't forget."

Canjin Douluo raised a golden magic circle, and all the auxiliary soul skills were sealed. At this moment, he is like a fish.

Hu Yanzhen and Tuobaxi retreated immediately, protecting the titled Douluo behind them, preventing them from being killed by the soul master of the agility attack department on the opposite side.

Nine-Tails Douluo smiled slightly, and after releasing the soul skill Teleport successfully circled, released the group confusion soul skill to charm all beings to control the two Contras, and then used the Nine-Tails Strangulation to get rid of Canjin Douluo.

The Evil God Douluo was in a hurry, he couldn't beat his opponent at this moment, he was beaten to the point of defeat, and even suffered a trial of the sword god.

Qing Guan switched to the Light Feather Divine Bow spirit, released the soul skill without interruption, and the Bing Ling Arrow went straight through Bibi Dong's heart.

It's a pity, she had already released her ninth soul skill Immortal Body, and her heart was still beating right now.

Seeing this, the three sword soul masters immediately released their ninth soul ability and attacked Bibi Dong at the same time, but it was useless, the resurrection continued.

Qing Guan switched to the Ice Spirit Goddess Martial Soul, activated the Frozen Art, instantly frozen the heart, and the resurrection ceremony was stopped.

On Fufeng's side, activate the eighth soul skill Sword God Possession, at this moment he can temporarily borrow the magic skill to break through the sky.

Evil God Douluo felt that this blow might directly destroy him, so he released the eighth soul skill, Heart Regeneration, and broke the sky with his life.

At this moment, two phantoms descended from the sky.

One is dressed in green and the other is dressed in blood red. They look evil and terrifying, as if they are standing on the side of Wuhun Temple.

At this moment, the fighting also completely stopped.

At this time, another woman in red came to the battlefield, with a pair of red butterfly wings behind her, and her breath was cold.

This woman actually looks somewhat similar to Qing Wan.

Qinglian was very happy, "Sister."

This woman was Qing Yi who had disappeared for a long time. She raised her head, looked at the two phantoms, and said, "Goddess Rakshasa, evil god."

Fufeng's expression was full of sarcasm, "If you can't beat him, call him a helper."

Qing Wan said: "Goddess Rakshasa governs evil thoughts, evil god governs evil thoughts, should belong to God King Shura, how can she come to interfere in the affairs of the world?"

As soon as the words were finished, God Shura came down to the human world, "Raksha, evil gods, get out of the God Realm, or don't blame me for being rude."

Goddess Rakshasa looked at her inheritors and said, "Let them let Bibi Dong go, otherwise I won't go back."

The evil god also said: "I want you to cease fighting for three years."

Qingyi said coldly: "Though you guys are kind, but I will still kill them three years later."

The evil god said: "It has nothing to do with me."

God Asura understood their intentions, and they wanted to run away, and friends who had been friends for many years couldn't stop them, so he said, "Then the war will be ceased for three years."

Qing Wan said: "I'll give you this face." Then, she withdrew her soul skills, "Let's go back and continue the assessment."

Fufeng nodded, turned around, "Let's withdraw troops."

Fu Ying said: "Yes, I hope Spirit Hall will keep its promise."

Evil God Douluo supported his body, and said: "Of course, the Spirit Empire has become the Spirit Palace again."

God Shura left with Goddess Rakshasa and the evil god, and Tiandou, Xingluo and Wuhundian officially ceased fighting for three years.

After returning to the barracks, Tang Hao was not reconciled, "I really should fight to the death with them. At the critical moment, the gods came, really infuriating."

Fu Feng said: "They won't let it go."

Qingyi walked over and hugged Wanwan, "Daughter, I'm sorry, mom is late, will you blame mom?"

Qingwan shook her head, "No."

Qinglian also went to hug her sister, "You, have you become a god now? What kind of god is it?"

Qingyi replied: "I have inherited, Goddess of Wisdom."

This is a first-level deity, belonging to the main god, who can take a relative to the God Realm and enjoy eternal life together, or it can be said to be eternal loneliness.

Qing Wan smiled and said, "Mom is amazing."

Fu Feng said: "Okay, I should too, continue to accept the assessment of the Sword God, and I will definitely come back in three years."

Qingwan felt a little bit reluctant to part with her mother, "I want to stay a little longer."

Yu Xiaogang persuaded: "Wan Wan, don't be willful, you and Xiaofeng inherit the gods earlier, it will also be a deterrent to the Wuhun Hall."

Qingwan was a little disappointed, "Okay, Dad."

Qingyi also said: "I can stay in Douluo Dalu for another 180 years, and I can stay with you for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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