Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 95 The Power of Angels

Chapter 95 The Power of Angels
Qian Xiaoyi said proudly: "I will definitely become a powerful soul master like my mother. Let's go back."

Everyone in Shrek returned to the hotel.

Seeing that several seniors and sisters were already waiting, Ye Weiwei immediately released the Nine Heart Begonia Martial Soul to heal them.

Half an hour later, Fu Ming smiled slightly, "Kids, I can play now. During this time, I have really worked hard for you."

Ye Weiwei withdrew her martial soul and said, "In a few days, sister Ling will be able to fight, don't worry."

Wang Yan was very happy, "As expected of Nine Hearts Begonia."

Yu Xinghan smiled and said: "I can also play, no matter who is drawn in the next round, we can win the game."

Wang Yan was even happier, "Well, well, that's really great."

Fu'an reminded: "Keep it in check. Senior Gongyang Mo, hurry up and break through the Soul Emperor's cultivation."

Qian Xiaoyi reminded again: "I brought the battle soul guide, you can fight as a battle soul master now, don't worry, the operation is very simple."

Gong Yangmo nodded, "Okay, I understand."

As an assistant soul master, being able to act as a battle soul master was something he never thought of, and he was vaguely looking forward to it in his heart.

Ye Weiwei also said: "I want to fight as a battle soul master."

Fu An thought for a while and said, "Okay, you and Xu Sanshi form a team, he defends in front, and you attack from behind."

Xu Sanshi was actually a little reluctant, but for the sake of the competition, he could only endure it now.

Wang Dong asked a very stupid question, "She is an auxiliary soul master, she has no combat power, how can she fight as a battle soul master?"

Qing Ning laughed, "She is also a soul engineer."

Ye slightly nodded, "After my father died, my mother also left. The only one I can rely on is myself."

Fu Ming regrets that there is only one successor for each generation of this kind of martial spirit, so he suggested: "After graduation, let's settle down in Immortal Sword City."

Ye was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

On the second day, Zhengtian Academy, the opponent of the next match, was ushered in.

Wang Yan looked at Fu An, smiled and said, "Teacher believes in you."

Fu An nodded and looked at everyone, "The one we drew is a three-three-three competition system. Next, everyone listen to my arrangement."

Everyone nodded. They trusted An An [-]%. This trust had nothing to do with strength, because he deserved this trust.

Fu An went on to say: "In the first match, Qian Xiaoyi, Feng Zhiyou, and Jiang Nannan, will not lose this battle."

The two nodded and walked onto the ring.

In Zhengtian College, there are dagger soul masters and an angel soul master, and finally there are sword soul masters, one from the agility department, and two from the assault department.

Only the dagger soul master has a cultivation base of the soul sect level, and it seems that he is going to go to the city first to boost the morale of the team.

The referee announced that the two sides retreated and the game officially began.

Qian Xiaoyi said: "Angel? It's a low-profile version of a holy angel, right? My martial soul is the king of the air ten thousand years ago, the seraph."

As soon as this remark came out, some people in the audience who had read history, more or less, remembered the origin of this martial spirit.

Emperor Xingluo smiled slightly, it turned out to be a god-level martial spirit that had disappeared for 1 years, possessing the purest light attribute and solar flame.

This kind of martial spirit is the nemesis of darkness and evil.

He is in Shrek, if he becomes a Titled Douluo in the future, then the end of evil soul masters will also come.

On the ring stage, an angelic soul master looked shocked, "Impossible, there hasn't been a seraph in the Temple of Angels for a long time."

Qian Xiaoyi released his martial spirit, and said: "Let me see, how many catties and taels do you have, dare to fight with an ax in front of me."

Feng Zhiyou immediately released the wind wings, flew into the sky, and started a duel with the dagger soul master and the sword soul master.

The angelic soul master didn't believe in evil, so she flew into the sky to have a decisive battle with her. Unfortunately, her opponent was too strong, and she was defeated in less than three rounds.

On the other side, Feng Zhiyou used Gale Wind 72 consecutive slashes, killing the opponent in seconds with one enemy and two, Jiang Nannan seemed to make up the numbers.

Under the arena, Fu An smiled slightly and said, "For the second duel, let Fu Ming, Xiao Ning, and Ning Tian play."

The last match was between Yu Xinghan, Beibei and Fu'an.

In the second round, Fu Ming unleashed the strength of a soul sage, Qing Ning was also a soul king, and had the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and the opponent surrendered directly.

In the third round, there was no need to compare right now, Shrek Academy won.

Went to the auction at night and bought some equipment.

Two days later, Ling Luochen recovered. She sat down with Fu Ming, Yu Xinghan and Gongyang Mo, and the competition was really stress-free.

Shrek Academy has easily qualified.Next is the knockout round, this time it's a team battle, and the pressure on the various colleges is very high.

On the day of the competition, Shrek ushered in his opponent, the Dou Ling Academy, one of the top four in the previous competition.

Fortunately, Dai Yueheng and Ma Xiaotao also recovered.

In the waiting room, Fu An said: "The next ones will be the six players who have been drafted, Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, and me."

Everyone nodded and stepped onto the ring together.

On the Dou Ling Academy side, there are seven soul kings and two soul sects, all of whom are equipped with soul guides.

Referee: "Please stand back, the game officially begins."

Huo Yuhao took the lead and shared the mental detection with all his teammates.

Gongyangmo smiled slightly, and immediately released his martial soul, giving the buff to all his teammates immediately.

Wang Dong just released the martial soul, but didn't make a move. She came on stage at this moment, just to release the martial soul fusion skill with Yuhao.

Fu An immediately activated the Eye of the Dead, and taking advantage of the moment the opponent was controlled, Fu Ming, Dai Yaoheng, and Yu Xinghan immediately released the group attacking soul skills, and Ling Luochen made the final finishing touch.

When the Dou Ling Academy team reacted, they were all wounded. Seeing the two soul saints opposite, they were also in despair.

The referee announced: "Shrek Academy has won this knockout round."

It's a pity that Dou Ling Academy can only stop here, their grades are not as good as last year, it can only be said that they are too unlucky.

Shrek's competition was in full swing, and finally ushered in a relatively strong opponent, the Star Luo Royal Academy.

In the pre-match lounge, everyone is having a meeting.

Guangling Douluo was also there, and he said: "The royal martial spirit is called Xingguan, and this time it may play. An'an, do you have any suggestions?"

Fu An looked relaxed, and said: "Xiaoyi's martial spirit can also restrain the light attribute martial spirit."

Fu Ming understood, and said: "The Star Crown Martial Soul just borrows the power of light to perform auxiliary soul skills, so Xiao Yi can settle it when he comes on stage."

Fu An nodded, "There are three places left, Xiao Ao, Qing Ning, and Xiao Yi, you all play together, they can't stop them."

Yu Xinghan said rather regretfully: "You and Xiaoyi's martial souls have incompatible attributes. If you play together, your winning rate should be even higher."

Qian Xiaoyi suggested: "You can use the scepter of destruction."

Qing Ning glanced at him, "There are two soul sages present, there is no need to use such a powerful martial soul."

Feng Zhiyou sighed, "I want to play, so give me a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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