Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 98 Yu Xiaogang Re-Chapter Shrek

Chapter 98 Yu Xiaogang returns to Shrek
Qing Wan said, "Xiao Yi is here too, what are you worried about?"

Having said that, but that time, she couldn't help but think about it, but gods can't appear in the world at will.

Fufeng walked over, and hugged his wife tenderly, "This time, the children performed very well in the Soul Fighting Competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy."

Qingwan nodded, "Yes, they practice hard enough."

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang came in and said, "Wanwan, I want to visit the children, and by the way, see the advanced soul guide."

Qingwan nodded, waved her hand lightly, and a door opened.

She warned: "Father, on the other side of the door is the Star Luo City of the Star Luo Empire, so be careful."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, "Dad knows, don't worry."

Now, he is also the cultivation base of Peerless Douluo, there are not many people in that place who can hurt him.

The friend I used to know has passed away, so sad.

Fufeng thought for a while, and still left a spiritual thought on his father-in-law, and then said: "You can go at ease, and say hello to the children for me."

Yu Xiaogang smiled and said, "I made a note, I'm leaving."

After speaking, he walked through the door.

Qingwan closed the door and sighed, "I miss the children, if I entrust my dreams to see them, is it against the rules?"

Fufeng thought about the rules of the God Realm, nodded, "This shouldn't count, I'll go to Oneiroi first, don't worry too much."

Qingwan nodded and said, "Well, husband, you can go quickly."

Douluo Continent, Star Luo Empire, Star Luo City.

Yu Xiaogang found the children at a food stall, and called softly, "Are you alright?"

Qing Ning heard the voice, looked over quickly, then got up and ran to the man's arms, "Grandpa, you're here too."

Fu An got up, bowed indeed, "I have seen Grandpa."

Qian Xiaoyi also called grandpa, Wang Dong and Feng Zhiyou called grandpa.

The eyes of other people were also attracted to him. It was hard to imagine that this man, who looked only in his 20s, was a grandpa.

Why do you look 20 years old?Bibi Dong used divine power to bring Yu Xiaogang's appearance back to when he was young.

Guangling Douluo asked: "Are you here too?"

Wang Yan was puzzled, "Senior Guang Ling, who is this senior?"

Guangling Douluo introduced: "His name is Yu Xiaogang, he comes from the Landian Tyrannosaurus family, his martial spirit is Luo Sanpao, and he is now level 99."

This familiar name, the leading instructor of the first generation Shrek representative team, the No. 1 martial arts researcher of that era, Qing Wan's father and Tang San's teacher, but disappeared after the Great War of Gods.

He also has this name, it should be just a coincidence, after all, there are many people named Yu Xiaogang in history.

Huo Yuhao was the first to come to his senses, "Grandpa is good."

The others also called out Grandpa, and then Qing Ning pulled him to sit down, "Did Grandpa miss us?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded, "Yes, I miss you all. This time, I also want to see the advanced soul guide."

Fu An said: "Grandpa, the soul guide is really amazing."

Guangling nodded, and said, "If it wasn't for getting older, I would also like to learn, and take it home to please my wife."

Yu Xiaogang thought of Bibi Dong, "She should like it."

Qian Xiaoyi changed the topic: "Grandpa, if you don't go home these days, why don't you tell everyone."

Yu Xiaogang nodded and said: "The children are very talented, I like it very much, and I can give you some pointers."

Beibei looked at Fu'an and the others, thinking that these few are so powerful, it must be taught by this senior himself.

Xu Sanshi asked: "How do you plan to teach us?"

Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said: "No hurry, let's go to Shrek Academy first, and see the portraits of old friends from the past."

Ma Xiaotao asked, "What portrait?"

When Fu Ming heard this sentence, he also understood in his heart, seeing that he didn't say anything, it was inconvenient to point it out, and just said: "Shrek has entered a bottleneck period."

Yu Xiaogang was puzzled, "Oh, what is the bottleneck period?"

Guangling Douluo said: "There is a contradiction between the Wuhun department and the soul guide department. Most of the Wuhun department look down on the soul guide department."

Yu Xiaogang nodded slightly, not talking too much.

After playing for two days, everyone set foot on the return journey. After seven days of driving, they finally returned to Shrek City.

Guangling Douluo introduced: "This place belongs to Shrek Academy."

Yu Xiaogang said: "Flender, that old money fanatic, should feel sorry for him, but he will wake up laughing from his dreams if he can reach today's scale."

Elder Xuan's expression changed, and he said, "I don't allow you to insult your ancestors."

Guangling Douluo smiled, and said to him: "Even if Flender comes back to life, he has to behave properly and call me senior."

Yu Xiaogang also said: "I call him Patriarch, does he dare to answer?"

Elder Xuan was astonished and asked, "Who are you?"

Yu Xiaogang said, "Go ahead."

Elder Xuan nodded, suppressing the doubts in his heart, and led them to the Sea God Pavilion, where they met Elder Mu, the owner of the pavilion.

Huo Yuhao was very surprised. This pavilion master turned out to be the old man sitting under the dormitory. This is too amazing.

Elder Mu chuckled, explained the reason, noticed the extra person, and asked, "Xuanzi, who is this...?"

Yu Xiaogang said: "Thousands of years ago, the Yu Xiaogang who disappeared in the battlefield of gods was me, the martial soul Luo Sanpao, it is a vicious mutant martial soul."

Guangling Douluo coughed, "I am the fifth enshrinement of the Wuhun Hall, Guangling Douluo 1 years ago."

Everyone was stunned, what was going on.

Elder Mu asked, "You all went to that place? Did the first-generation Shrek representative team also go to that place?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded, "Where are these children from?"

Elder Xuan was stunned. After thinking about it carefully, he finally understood, "Then you are here for the children?"

Elder Mu got up and led everyone to bow, "I have seen my ancestors, I was the one who was rude just now, please don't take offense."

Yu Xiaogang waved his hand and continued, "I want to see the Douluo Continent ten thousand years from now, and the Shrek Academy ten thousand years from now."

Yan Shaozhe understood now, "You two old ancestors, there is one matter that the academy doesn't know how to decide."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, "Senior Guangling has already said that, I think we can vigorously develop soul tools."

Guang Ling Douluo agreed: "Back then, Tang San's hidden weapon, Buddha Fury Tang Lian, destroyed the most powerful Angel Legion in the Spirit Hall."

Yu Xiaogang went on to say: "Soul guides are just tools, only soul masters can exert the greatest effect, don't put the cart before the horse."

The soul guide can never replace the soul master, but it is the product of the development of the times. If Shrek continues to stand still and wait for its fate, it will only be eliminated.

After hearing this speech, everyone felt enlightened, and their hearts were no longer so entangled.

Fuan stepped forward and said, "Everyone, the battle of Mingdou Mountain Range is the best example. We must make changes."

(End of this chapter)

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