Night falls.

Lufthansa Mall started to broadcast the announcement that it was going to close the store, and the food tasting activity on the platform of the square had also ended, and the staff were cleaning up the mess in the square.

In the fruit shop, Gao Jingwen was sitting on the boss's chair, and Li Lu, the manager of the Yansha branch, was reporting to Gao Jingwen about today's tasting.

Today's food tasting event went very smoothly, especially after several reporters and friends joined, the scene became more lively.

Due to the large number of people participating in the tasting activity, the fruits prepared in advance were consumed in the morning, and the amount of fruits had to be doubled.

Fortunately, Gao Jingwen has the Shennong space. No matter how good the fruit is for her, as long as she is given time, she will be able to produce it continuously.

Although a large amount of fruit was given out for free today, Gao Jingwen did not suffer, and it can even be said that the harvest was quite rich.

First of all, 'Dazzling Ruby Grapes' won unanimous praise from all tasters.

It not only looks very eye-catching on the outside, but also tastes delicious. It also has a very strong fruity aroma, and its strength is not inferior to that of 'Sunshine Rose Grape'.

The only pity is that its popularity is too low. It is basically impossible for Gao Jingwen to push the 'Dazzling Ruby Grape' to the level of 'Sunshine Rose' by herself.

Her idea is to label this grape as a 'Strong Fruit Chain Store' as her main product.

As for the price, Gao Jingwen is not going to set a too high price for her, the price is the same as Dongyi Kingdom's top fruits 'Hongyan Strawberry' and 'Zhangji Strawberry'.

The price range is set at 88 yuan/catties - 188 yuan/catties. This price is basically the price of imported 'beautiful strawberry'. It is not an exaggeration to set the price of 'colorful ruby ​​grape' here.

Other than that, the biggest gains are ordinary fruits such as printed apples, ginseng fruits, phlox fruits, and zodiac fruits that have been cultivated.

These Fuji apples, Qiubai pears, peaches, etc. are different from the colorful ruby ​​grapes. They are the most common common fruits in daily life.

It was under Gao Jingwen's acquired manipulation that they changed their appearance and had the opportunity to be valued.

Today, these ordinary fruits shine, becoming the most popular fruit besides the colorful ruby ​​grape.

On the contrary, the wild fruit that Gao Jingwen gave high hopes did not shine, and the reaction of customers was mediocre.

However, this does not mean that Gao Jingwen's plan has failed, because today is not a day of normal sales, today is a day of free tasting.

Everyone will definitely not think about health preservation, nutrition, and health care issues when trying to eat. Gao Jingwen believes that when the fruit shop opens, these wild fruits will definitely become the main force of the fruit shop.

"Today's tasting event in our fruit shop went very smoothly. Everyone performed very well. We will continue to work hard in the next two days. After the event is over, I will give everyone red envelopes."

"thank you boss!"

"Thank you, Mr. Gao!"

"Thank you Mr. Gao!"


Gao Jingwen waved her hand to stop everyone from continuing to engage in meaningless flattery.

"Everyone has been busy all day today, and you have worked hard. I will stop wasting everyone's time with nonsense. After you clean up the shop, go home early!"


"Off work!"


Capital Metropolis Daily.

In the editor-in-chief's office, Li Chengyan was sitting on the editor-in-chief's chair, holding several versions of tomorrow's front page news in his hand.

Looking at the content of the news, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, showing a playful smile, and the large leather shoes of size 43 on the editor-in-chief's desk swayed from side to side regularly.

But the real owner of this office, Zhen Weilin, editor-in-chief of the Capital City Daily, could only stand aside in embarrassment, silently waiting for Li Chengyan.

After reading all versions of the manuscript, Li Chengyan casually threw the newspaper on the desk, retracted his two legs on the desk, and sat up straight.

"Editor Zhen, I think your newspaper is exaggerated enough, isn't it in line with the style of your capital city newspaper?"

Hearing this, Zhen Weilin shook his head again and again, it was indeed Li Chengyan who misunderstood him.

He dared not deny the face of the Li family in the capital, and he was willing to polish the news a little bit when reporting the news that the Li family was concerned about.

But today, there is absolutely no exaggeration in the report he wrote. The fruits of the Qiangsheng chain fruit shop are indeed excellent, and this has been confirmed by him personally.

"Li Shao, to tell you the truth, I am also a traveler. I have eaten all kinds of special delicacies and local fruits."

"But today I have learned a lot. Your friend is really amazing. Not only does she have foreign fruit channels, she also has a box-bottomed 'Dazzling Ruby Grape' in her hand. The taste is really amazing."

"Also, she is really a business genius, I don't know how she came up with these things."

As he said that, Zhen Weilin opened the drawer in his office, and there was an apple with the word "囍" printed on it, and a ginseng fruit.

He took out these two fruits that he was not willing to eat, and put them flat on the desk.

"When I grow up, this is the first time I've seen someone who can write on an apple, and the words can't be erased."

"Look at this 'ginseng fruit' again. It is actually a pear with a relatively good taste, but with such a change in shape, many people are robbing it. You haven't seen that scene. It's so spectacular."

"I can guarantee that after Mr. Gao's fruit shop opens, the business will explode!"


Li Chengyan picked up the Fuji apple on the table, looked it up and down, left and right.

It was amazing to find that there was no scar on the apple, and the word "囍" on the apple could not be wiped off, and it was integrated with the pulp.

"This apple doesn't look like it was engraved the day after tomorrow. If the apple was engraved when it was young, the font would definitely be deformed, so this character should be branded on the apple when it was already finalized."

"As for how it was branded, I don't know."

Hearing this, Zhen Weilin nodded repeatedly. He had been curious about this matter for a long time, but unfortunately both Gao Jingwen and the staff kept it a secret and did not tell him how it was done.

"This matter is really mysterious, Gao is always capable!"

Li Chengyan smiled lightly, and he remembered the topics they had talked about when he had contact with Gao Jingwen before.

Although Gao Jingwen is young, her business acumen is extremely good, not at all inferior to those bigwigs who are already well-known in the industry.

Li Chengyan put the apple in his hand on the table, and asked seemingly indifferently: "Did anything interesting happen today?"

Zhen Weilin was silent for a moment and then shook his head, "Everything is going well today, and the food tasting event is also going well, there is nothing unexpected."

"Oh, by the way, there is one thing that I find a little strange. Reporters from major newspapers in the capital gathered at the tasting scene today. Are they all invited by you, Young Master Li?"


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