Chapter 114 Reaching Cooperation
Gao Jingwen looked at Li Chengyan with a smile on her face, "Mr. Li, I am really optimistic about this MP3 project and am willing to invest, but as a partner, you can't just talk about white wolves, you have to come up with some real materials, right?"

"Don't talk about technicians, advanced equipment and other things. You can find these things as long as you have money. You have to come up with some real money."

"Otherwise, I will take the lead in this cooperation!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing International's words, Li Chengyan laughed instead of anger, and even took the initiative to applaud Gao Jingwen.

He is very confident in his identity as the second son of the Li family in the capital. He believes that as long as he is willing to speak up, there will be many wealthy businessmen who are willing to establish a relationship with the Li family to please him and help him with money and effort.

These people only want a little profit, and they don't even want any favors just to get in touch with the Li family.

But Gao Jingwen is different. It seems that in her eyes, there is no such thing as the Li family in the capital, and the two of them are simply talking about cooperation.

Li Chengyan hadn't encountered this kind of serious and fair negotiation for a long time, and he found it very interesting to meet someone like Gao Jingwen who didn't care about his identity.

"Sure enough, I was right. Miss Gao, you are different from other people, but business is business. Since you choose to start from the perspective of business, let me talk about it from this aspect!"

"First of all, I initiated this project, so I have the right to own a reasonable 20.00% of the shares."

"Secondly, what I can find is not the ordinary talents on the market, but the related talents who can directly develop the core components of MP3, and even find the top-level production supporting equipment. Only for this, I can occupy half of the shares .”

"The MP3 factory is in Beijing. This is my main battleground. From production to sales, I have a very strong local advantage. I can't take [-]% of these too much, right?"

"This is the first time we have cooperated. I won't take advantage of you. This time you contribute and I contribute. We will share [-]-[-]. What do you think?"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Gao Jingwen couldn't help laughing out loud, Li Chengyan is definitely a logical genius.

For a project with a minimum investment of 2 million yuan, he wanted to own 50.00% of the shares without paying a penny. This is simply a joke.

Gao Jingwen contributed all the money herself. She also has a clear understanding of the development of MP3 and knows what kind of MP3 products are the most popular. What she lacks is only technical and labor issues.

Gao Jingwen would never agree to exchange half of the company's shares with this little thing.

"Mr. Li, we are all sensible people, so don't pretend to be confused."

"The so-called technicians and production equipment are all bought by me. You are just talking about it. As for the production problem, it is even more unreasonable. As one of the shareholders of the factory, shouldn't you be in charge of the company's production and operation? ?"

"In this way, I don't want to waste more words with you, 30.00%, I can't make any more concessions."

"It's only 2000 million, what's the big deal, I will pay 1 million for brother Chengyan, let him take 60.00%."

"I agree!"

Li Chengyan and Lin Cailuan spoke at almost the same time, but Gao Jingwen knew very well that the "I agree" in Li Chengyan's mouth did not accept Lin Cailuan's investment, but agreed to only occupy 30.00% of the shares.

Li Chengyan didn't even bother to explain to Lin Cailuan, stood up with a smile, and stretched out his right hand to Gao Jingwen, "I wish us a happy cooperation in advance!"

Gao Jingwen also stood up and shook hands with Li Chengyan.

"Happy cooperation!"

Seeing Li Chengyan and Gao Jingwen completely ignoring her, Lin Cailuan gritted her teeth angrily, but she couldn't lose her temper in front of Li Chengyan, so she could only vent all her anger on the skewers in her hand.

She imagined the mutton skewers in her hand as Gao Jingwen, biting hard again and again.

Gao Jingwen didn't know what Lin Cailuan was thinking, and quietly ate the skewers in her hands, "When are you going to start this project, before or after the year?"

Lee Seung-yeon hesitated for a moment, "I'll fight for it, try to start working in [-], after all we still have to design new products."

"Oh, by the way, do you have any product ideas?"

"Are we copying the big names in the market, or launching products of our own design?"

From Lee Seung-yeon's words, it can be seen that he is indeed very concerned about the MP3 project, whether it is product research and development, product design, or sales, he has taken everything into consideration.

The attitude of the partner is so correct, Gao Jingwen is naturally happy to hear it.

As for her design of MP3 products, there are too many. The first thing that pops up in her mind is the first MP3 she bought when she was in middle school, followed by various popular MP3 brands in her memory.

She already has an idea. When she goes back, she will draw all the explosive MP3s in her memory and divide them according to their production years.

At that time, she will provide Li Chengyan with some similar ideas in the order of the year. She believes that the hits of the year can still become hits after changing brands.

It's just that she can't tell Li Chengyan about this right now to prevent Li Chengyan from becoming suspicious.

"I only know a little about design, but I think it's best for us to create our own brand if we want to create our own brand. I can't come up with any good ideas for a while. I'll go back and conceive and see if I have any inspiration Bar!"


Li Chengyan nodded. His idea was the same as that of Gao Jingwen. He also designed and created his own products.

It's just that the country is currently used to re-enacting foreign popular products, so he just asked casually, since Gao Jingwen's thoughts are the same as his, he doesn't need to talk nonsense.

"Okay, then I will set off to Nanhanguo NG Company in two days, and talk to them in detail about the relevant talents and related production equipment."

Gao Jingwen nodded slightly, "No problem, tell me how much money you need, and I will send you money at any time."

"Okay, that's it. I'll talk to you about the details after I finish contacting the people from NG Company."

"no problem!"

Li Chengyan and Gao Jingwen had a very happy chat this time. They chatted about cooperation while eating barbecue. From MP3 production to final sales, the two basically talked all over.

Through this in-depth understanding, Li Chengyan is more optimistic about Gao Jingwen. He found that Gao Jingwen's judgment on the future electronic market is the same as his.

Moreover, Gao Jingwen is very decisive in investing, without any delays, and has no intention of clinging to the Li family in the capital.

Therefore, Li Chengyan paid more attention to Gao Jingwen, and had faintly put Gao Jingwen on an equal position with himself.

After this meal, only Lin Cailuan, an outsider, was unhappy. She wished to replace Gao Jingwen and cooperate with Li Chengyan.

It's a pity that she is not Gao Jingwen, and she will never be Gao Jingwen!
(End of this chapter)

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