Chapter 125 New Investments
"Miss Gao is really good. Not only is she unique in fruit cultivation, she is also good at dried fruits. However, I am looking for you to cooperate this time, not to open a retail store, but to build a high-end dried fruit chain brand."

"I've studied the current market. At present, there is no such comprehensive dried fruit product as you just mentioned. If we are the first one, we will definitely take the lead and become the leader in the international market."

Hearing this, Gao Jingwen was secretly delighted, but the big boss is different, and he opened his mouth to talk about the international market.

Coincidentally, Kudo Hideichi's idea is basically the same as Gao Jingwen's. Gao Jingwen's idea is to create a dried fruit brand like 'Three Squirrels', specializing in the production of various dried fruits.

Kudo Hideichi's thoughts largely overlap with hers, basically the same.

"Mr. Kudo, to tell you the truth, I think so too.

I'm going to be busy dealing with things in my hometown these days, why don't I go to the capital to find you after I'm done, and show you my dried fruit samples by the way, let's sit down and have a good chat? "

Kudo Shuichi paused for a moment, as if he was calculating his latest schedule, and responded to Gao Jingwen after a while.

"Okay, no problem, the Beijing Dongteng Department Store and the logistics operation center project have just started, and I can stay here for a while.

You can talk to me about this cooperation before December 12th. "

"Okay, then wish us a happy cooperation in advance?"

"I look forward to working with Ms. Gao again."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Jingwen let out a long breath. The phone call was really full of twists and turns.

At first, because of Lee Seung-yeon's incident, Gao Jingwen almost lost Kudo Shuichi's thick leg, but the situation suddenly reversed midway, and Kudo Shuichi took the initiative to seek cooperation, which was Gao Jingwen's project.

It's all so coincidental!

With Kudo Hideichi, the big sponsor, Gao Jingwen's business layout can be revised again. Not only the dried fruit factory project can start ahead of schedule, but also the two major projects of Qiangsheng Fruit Store and Qiangsheng Chocolate Factory do not need to be postponed.

If the dried fruit factory of this cooperation is built in Xinhe City, Gao Jingwen will be equivalent to attracting a large amount of investment to Zhao Xuemin, and it will be a huge investment with unlimited follow-up investment.

The more Gao Jingwen thought about it, the happier she became. She immediately called Zhao Xuemin and shared the good news with him immediately.

"Hey, is Director Zhao busy?"

"I'm okay here, call me suddenly, what's the matter?"


Gao Jingwen grinned proudly, showing her small white teeth.

"I have good news for you."

Hearing this, Zhao Xuemin was shocked, and quickly put down the pen in his hand, and patiently listened to Gao Jingwen's call.

"It's like this. I just chatted with Mr. Kudo. Mr. Kudo is very interested in one of my projects and plans to invest and build a factory in our Xinhe City."

"This project is not inferior to the big project of the chocolate factory, and the investment is at least tens of millions."

Hearing that Kudo Shuichi was going to invest in Xinhe City again, Zhao Xuemin stood up excitedly.

He knew the strength of the Kudo family, and he had doubts about himself when he failed to invite Shuichi Kudo to open Dongteng Department Store in Xinhe City.

Fortunately, there is Gao Jingwen behind, who invested in the construction of factories and planting bases, injecting fresh vitality into Xinhe City.

Hearing that Kudo Shuichi was going to invest in Xinhe City again, he clenched his fists with excitement.

"What kind of project is this time, is it industrial?"

"No, this time it's also about agriculture. Do you remember the hazelnuts I planted on a large scale before? This is an important part of our new cooperation."

"The new factory we are going to open is mainly engaged in various high-quality dried fruits. Mr. Kudo plans to spend a lot of money to build a world-renowned dried fruit brand."

Zhao Xuemin and Gao Jingwen have different identities, and they have different ways of thinking about problems. Gao Jingwen is most concerned about profit, how much money can be made by building a factory.

But Zhao Xuemin has more things to consider, such as the investment of this project, whether there is any environmental pollution, whether it can attract other merchants to Xinhe City, whether it can bring new jobs to the local villagers, and so on.

Dried fruit factory belongs to agricultural and sideline food.

This means that this factory can drive the surrounding villages and towns to start planting, allowing more villagers to have a new job and driving the local economic development.

At the same time, the golden signboard of the Kudo family can definitely attract merchants from surrounding provinces and cities to invest in Xinhe City.

This wave, Xinhe City is making money!
"Do you have time now, come to my office and talk about it in detail!"

"Okay, no problem, I'll be there right away, and I'll be there within an hour."

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

"Yeah, goodbye Zhao Ju!"

Gao Jingwen and Zhao Xuemin are both clean and neat people. After hanging up the phone, Gao Jingwen set off directly and went straight to the city center.

Xinhe City Development Zone, Qiangsheng Chocolate Factory.

At this moment, the workers were constructing in full swing, and everyone noticed that the owner of the large chocolate factory just picked up by Xinhe City came quietly.

This is the third time for Gao Jingwen to come to the chocolate factory. The first time is to check the location of the factory, and the second time is the official construction of the factory.

Fortunately, the chocolate factory project is in charge of the Second Municipal Construction Bureau of Xinhe City, and it was Zhao Xuemin who greeted him personally. Gao Jingwen is very relieved about this construction and is not worried about cutting corners or cutting materials.

Going to Zhao Xuemin's place, just passing the development zone, Gao Jingwen stopped by here for a turn, and picked a vacant piece of land by the way, as the site of her dried fruit factory.

After more than two months, Gao Jingwen came to the development zone again and found that the changes here are very big.

She remembered that there were no other factories around the chocolate factory before, but this time, there were several factories under construction scattered around.

Moreover, the scale of these factories that are still under construction is not small, at least with an investment of more than 500 million.

"Hey, Mr. Gao!"

Just as Gao Jingwen was inquiring along the development zone, she suddenly heard a somewhat familiar voice. When she looked back, it turned out to be Zhang Huaiyi, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

At this moment, Zhang Huaiyi was wearing a white construction hat, surrounded by a group of people in the center.

She and Zhang Huaiyi were already familiar friends, so they immediately stopped and greeted Zhang Huaiyi.

"Director Zhang, what a coincidence, where are you today?"

Zhang Huaiyi left the people around him behind, walked towards Gao Jingwen with a big stride and a smile on his face.

"Let me introduce to you. This is Boss Li from Longwan City next door to us. He came to invest in our Xinhe City. He invested in a canning factory, which is near your chocolate factory."

Zhang Huaiyi took the initiative to introduce that it would not be too small compared to the business scale, and Gao Jingwen hurriedly made a polite statement to the other party.

"It turned out to be Mr. Li, please take care of me in the future."

"Mr. Gao is polite. I heard that you have a lot of cooperation with the overseas Kudou family. Please take care of me."

"Ha ha!"

Gao Jingwen had a few more polite words with a few people, and then offered to leave.

"Director Zhang, Bureau Zhao is still waiting for me. I won't chat with you today. Let's meet again another day."

"Xiao Gao, you are really serious. If Director Zhao has an appointment, you should tell him earlier, go quickly, and don't keep Director Zhao waiting for a long time."

"okay bye!"

"Drive slowly!"

(End of this chapter)

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