Chapter 134
December 1996, 12, the fifth day of the eleventh month of the lunar calendar.

At this time, it was approaching the end of the year, and it was the coldest season in northern China.

But even in such a cold season, the planting greenhouses in four impoverished villages and towns in Xinhe City were still delivered on time.

As soon as the construction of the greenhouses was completed, Gao Jingwen began to organize manpower to deliver colorful ruby ​​vines prepared in advance to each greenhouse, allowing the growers to start planting immediately.

In addition, he personally spent money to hire professional and relevant talents, transported them to various villages and towns, and taught growers how to grow greenhouses professionally.

So far, Gao Jingwen's return home work has been successfully completed, and it is time to set off north to the capital to discuss the specific cooperation plan of the dried fruit factory with Kudo Shuichi.

In the past month, although she has been busy with planting greenhouses, she has not left behind the cultivation of various dried fruits.

Every day, she takes time out on time to enter the Shennong space and pay attention to the various dried fruits she breeds.

At present, she has mastered more than 10 kinds of excellent dried fruits, including: macadamia nuts, pecans, almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, melon seeds and so on.

She took these carefully cultivated dried fruits to the north early in the morning to discuss business cooperation with Kudo Hideichi.

She plans to use these excellent dried fruit raw materials to win some more shares in the company for herself, so that it will not be in vain for her to cultivate it for so long.

At 11:20 in the morning, Gao Jingwen drove to Jinghai Hotel in the center of Beijing.

"Miss Gao, long time no see!"

Kudo Shuichi was still the same, still wearing a neat suit, with a serious and unsmiling look.I don't know if it's an illusion, but Gao Jingwen feels that today's Kudo Shuichi seems to be slightly different.

It's just that Gao Jingwen couldn't tell what was different.

She shook her head, and greeted Kudo Hideichi with a smile on her face, "Mr. Kudo, I haven't seen you for a long time. Is the 'Dongteng Department Store Supermarket' project in Beijing going well?"

Kudo Hideo nodded, "With the assistance of the Lin family in Beijing, the project is progressing very smoothly. If it wasn't for discussing this cooperation with you, I would have already set off for Guangdong Province."

Gao Jingwen is not surprised by the progress of Kudo Shuichi's project. She is a little surprised that the Kudo family has made such a big move. The supermarket chain in the capital is still under construction, and it will soon move to the southern coastal city. It seems that the Kudo family has made great moves. !

Dongteng Department Store Supermarket is a project of the Kudo family, and has nothing to do with Gao Jingwen. She is most concerned about the cooperation between her and Kudo Shuichi.

After a few simple words, Gao Jingwen picked up the suitcase she was carrying and pushed it to Kudo Hideo's table.

"Mr. Kudo, this is not the first time we have cooperated. I won't say much about those hypocritical polite words. These are all kinds of excellent dried fruits produced in our planting base. Please have a look at them yourself."


Kudo Shuichi and Gao Jingwen have cooperation in the field of high-quality fruits. He always thought that Gao Jingwen had a very good scientific research center.

So he was not surprised that Gao Jingwen suddenly brought out all kinds of excellent dried fruits, but looked forward to it.

He opened the suitcase neatly, and in an instant, more than 10 kinds of carefully prepared dried fruits appeared in front of his eyes.

The dried fruits in Gao Jingwen's suitcase are all packed in special square transparent plastic boxes. Kudo Shuichi can see all kinds of dried fruits inside through the plastic box.

Shuichi Kudo has seen and tasted most of these dried fruits from all over the world.

He looked at Su Jinyu in surprise, pointed at the plastic box containing macadamia nuts, and asked in disbelief: "Miss Gao, can you still cultivate overseas macadamia nuts?"


Gao Jingwen grinned, showing two neat rows of small white teeth. She looked at Kudo Xiuyi with crooked eyebrows, and explained with a smile: "Mr. Kudo, please rest assured that these dried fruits are all from our own planting base. Not only can I Planting these dried fruits can also guarantee that my dried fruits are definitely more delicious and nutritious than the dried fruits you have eaten."

"Cooperate with me, you don't have to worry about raw materials at all, this alone has surpassed many people!"

Hearing this, Kudo Hideo nodded with a strange face, he had long been used to Gao Jingwen who kept surprising him.

But even so, Gao Jingwen can still continuously bring him more surprises.

"Uh, well, let me taste the taste first!"

In the end, Kudo Shuichi refrained from asking Gao Jingwen what he thought, and carefully opened the transparent plastic box containing macadamia nuts.

Macadamia nut is a round, thick-shelled dried fruit. Its shell is very thick and extremely hard. It must be opened manually and equipped with a professional opener before it can be eaten.

Kudo Hideichi first picked up a round macadamia nut, and when he looked at the macadamia nut in his hand, he accidentally found a semicircular iron piece in the plastic box containing the macadamia nut.

As a businessman with many years of experience in the industry, he immediately guessed that this unremarkable semicircular iron piece should be the opener of macadamia nuts.

He couldn't help shaking his head, feeling that Gao Jingwen's business mind is too rich, and this thin piece of iron can easily solve the problem of macadamia nuts being inconvenient to eat.

There is a great probability that the sales of macadamia nuts will be increased because of this piece of iron.

He picked up the iron piece with great interest, put it into the crack on the Hawaiian nut shell, and turned it lightly.

With a "click", the macadamia nut, which has been complained about by people, was easily divided into two halves, and a whole-body milk/white nut appeared in front of Kudo Hideichi.

Without any hesitation, he picked up the nuts, slowly put them in his mouth, and chewed them slowly.

In an instant, a faint fragrance, mixed with the unique taste of macadamia nuts, filled Kudo Shuichi's mouth.

He looked at Gao Jingwen in surprise, "You didn't post-process it, but just dried it?"


Gao Jingwen nodded with a smile. The reason why she provided Kudo Shuichi with authentic dried fruit was to conquer Kudo Shuichi's taste buds with this pure natural taste.

Then in the follow-up negotiations, more company shares were won.

"good, very good!"

Kudo Hideo nodded repeatedly, showing how satisfied he was with the macadamia nuts provided by Gao Jingwen.

Then, he set his sights on the walnut among the many dried fruits. This is a kind of walnut with a very smooth skin and a whitish shell.

Walnuts and macadamia nuts have the same criticism, and the outer shell is not easy to remove. Kudo Hideichi looked at the complete walnuts in the plastic box without any openings, and became very curious about them.

"Is this kind of walnut eaten directly?"

Gao Jingwen smiled, and said mysteriously: "You will know when you open the box."

(End of this chapter)

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