3 days later.

Gao Jingwen, Zhao Xishun, Kuang Yunyun, and Dong Chao sat around the sofa in Gao Jingwen's room together.

For the past 3 days, Gao Jingwen has been staying in the hotel peacefully, as if this trip to the south has nothing to do with her.

On the contrary, Dong Chao, Zhao Xishun, and Kuang Yunyun were so busy these three days that they could hardly leave the ground, leaving early and returning late every day.

Gao Jingwen put down the newspaper in her hand, looked around the three people, and asked softly: "3 days have passed, how is it, have you chosen the address?"

It was said that Dong Chao and the three of them looked at each other in a circle. During this trip to the south, the people who were tested were Zhao Xishun and Kuang Yunyun. They had nothing to do with Dong Chao. Dong Chao could be regarded as Zhao Xishun's assistant specially arranged by Gao Jingwen.

This sentence was obviously addressed to Zhao Xishun and Kuang Yunyun.

Kuang Yunyun turned his head to look at Zhao Xishun, and signaled to his eyes, Zhao Xishun understood instantly, nodded and stood up.

He opened his backpack and took out a thick stack of documents, which contained Dong Chao's analysis of the business conditions in various areas of Shanghai for him, as well as various data analysis based on these business conditions.

He handed the document in his hand to Gao Jingwen, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Gao, the address of Shencheng's freight center has been selected, and the detailed information is in it."

Gao Jingwen casually took the document from Zhao Xishun, she didn't directly open it to check, but asked Zhao Xishun to briefly describe her thoughts.

Zhao Xishun was taken aback for a moment, then realized that this was Gao Jingwen's test for him, and hurriedly told Gao Jingwen what he had discussed with Dong Chao in the past two days.

"Mr. Gao, according to factors such as the specific urban construction of Shanghai, the distribution of high-end commercial streets, and the assessment of the city's future development, I will choose Huangfu District as the freight transfer station."

"As for the specific location of our freight transfer station, I choose the Bund area near Huangfu River. Although it is not as prosperous as the downtown area of ​​Jing'an District, the future planning here is very good.

Since 95, a large number of domestic and foreign merchants have settled in the Bund area. It is developing rapidly. I believe that in the near future, the prosperity here will not lose to the top business district on Nanjing West Road in Jing'an District. "

"It just so happens that this place is now in the developing stage, housing prices have not increased significantly, and there are not too many restrictions on the industry to settle in. It is the best time for us to enter the market."

Hearing this, Gao Jingwen nodded silently, she was quite satisfied with Zhao Xishun's analysis.

As the first batch of first-tier cities in China, Shencheng was the first to start commercial development. The two old urban areas of Shencheng are Jing'an District and Huangfu District.

Jing'an District is located in the absolute center of Shencheng, which is equivalent to the inner city of Beijing.

Huangfu District is located on the outside of Jing'an District, bordering Jing'an District, which is equivalent to the connecting passage between the inner city and the outer city of the capital.

If you choose to build a fruit store branch, you must choose Jing'an District first, but if you choose to build a large freight station, you will naturally choose the relatively remote Huangfu District, or the Pudong District connected to Huangfu District.

The development of Pudong District is slower than that of Huangfu District and Jing'an District, but its development space should not be underestimated.

Gao Jingwen, a traveler, knew about this matter, but it was hard for Dong Chao and Zhao Xishun to think about it.

In general, Gao Jingwen is quite satisfied with Zhao Xishun's location selection. Huangfu District is not only an old and strong area in Shanghai, but also has a good future development. The freight transfer station can be located here.

She nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Not bad, it seems that you have not been lazy these two days, please sit down first!"

Afterwards, Gao Jingwen turned her head to look at Kuang Yunyun at the side, her meaning was very obvious, it's time for you to come out and praise her.

Zhao Xishun took a deep breath, sat down with a happy face, and Kuang Yunyun stood up nervously.

Zhao Xishun and Dong Chao are both old people who have followed Gao Jingwen since she first made a fortune, and they are both Gao Jingwen's confidantes, so the pressure is not particularly great.

Kuang Yunyun was a talent that Gao Jingwen had just recruited not long ago. She didn't know Gao Jingwen well enough, so she was unavoidably a little nervous.

"Ha ha!"

She smiled a little embarrassedly, and said tremblingly: "Mr. Gao, I have selected two suitable locations for us to open a new store based on my own judgment. If there is anything wrong, I hope you can give me some pointers."

Gao Jingwen smiled and waved her hands, "It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, you want to speak out your thoughts."

"it is good!"

Kuang Yunyun took a deep breath and put on a serious face.

"According to my understanding of Shanghai, there are currently four urban areas in Shanghai that are most suitable for opening new stores, namely Jing'an District, Huangfu District, Pudong District, and Zuohui District.

These four areas are the most commercially developed in Shanghai, and they are all located in the core area of ​​Shanghai. They are most suitable for high-consumption stores like our strong fruit chain stores to settle in. "

"My first choice is Jing'an District, because it is located in the center of Shanghai, where the top luxury commercial street of Nanjing West Road, the largest and most developed in Shanghai, is located. The shops I selected are all located in Central location on the commercial street.”

Hearing this, Gao Jingwen nodded slightly, this choice is correct, there is no problem, she is more concerned about Kuang Yunyun's second choice.

"My second choice is Pudong District."

"The reason why I gave up the two old districts of Huangfu District and Zuohui District and chose Pudong District is because I found that since 90, the Shanghai government seems to have vigorously developed the PD District.

Since the 90s, Pudong District has started to build commercial streets, carefully creating a high-end business district.

In 92, Shencheng officials even allocated part of the land in Huangfu District to Pudong District. This is a very obvious signal that Shencheng officials are planning to build Pudong District into a new type of business district not inferior to Jing'an District. "

"So, my second choice is to go to Pudong."

After finishing speaking, Kuang Yunyun looked at Gao Jingwen very nervously. Everything she said just now was a business judgment made by her through various materials collected during this period. She didn't know whether Shencheng officials really did so. She guessed that.

"Clap clap clap!"

Gao Jingwen nodded very satisfied, and even took the initiative to applaud Kuang Yunyun.

She was very satisfied with Kuang Yunyun's analysis. Kuang Yunyun's speculation was very competitive. The development prospects of Pudong District were unlimited, and it was not inferior to the old and strong districts like Jing'an District and Huangfu District.

Kuang Yunyun is very capable of analyzing the future market, which Gao Jingwen is very satisfied with.

Because Shencheng is just the starting point of Kuang Yunyun, not the whole of Kuang Yunyun, Gao Jingwen will continue to expand the branches of Qiangsheng Fruit Shop in the south in the future.

At that time, Gao Jingwen will not personally arrive at the scene to direct as she does now, but will hand over the job of selecting markets to a trustworthy subordinate like Kuang Yunyun.

This time, Kuang Yunyun's realization was very good, even slightly better than Zhao Xishun who had Dong Chao's help, and Gao Jingwen was very satisfied with her.

"Okay, Manager Kuang's analysis is very correct, and it coincides with my idea. Tell me about your specific store location. Let's buy the store immediately and start the layout of the new store opening."

Hearing this, Kuang Yunyun's eyes lit up.

She was very happy to be recognized by Gao Jingwen, but she was afraid that if she was too excited, she would make Gao Jingwen think she was "worthless", so she could only pretend to be calm and hand over the documents she had prepared to Gao Jingwen.

"Mr. Gao, this is the store I chose, please take a look!"

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