"Let's focus on the MP3 factory first, and strive to produce the best products to give back to our users."

"For the earphone book, the MP3 matching earphones are the main ones. The Bluetooth earphone project should be regarded as a long-term scientific research project, so there is no need to put too much thought on it."


Li Chengyan nodded. Gao Jingwen had the same thoughts as him. The reason why he brought up the Bluetooth headset was because he was afraid that Gao Jingwen would expect too much from the Bluetooth headset.

Since Gao Jingwen herself is not in a hurry, there is no need for him to worry about this matter.

"Don't worry, our project is progressing very smoothly. We can definitely launch our MP3 product before Nanhanguo NG Company's new MP3 product goes online."

As the world's top leader in small electronic products, NG has always been the industry benchmark.

In the MP3 industry, most small and medium-sized MP3 companies follow the lead of large companies like NG.

Either release new products together with NG, or imitate NG's new products immediately after NG's new products are launched, plagiarize the other party's ideas, and seize the low-end market.

Lee Seung-yeon regards NG company as an opponent, and prepares to compete with it for new products. Naturally, it will be launched at the same time as NG company's new product MP3.

"When will NG's MP3 products be launched this year? Is there any specific news?"

"It has been decided a long time ago. New products will be launched in mid-March. This is also an old tradition of NG company. New products will be launched in March and October every year!"


Gao Jingwen nodded knowingly. Large electronics companies are basically like this. They launch two new products every year, one in the first half of the year, and another in the second half of the year.

In this way, the company's products are continuously updated.

Not only can it attract a group of loyal fans, they will continue to buy their new products.

After the product is updated, the price of the previous generation of products has shrunk, and the old products will also usher in a wave of sales boom.

"That's okay. In mid-March, our product has been developed and can be put into production. With the quality of our product, we can definitely crush NG's new product."


Although Gao Jingwen didn't say it, Li Chengyan knew very well that what Gao Jingwen wanted to talk about was Li Yucheng.

If Li Yucheng hadn't intervened halfway to poach their hardware engineers and steal their excellent ideas, they would definitely become the dark horses in this year's MP3 products, and they might be a hit.

Unfortunately, something went wrong!
He shook his head helplessly. This kind of thing has already happened, and it is meaningless to dwell on things that cannot be changed, except to add to the sadness.

"Don't be too sad. Although I don't know the specific situation of my brother, I know that his character values ​​profit the most. Product profit and the ratio of product R&D revenue and expenditure are his most important points."

"With his temperament, it is impossible to invest more than 5.00% in raw materials for the sake of [-]% profit."

"So, our new MP3 product can still crush his products."

The 3 MP3 products produced by MP3 Company are all made by Gao Jingwen, and all of them are from the popular products in Gao Jingwen's memory.

She even made a series of modifications according to the characteristics of the current era, especially on the most important product accessory, earphones, and put a lot of effort into it.

It can be said that Gao Jingwen is far more confident in the MP3 product she designed than Li Chengyan.

The only thing she is worried about is that Li Yucheng, a house thief, will make something tricky on the way.

Since Li Chengyan is not worried about Li Yucheng, then Gao Jingwen doesn't need to be worried.

"That's good. I will live in the capital for a few days to deal with the company's affairs in the capital. You can communicate with me at any time if you have any situation in the past few days."

"I'm going home in a few days to deal with the chocolate factory. It should be busy for a while. If you have any questions, you'd better communicate with me soon."

Li Chengyan had been to Xinhe City once, and knew that Gao Jingwen had his own property in Xinhe City. Hearing that Gao Jingwen's chocolate factory was about to start production, he immediately said that he could help.

"I can use some of the Li family's business channels now, would you like me to help you with some publicity and promotion?"


Hearing this, Gao Jingwen was a little surprised. Li Chengyan had mentioned to her before that Li Chengxu now gave him some business rights of the Li family.

Now it seems that he has indeed received Li Chengxu's attention, and even faintly treated Li Yucheng fairly.

Gao Jingwen is naturally happy that Li Chengyan can receive the attention of the family.

However, she didn't want to rely too much on the Li family, so as not to be said in the future that she relied on the help of the Li family to get into position.

She smiled and shook her head, rejecting Li Chengyan's offer.

"My chocolate factory is not yet fully completed. When I go back, I just design some product ideas, do pre-production and so on."

"The product will be launched, at least until around 5.1, let's talk about it then!"

Li Chengyan didn't get too entangled in this matter, "Okay, then you can tell me anytime you need!"


During the conversation, the two had already driven to the inner city of the capital, and the street outside the car was the snack street where Gao Jingwen and Li Chengyan first met.

Today is New Year's Eve, all the outsiders returned to their hometowns, leaving only the locals in the capital.

The originally lively streets seemed a little deserted, but fortunately, red lanterns were hung under the eaves of courtyards of all sizes in the hutongs, bringing a bit of warmth to this slightly deserted city.


Li Chengyan slowly parked the car in front of a courtyard with a vermilion rivet gate, turned around and looked at Gao Jingwen behind him, "Okay, we're home!"

"I have arranged for a servant to tidy up the yard, and equipped you with some brand-new home appliances and daily necessities. You stay here first. Tell me what you need, and I'll send someone to bring it to you."

As he spoke, he pointed to the corner of the alley outside the car window, which was in the direction of the Li family compound.

"My house is just around the corner, we are also neighbors, call me whenever you need something."


Gao Jingwen nodded slightly. If it was a normal day, she would definitely invite Li Chengyan to sit in the room for a while to express her gratitude.

But today is different, today is New Year's Eve, a big family like the Li family may not have such things as profit distribution, Gao Jingwen doesn't want to waste Li Chengyan's time too much.

"I see, you go back quickly!"

As she spoke, Gao Jingwen pushed open the car door and stepped on the thin snow at the gate of the courtyard.

"Call me if you need anything!"

Li Chengyan opened the car window, waved to Gao Jingwen, and drove away.

It wasn't until Li Chengyan's car disappeared at the corner of the alley that Gao Jingwen shook her head silently, opened her backpack and took out the door key.

When she held the big brass key in her hand and was about to open the big brass lock on the door, her hand froze.

No, she never gave Li Chengyan the key to Li Chengyan's house. How did this guy, Li Chengyan, arrange workers to clean the courtyard for her?

Damn, this guy actually secretly assigned the keys to her house!

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