Chapter 178
Gao Jingwen winked at Patrick very playfully, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Patrick, are you going to join our strong chocolate factory?"

Patrick waved his hands again and again. What he was most proud of was his understanding of the chocolate industry, and his confidence in expanding a little-known small company into a well-known chocolate factory.

However, Gao Jingwen's excellent raw materials, as well as unique product design, brand planning, etc., completely conquered Patrick.

Patrick can't wait to start this legendary journey.

"Mr. Gao, your unique creativity in the chocolate industry is definitely at the level of leading the times. You were born for this industry."

"Such a genius idea, if you don't start implementing it immediately, it would be a waste of time. I suggest that we start the chocolate factory project according to your idea."

Hearing this, the corners of Gao Jingwen's mouth rose slightly, and she was naturally happy to be able to subdue a talent like Patrick.

Now that factories, talents, funds, and raw materials are all in place, there is no problem in starting the project immediately. The only problem is the taste of their products.

In layman's terms, it is the product formula.

Although Gao Jingwen has all kinds of excellent ideas in her mind, she is not a talent in the food industry after all. She only knows about this kind of food processing and production, and she is helpless in the specific production process.

She looked at Patrick expectantly, and asked, "Mr. Patrick, I have everything here. The only thing I lack is the manufacturing process, which is up to you."

This time, Patrick wasn't in a hurry to brag about his abilities.

If it was an ordinary chocolate factory, he would have already promised with confidence that he could help produce several hot chocolate products, so that investors could make a lot of money.

But Gao Jingwen is different. He attaches great importance to several excellent ideas of Gao Jingwen. For him, if such excellent ideas are well executed, they can not only create explosive products, but also create industry benchmark products.

Therefore, he has decided to concentrate on grinding out several benchmark products that can become miracles in the industry.

There was no joke on his handsome and handsome face, and he looked at Gao Jingwen seriously.

"Mr. Gao, I have rich experience in the production of chocolate products and know how to produce excellent products.

However, for the several series of products you have given, I attach great importance to several of them, and I am going to carefully craft several explosive products. "

"In addition, the two cocoa beans, Nacional and Trinitario, are special types of cocoa.

It is undeniable that they are the best cocoa beans, but because of their nature, they are planted with different breeding fruits, and the cocoa beans produced have different tastes.

I plan to combine cocoa beans with different flavors and aromas to launch different series of products. I believe that the natural aroma of cocoa will definitely surpass those added flavors. "

Hearing this, Gao Jingwen's pupils shrank for a while, and she had to say that a professional is a professional. Gao Jingwen didn't mention that she had a lot of cocoa beans with special fruit and floral flavors, which Patrick had already expected.

But from this point, it is enough to prove that the other party is a talent who knows Coco very well.

"Mr. Patrick deserves to be the top talent admired by Mr. Kudo, even these tiny factors have been taken into consideration."

"I'm about to inform you that I have harvested a batch of very good fruit-flavored cocoa beans, including Puyat durian flavor, sunshine rose grape flavor, light snow strawberry flavor, first love strawberry flavor, colorful ruby ​​grape flavor and so on.

In addition, there is a batch of cocoa beans with a unique floral taste. "

"These were originally planned to notify you after you officially joined Qiangsheng Chocolate Factory. Since you thought of these in advance, let me inform you first!"


Patrick's eyes sparkled and he stood up excitedly.

As Kudo Shuichi's friend, he naturally knows that Kudo Shuichi's main top-level luxury fruit.

Sunshine Rose Grapes, Light Snow Strawberries, First Love Strawberries, etc. are all the top luxury fruits in Dongyi Kingdom. The taste of these fruits is naturally the best of the same type.

The Nacional and Trinitario cocoa beans planted by Gao Jingwen are originally top-level cocoa beans.


With the blessing of top-quality cocoa beans and top-level luxury fruit flavors, he couldn't think of how to lose!
"Of course it's true. Why did I lie to you?"

"Then let's go, I can't wait!"

Speaking of this, Patrick stood up directly, ready to follow Gao Jingwen to Xinhe City, and immediately started the chocolate factory project.

Seeing this, Kudo Shuichi, who had been silent on the side, couldn't help but said: "Patrick, what are you looking for, eat first, the dishes are not ready yet, why are you going?"

Patrick glared at Shuichi Kudo angrily. If this project is done well, he will become a legend in the chocolate industry. Can he not be in a hurry.

After all, this was the first time he met Gao Jingwen. In order to leave a good impression on Gao Jingwen, he could only bite the bullet and sit down.

"Hehe, I was the one to be abrupt. Let's have dinner first, and it's not too late to leave after dinner."

"Mr. Gao, we have such excellent raw materials and product ideas, I suggest directly entering the international market.

It just so happens that I still have some online channels that I can use overseas. If the funds are in place, we can directly let our products enter the overseas market. I don’t know about you.”

Patrick said it tactfully, he actually wanted to ask Gao Jingwen if she would like to spend a lot of money on overseas promotion.

If Gao Jingwen is willing to spend money, he can use his previous relationship network to help Gao Jingwen's products be listed in overseas markets directly.

Gao Jingwen's six strong fruit chain stores in the south are on the right track and have started to make stable profits. The most important thing Gao Jingwen lacks now is money, and things that can be solved with money are nothing.

She didn't answer Patrick's question directly, but turned to look at Shuichi Kudo.

"My idea is the same as Mr. Kudo's. I plan to build Qiangsheng Chocolate Factory into an international high-end brand. If it can directly enter the overseas market, that is exactly what I want."

"You don't have to worry about the cost of product promotion. As long as it is a reasonable cost, I strongly support it."

"However, I want to see the actual effect. If the money is spent but there is no effect, you may have to work for me for free."

Hearing this, Patrick patted his strong chest confidently, and said loudly: "Don't worry, Mr. Gao, I will definitely make our product a leading product in the industry.

In the future, the products of our strong chocolate factory will become the industry benchmark. "

Speaking of this, Patrick paused for a moment, and said with some hesitation: "It's just that the overseas market has a high degree of brand recognition. I suggest that we establish an overseas brand and launch some series of products. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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