Chapter 36
The carrion rats and the Amutim Zerg were chasing after them. The guards resisted desperately on the outside with the cold weapons in their hands. The knowledgeable talents wrapped inside also used their backpacks and other items to defend.

During the frontier defense and retreat, a group of people used the sundries on the abandoned planet to resist.For a certain period of time, it did play a positive role.The two killers were delayed by a certain distance.

But in view of the next part of the journey, there are only yellow sand and desolate Gobi.

Purcell made a decisive decision and decided to use himself as a bait to lure the two killers to the waste energy dump.And then through the way of frictional electrification, try to trigger the explosion of waste energy to destroy these things.

His idea is the best choice at present, but along the way, Purcell is the leader and contributes from the periphery.The consumption of the body can be imagined.

Xu Fei looked around and found that she was the only one who could send followers.Others are either injured arms, lame legs, or powerless hands.

Therefore, she volunteered and signaled Daya and others to protect the doctor and retreat as soon as possible.And she took out a finger-thin chain from the trash beside her, and shook it tentatively to get familiar with the strength.

Daya was very clear about the situation, she turned her head and waved a retreat gesture, Dr. Protector and others fled as soon as possible.

Saier expressed concern about her stay, frowning and driving away: "I can do it by myself. If you are here, I will inevitably be distracted and leave as soon as possible."

Xu Fei smiled, raised her chin, and signaled Saier to look down at her hands: "It's so bloody and bloody, I'm ashamed to say that I can do it by myself"

"It's your head." Xu Fei cursed secretly, injected mental power into the thin chain, and swung it out fiercely, splitting a sneaky Corrosion Rat behind Saier in half horizontally.

The blood splattered on the ground, corroding the dim yellow soil into bits and pieces.

At the critical moment, Saier stopped talking nonsense and fought back to back with Xu Fei, repelling the pioneers in the corrupting army one by one.Then he pointed to the waste energy dump not far behind the waste incineration treatment plant, and motioned to move slowly.

During the movement, the two of them tried their best to guide and follow the large army of corruption.Make them unable to detect where Daya and his party are going.

In the process of guiding, it is inevitable that there will be fish that slip through the net and escape in all directions.Xu Fei, who noticed this phenomenon, used the chain in his hand to eliminate their existence as much as possible.

Purcell was not idle either. On the way forward, he made sharp choices.Something can exist as a lead.

After a while, the two of them were already standing on top of the energy waste gas pile. After standing at the top, Xu Fei swung the thin chain left and right, trying to leave enough time for Sale to prepare for the explosion.

When this kind of death is approaching, Xu Fei is very thankful that she has not neglected her studies and has been working hard to improve her mental strength.At that time, wherever her thin chain went, there was only bright red paint, and none of them could pass her iron chain.

Purcell didn't make her wait long, and quickly made preparations.Indicating that Xu Fei can jump out of the encirclement.

At this time, the waste energy pile they were in was already tightly wrapped by the rotting army, and the foundation was also corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye in the liquid secreted from them.

It was very difficult to get out from here.

Knowing that the wait would not be long, Xu Fei yelled for Saier to hug her waist tightly.Immediately, he flicked the iron chain, and after flying a few Corrosion Rats, he swung it forward violently.

Pointing to the ground, under the reaction of mental force, he took off instantly, and then flew forward under the pull of the chain.

The pulling force was limited and could not bear the weight of the two of them, so before the power was about to disappear, Xu Fei pulled the chain down again, using this final reaction to eject the two of them farther away.

At this moment, the explosion behind him came as promised.A black-red mushroom cloud soared into the sky, wiping out the corrupting army in pieces, with broken limbs and arms scattered everywhere.

In the end, after hard work, he barely crossed the encirclement.The two embraced each other, rolled on the yellow ground, and rolled over a dirt slope.

They are all mortal bodies, and they were never low in the air, and they hit the yellow ground heavily, and they also suffered some internal injuries.

Saier's skin is rough and thick, so there is nothing serious about it.Instead, Xu Fei, who was protected by him in his arms, hit his head on his chest, feeling like he had a concussion for a moment.

Crouching on his body, covering his head and howling, touching his chest to complain.

After wailing for a long time, he didn't hear the slightest response. When he realized that something was wrong, he covered his head and looked up, and Saier had already closed his eyes tightly.

Xu Fei quickly put her hands on the tip of her nose to make sure she was still breathing, and then she was relieved.

I thought it was some kind of trauma, but after an X-ray-like scan of mental power.It was discovered that the wound on his hand had infiltrated harmful substances and received high-intensity radiation.

The high-intensity radiation clearly indicates that if there is no timely treatment, Sale's hands are likely to be amputated.

In the interstellar era, installing a bionic electronic limb is not a big deal.However, in the eyes of Xu Fei, an old antique, he still doesn't want to confuse the real with the fake.

Immediately, put two fingers together, gather mental strength, and open a bigger wound on Saier's hand.Then, just like the martial arts TV series I watched before, the aorta on the arm was temporarily stabilized, allowing harmful substances to be squeezed out of the body along with the polluted blood.

Until the contaminated blood turns from black to normal red.Just now, he tore off a strand of his clean white T-shirt to cover his wound.

The discharge of polluted blood made Saier's face look a lot better, but it didn't wake him up from the coma.Xu Fei tried to pat his cheek to wake him up.

But until the filming became popular, I couldn't get what I wanted, so I had to give up obediently.

After spending such a long time, the fish that slipped through the net left by the army of corruption also began to come back in the aftermath of the explosion.

The angry red eyes gradually began to aim at the location of the two of them.Xu Fei knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so she immediately moved to a hidden place with the big Saier on her back.

Gritting his teeth and carrying his back, he cursed as he walked.At this time, there is only one thought in my heart: after getting out of danger, Sale must make up for it.

If you don't eat well, you won't be able to make up for the energy you lost today.

The night of the abandoned star has come, and the cold wind is slowly blowing.Xu Fei's exposed skin had already been aroused with goosebumps.

The top priority, a warm shelter, is essential.

(End of this chapter)

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