Chapter 31

Cui Canwen straightened her back, sweeping away her lazy and casual appearance.

Liang Shaoyuan's heart couldn't stop trembling, and he couldn't help correcting his attitude.I dreamed back to the days when I was abused by the Taifu and my father to be the way of the king.

In the first ten years or so, the position of prince was never something he could see from afar, so his schoolwork was barely passable.

As for the way, method, technique, and power of being a king, he has never set foot in it.

The second emperor brother died in battle, he was urgently replaced, and was ordered by his father and Tai Fu to train him for a year.

This year is simply unbearable.

Liang Shaoyuan deeply doubts whether Cui Canwen has seen her father scolding people too much, so she has such a similar temperament.

The father's body was still not cold, and the grand master left the court, and another ancestor appeared.

He really owes his mouth, why bother.

"Looking at your expression, you must be thinking of the old lady." Cui Canwen snorted lightly, with a half-smile.

Liang Shaoyuan's heart tightened, his breathing stagnated, did he set the tone so high from the very beginning?
Liang Shaoyuan's hands curled up slightly, bluffing, "Teacher Yu Zhen has the grace to teach karma and solve doubts. I often think about it, what's wrong."

Cui Canwen cast a sideways glance at Liang Shaoyuan, with an indescribable ridicule in her heart.

"You also know that Zhou Taifu has the grace to teach you and solve your doubts, but the first thing you did after you became the throne was to ransack the Taifu's family."

"Your way of repaying kindness is really frightening."

During the reign of the first emperor, Zhou Taifu was a highly respected Confucian who lived in the mountains.

Back then, when the eldest son of the emperor was six years old, the late emperor searched all over the world for famous teachers, and finally chose Mr. Zhou.

After three visits to the thatched hut, Mr. Zhou decided to go out of the mountain and assume the false title of Taifu, to preach and teach the emperor's eldest son to solve doubts.

Later, the second prince also came from Mr. Zhou's family.

The old lady Zhou Fu, who is of a noble family and has a clean sleeve, is in her seventies, but she can't keep her reputation from being tarnished at the end of her life.

If the Cui family and many veterans hadn't interceded for Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou's family would have been exiled for three thousand miles.

"The son of heaven breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people. Grace is grace and demerit is fault. This is the truth taught by Mrs. Zhou."

"Could it be that just because Mrs. Zhou is the emperor's master, can he be an exception?"

Unconvinced, Liang Shaoyuan forced himself to refute.

Cui Canwen remained calm, "Last year, you kept saying that you had found out that Mrs. Zhou was corrupt and broke the law by selling officials and nobles. The evidence was conclusive. You insisted on taking Mr. Zhou's family into custody, and ransacked the house."

"The results of it?"

"Dig three feet into the ground but copied more than a hundred taels."

"Although Old Madam Zhou has a false position, he is still one of the three princes. He holds the first-rank title and a monthly salary of 11 taels. He has been in the court for more than [-] years, and his family has saved more than a hundred taels. Is it a lot?"

"Then it's also possible that I didn't find out where the silver is stored." Liang Shaoyuan muttered, never admitting that he was negligent.

Cui Canwen's heart felt like a small hole had been pricked by a needle, and she kept leaking air, "The late emperor believed in the old lady Chongzhou, and occasionally gave him gold and silk, so do you know why you didn't find it when you ransacked the house?"

"I just said he hid." Liang Shaoyuan's momentum was greatly boosted.

Cui Canwen only felt sad in her heart, "Since the 16th year of Yongren, there have been three years of floods and droughts in the Kanto region, frequent locust plagues, no harvest, and the people are struggling to survive."

"Old lady Zhou Fu took the lead and donated 5000 taels."

"Maybe in your eyes, 5000 taels is not much, but to Old Madam Zhou, it was the gold bestowed by him from the late emperor, and he sold the silk to get it together."

"At that time, there were officials who impeached Mrs. Zhou for disrespecting the emperor and selling off the imperial gift in private."

"A person like this, you say he sells his officials and nobles to take money and break the law?"

Which person who sells officials and nobles never formed cliques in the court, and searched and searched tightly at home?
It's not that Liang Shaoyuan has no doubts in his heart, it's just that he can't wait to leave the former emperor to him, an important minister hanging over his head, and pull it out.

Perhaps the late emperor had anticipated this possibility long ago, so he bestowed upon Mrs. Zhou a whip to beat the king.

But from the beginning to the end, Mrs. Zhou never asked to beat the king's whip.

He couldn't prove his innocence, so he didn't want to discredit the late emperor.

"To me, Mrs. Zhou is not as convincing and loyal as she was to her father."

"Therefore, it's not without reason that Mrs. Zhou has become ugly."

Speaking of this, Liang Shaoyuan was still very stubborn.

People who don't know their mistakes and don't want to admit their mistakes are too difficult to wake up.

"Maybe not sincerely convinced, but definitely loyal."

"Liang Shaoyuan, you misjudged Mrs. Zhou."

"Old Madam Zhou Fu is loyal to the Son of Heaven, loyal to Dayong, and loyal to the people of the world."

Just because of those shameful little thoughts in his heart, he raised the butcher's knife to his mentor without hesitation, and even gave him a decent exit.

Old Madam Zhou promised his father to come out of the mountains. Whether it is the eldest son of the emperor, the second prince Liang Shengyi, or the young man of the Xie family, they all had the opportunity to learn from Old Madam Zhou.

The old lady Zhou is in the court, and people will always subconsciously think of those young men who were enough to amaze Dayong.

At that time, Liang Shaoyuan was as ordinary as dust.

"No matter what, you shouldn't make a fuss about the reputation of a great Confucian."

"I have been famous for a lifetime, and what is left in the history books should not be the notoriety of betraying officials, deceiving the emperor, and living up to the emperor's kindness."

Mrs. Zhou's character is still there, but her name is no longer clear.

Cui Canwen couldn't help but sigh, after Mrs. Zhou was convicted, she asked if she ever regretted leaving the mountain.

Mrs. Zhou replied, no regrets.

He has taught Dayong's best students.

He also wholeheartedly trained Dayong's successor for the late emperor.

"That's the truth, not a fabricated charge by me."

"Cui Canwen, who gave you the courage to talk to me like this."

The cups on the table were swept to the ground by Liang Shaoyuan, and his voice was broken because of losing control of his emotions.

The servants and eunuchs were all arranged outside the main hall, so no one could really hear such a big commotion.

Cui Canwen didn't even bother to raise her eyelids, the more incompetent she was, the more furious she was.

First there are vases, then there are cups and cups, all of which can be offered in the Kunde Hall are the best of the best.

"Your Majesty gave me the courage." Cui Canwen said lightly.

"Isn't His Majesty sincerely asking whether you are innocent or whether your ancestors made a fuss?"

"Your Majesty asked, I know that I believe everything I say, is it wrong?"

"Your Majesty, do you want to continue listening?"

Cui Canwen asked lightly.

Liang Shaoyuan's face turned blue and pale for a while, his lips were trembling with anger.

Why, Cui Canwen can be so confident!
The evidence of Mrs. Zhou's crime is convincing, and he is only acting in accordance with Dayong's laws.

No, he was right.

Liang Shaoyuan still refused to admit his mistake.

Looking at Liang Shaoyuan's eyes that were about to pop out, Cui Canwen knew that even if she revealed the truth of the matter to Liang Shaoyuan, Liang Shaoyuan would never think that she was wrong.

Mediocre, but also headstrong.

Immediately, Cui Canwen stopped thinking about continuing to talk to her.

(End of this chapter)

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