Chapter 44 Confrontation between monarchs and ministers
Under the tutelage of great Confucianism, in the world-famous Qinghe Cui Clan Studies, his academic performance is outstanding.

Even, being familiar with the laws and regulations of the past dynasties, he was able to help the late emperor perfect the laws and regulations of Dayong when he was young.

She is both civil and military, and she is superb with a silver gun in one hand.

She used to be the envied daughter of the No. [-] family in the world under Cheng Huan's knees, and she once wore armor in battle in the desert wind and sand outside Liangzhou City.

She has seen too many gorgeous scenery in this world.

However, the only thing known in the world is her virtuous name.

Such a younger sister, who is not inferior to a man, has walked out of the Cui family, Qinghe, and Chang'an, but in the end she was bound in this square palace city, handling palace affairs, balancing love, and getting a The name of the queen.

In the past, he never regretted it.

He also often wondered when his sister would be able to step out of the palace walls, then she would be the most dazzling lady of the Qinghe Cui family if she didn't become the queen.

But he didn't expect that this step was so big, so unexpected.

In this way, people hang down the curtain and participate in politics without any precautions.

In Cui Shilin's heart, he was half proud and half worried.

Men in the world, who have been held high for too long, are used to the softness and gentleness of women, and they are also accustomed to women's husbands and children, and sometimes they are even ignorant.

As a result, there is no longer a man who willingly crawls at the feet of a woman.

Back then, he was as resolute and decisive as the Queen Mother Xie.

Even with the support of the late emperor behind him, and the merits of Xie's man Ding blood spilling on the battlefield, he was once struggling in the court.

The first emperor passed away, and the Empress Dowager Xie left the palace to clean up.

Empress Dowager Xie did not go down this road.

Where's Canwen?
Furthermore, His Majesty's treatment of Canwen is far worse than that of the former Emperor's treatment of Empress Dowager Xie.

I don't know what kind of agreement Canwen reached with His Majesty, so that His Majesty agreed to let her come to court.

But what if His Majesty turned his face and turned ruthless temporarily?

What awaits Canwen is not only verbal criticism, but also eternal doom.

Thinking of this, Cui Shilin couldn't help but sighed, and his worries grew even stronger.

He hoped that his sister could shake off the dust and stand dazzlingly in the world.

But he also hopes that his sister will be safe and successful, and live a happy life.

But he also knows that for someone who has traveled too much and seen too many scenery, the life in this palace city is depressing and hard to breathe.

On the jade steps, Wang Fu, who was holding a whisk in his hand, was also confused.

He was told in the middle of the night when the Second Saint was coming.

He deeply suspected that if it wasn't for the need to add this curtain, he might not have known about it earlier than the officials.

Wang Fu had only one thought, His Majesty is crazy.

He has served His Majesty for many years, how could he not know that His Majesty and Empress Cui looked at each other like a needlepoint.

Let him take it easy!

In just a few days, too many things happened, which made him, an old guy, unable to react for a while.

First, His Majesty and the Lin family fell into a coma after falling into a coma.

Immediately afterwards, the Queen's temperament changed drastically, and she flattered Her Majesty again and again.

Then there was another big fanfare to welcome the Empress Dowager back to the palace.

Later, Mrs. Lin disappeared.

Later, Concubine Zheng Shu became a noble concubine.

Now, Empress Cui is coming to court.

When Wang Fu looked at Cui Shilang, who was also shocked, his heart suddenly became balanced.

Well, he knew about it earlier than the empress's eldest brother.

It is enough to see that His Majesty still relies heavily on him.

Wang Fu ignored the noisy whispers in the hall, shook the whisk in his hand, took a deep breath, and sank his dantian, "If there is a book to start playing, there is no book to retreat."

Perhaps it was because he yelled too hard this time, and his voice became thinner and thinner.

In the hall, all the ministers fell silent.

Today's court says that nothing can be withdrawn, and there is no money, but there is money!

If it was the Empress Dowager Xie, they might have to worry about it.

Didn't everyone say that the empress and the empress are not in harmony? Now that the two saints, who are both grandiose, share power, are they still in harmony?
What is Mu?
Will the world be surrendered?

Liang Shaoyuan sat behind the bead curtain, which blocked him. He couldn't see the minister's reaction clearly, and felt a little irritable.

"Ai Qing, did you suffer from eye disease today?"

Cui Canwen leaned lightly on the dragon chair pretending to be weak, covered her chest with one hand, and coughed.

Today, she wants to establish an image of a sickly beauty, so as to pave a way for Liang Shaoyuan to listen to the government behind the curtain.

Coughing continued, and the minister's expression became more and more serious.

A few days ago, they all heard a little about His Majesty's coma in the Hall of Eternal Life due to absurd indulgence.

Could it be that your body is really broken?
"Your Majesty, I'm all right."

The ministers stopped making eye contact and all bowed their heads in response.

"That's good, otherwise it will really make things worse."

"I injured my body a few days ago, and after a few days of recuperation, I still feel weak and lack of energy, and my energy and blood are deficient. It seems to have induced a head wind, and I often feel like splitting headaches, which recur repeatedly."

"I am worried about my family and country, and I can't feel at ease."

"I often look at the memorial on the desk and sigh long to cover my tears, and sigh in sorrow all night, for fear of ruining the foundation of the late emperor and making people's livelihood difficult."

Behind the bead curtain, Liang Shaoyuan subconsciously pursed his lips.

Cui Canwen is a veritable actress!
Listen to the words that come out of this mouth, look at this superb acting skills, if he is bullied by Cui Canwen again in the future, he will be a little wild boar in the barren hills.

Liang Shaoyuan took a breath and continued to watch Cui Canwen's performance.

It must be admitted that the makeup that Bai Lu put on today also has a miraculous effect.

His complexion is sallow, his expression is listless and listless, he really looks like a sick child.

The ministers scoffed at these words in their hearts.

Who knows, the person sitting on the dragon chair has always had no ambitions, sits high in the clouds, and does not hear suffering.

Now that he speaks so beautifully, he is not afraid of being tongue-tied by the strong wind.

"Your Majesty is in the prime of life, vigorous and prosperous, and God blesses you with great blessings, so you will surely be able to look radiant until your illness is cured."

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry too much."

The first ones to speak were Shangshu Youpushe and Qin Yi.

Cui Canwen has conscientiously played the image of her sick beauty, rubbing her temples and stroking her chest before continuing to look at the courtiers.

Qin Yi is a cunning, but also a staunch royalist.

He is loyal to the person sitting on the dragon chair and defends the orthodoxy of the Liang family.

Not to mention her, even Empress Dowager Xie had confronted Qin Yi a lot back then.

In the Dayong system, Zhongshuling, Shizhong, Shangshuzuo, and Youpushe were prime ministers.

From the first emperor onwards, the job of stewardship was not lightly assigned to others, and he was often appointed to the position of prime minister, and he was given the title of "participating in government affairs" and "participating in political affairs".

In other words, Shang Shu's right servant who shot Qin Yi was considered a prime minister.

When Qin Yi spoke, Liang Shaoyuan was a little flustered.

He never thought that Qin Yi would be the first to jump out.

After all, in the past, Qin Yi picked his nose and eyes at him, pointed fingers and scolded him in a roundabout way.

But the words are wonderful, and every word is commendable, which makes people wander between understanding and incomprehension.

Cui Canwen winked at Liang Shaoyuan, don't do anything wrong!

"Qin Aiqing believes all of this?" Cui Canwen joked, hooking the corners of her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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