Four cold princesses pk four ice princes

Chapter 19: Enjoying the Moon by the Sea

"Look for yourself." Xin said.

"Well, the color, aroma, and taste are complete, and it really is the best wine." Yu sighed.

"You know how to drink." Xin said.

"That is, who am I, Ye Mingyu?" Yu said narcissistically.

"Hey, you are really shameless." Xin sighed.

"You are shameless." Yu retorted.

"You two are going to quarrel." Ling scolded.

"Don't delay our viewing of the moon." Xue continued Ling's words.

~Yu and Xin immediately shut their mouths~

"Today's moon is so beautiful!" Ling exclaimed.

"Really." Xuan said.

"Hey, it's a pity that there is no man who loves me to accompany me in such a beautiful moonlight!" Ling sighed.

"Who said that, isn't there me?" Ying said.

"You love me, why didn't I feel it." Ling said.

"You are stupid." Ying scolded.

"Who are you talking about being stupid? Besides, I'll ignore you, hum." Ling began to act coquettishly.

"Haha." Yingting Dao Ling acting like a baby was in a good mood.

"Come, eat, drink." Ying continued.

"Xiao Ying, you, I'm ignoring you." Ling began to act like a baby again.

"Okay, okay, can't I be wrong?!" Ying said with a smile.

"That's about the same." Ling was satisfied.

"You two don't know that there are six of us outsiders." Xin said.

~Ling's face turned red immediately~

"Haha, Xin still has a way." Seeing Ling blushing, Ying was in a good mood.

"Hmph, come, come, eat." Ling said angrily.

"Today we won't go home until we're drunk," Xin said.

"Okay." Seven people said in unison.


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