Ling walked up to Ying, looked at him angrily, and asked coldly: "What did you say to the media?" Ying spread his hands, with a blank expression on his face, as if it had nothing to do with him: "Didn't you say anything?" .” Ling glared at him, nothing?He still dared to say nothing: "It's nothing, you announced that I am your girlfriend, have you asked my opinion? You said it's nothing." Ying looked at her and said as a matter of course: "You are my girlfriend Oh my friend."

Xin rubbed her forehead, she had never seen such a thick-skinned person, she shook her head helplessly.At this moment, Ling was almost pissed off, and Ying was too shameless.Ling really couldn't help it, she had never seen such a thick-skinned person.Ling looked at him and gave in: "Okay, you can say whatever you like, I don't care, Xin, Xuexuan, let's go." The three followed Ling into the school, and they didn't forget to give Shangying a glance before leaving. , and then left angrily.

Yu and the others stood beside Ying, and they really admired Ying, and they took care of Ling, who was difficult to deal with, in two or three strokes.Ying turned his head, Yu and the others gave Ying a thumbs up, expressing that he is very good.Ying just smiled, at this time, he really looked like an angel in the world, like a woman.Of course, there is another meaning, that is abnormal!

Ying turned around and walked straight to the classroom, followed by Yu and the others.They glanced at each other and nodded, expressing that Ying is really good, and in their opinion, Ying is going to fight to see Ling just around the corner.But when they thought about the person they loved, and they were about to succeed, they scolded themselves secretly. If they hadn't betrayed them in the first place, this situation would not have happened today.They sighed, shook their heads, and stopped thinking about these things. They suddenly felt that they were really tired, really tired.

Ying and the others walked into the classroom, the teacher was already speaking, so they were late, but no one dared to say anything about them, so they politely let Ying and the others enter the classroom.The teacher stood on the podium and solemnly announced: "Students, tomorrow, our school will organize everyone to go on an adventure in the wild. We are going back to the wild, so we will make a group of 8 people when we get there. Don't get separated. Keep in touch at all times, and be sure to bring what you need. What kind of compass, map, food and drink are all brought.”

Everyone sitting below nodded, and the teacher smiled with satisfaction.

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One update today, I will update it later, support! ! !

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