
"Dong dong dong" there was a knock on the door in Zhanwang Mansion.

"Who? Someone dares to come to our Zhanwang Mansion in the middle of the night?" Sunan rubbed the back of his head, walked towards the door with a surprised face, and kept mumbling.

He looked at the knock on the door which rang a few times but didn't ring, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart. Could it be that someone went by the wrong way?Or whose prank?

Just as he was about to go back, the knock on the door rang again, still only three times, which instantly aroused his curiosity.

He opened the door and saw that there were really two people standing outside the door, one of them was wearing a veil and he couldn't see clearly, but the little girl in front of him looked very real. He looked at the two of them questioningly and said, "You two girls, what's the matter with you?" ? We don't stay here."

"My name is Qiao Sheng, I'm here to visit Zhan Wang," Qiao Sheng said softly, looking at the person in front of him standing behind Qingyue.

When Sunan heard Qiao Sheng's name at this time, he always felt a little familiar, but for a while, he really couldn't remember who it was.

"Miss, it's already so late now, if you really want to visit our prince, then come back tomorrow, besides, our prince refuses to pick up the guests now, if you really have something to do, why don't you go find someone else " Sunan looked at the two very weak people in front of him, and he was too embarrassed to say too much.

"Don't you know who our lady is?" Qingyue asked a sincere question when she heard what the stunned young man in front of her said.

"Should I know who your lady is?" Lin Bei replied blankly.

This sentence directly confused Qingyue, this person didn't even know who their lady was?This stunned young man is too stupid.

"I'm your Zhan Wang's fiancée, you just need to tell him that I want to see him," Qiao Sheng was really helpless, seeing Qingyue's disgusted expression on his face, a smile flashed in his eyes.

She didn't expect that there would be such a person by his side, he didn't look very smart.

As soon as this remark came out, Sunan patted himself on the head, and he said how he had heard of this person's name before. After a long time, he turned out to be the princess in the imperial decree. Before he went to check her details, she unexpectedly I found it by myself tonight, what are you planning to do?

"Okay, then I'll tell you, you guys stay here for a while," there was a trace of impatience in his tone at this time, as if he knew who they were, and there was a hidden anger in his heart.

"Hey! Shouldn't you let us go in and wait first? It's dark and windy outside, what if our lady's body is blown to pieces?" Qingyue is not a dull person, she clearly feels that the person in front of her is right. Their attitudes are different. If they still refused indifferently before, but they still have a bit of respect, now it only makes her feel a lot of irritability, as if looking at them makes her very angry.

Su Nan was about to refute, but saw Qiao Sheng raised his hand and pulled the little girl's arm, and said in a doting tone: "Okay, I'm not such a delicate person,"

Then, she turned her head and said, "We're waiting outside, you can go in and ask now."

When he said this, Sunan seemed to feel a vague sense of oppression, and then forced him to nod his head, then turned his body around and walked inside.

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