Chapter 220

"My lord, if you want to give the concubine a grand wedding, it may not be the time yet. If the person above finds out that we attach so much importance to this wedding, it will inevitably become suspicious again!" Wang Chong also didn't expect Such a calm prince, when he met the princess, he acted like a brat, very reckless.

"Then I can't give her anything?" Rong Su felt a little bit disappointed at this moment, he didn't expect that he couldn't give her anything.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up slightly, and he looked at Wang Chong excitedly and said, "Uncle Wang, let me give her the black order."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Chong's face was full of shock. She didn't expect that the future princess would have such a great influence on their prince. The black order is the first order that can order all the hidden guards. With the black token in hand, it is as if the prince himself is present, and these hidden guards are all trained by the prince himself. They have been born and died with the prince, have rich combat experience, and are extremely loyal to their prince.

However, now that Wang Chong is looking at his prince's expression, he is not good at admonishing him. What's more, according to his many years of experience, the daughter of the prime minister is also a wonderful person. Maybe there is really nothing in this world except her. People can be worthy of their prince, even if she may not like their prince that much now, but he believes that his prince will definitely keep his eyes open.

"Okay, if the prince thinks you can give it over there, the old slave also thinks that the princess is a trustworthy person. Looking at the character of the princess who likes to be free in the world, and also likes to cure diseases and save lives, the old slave is afraid that the prince will give the princess a black order. Maybe you still don't want it." Wang Chong thought about it again at this time, maybe the princess really didn't really want that black order very much.

"If she doesn't want it, then don't. I will give her everything I have. Although I can't get anything from me, I don't want to make her feel wronged."

Rong Su stared at the painting on his desk, and said quietly with gentle eyebrows.

The girl in the portrait was drawn that night when he saw her for the second time. Although she was wearing a veil that day, the red dress left a deep impression on him, and it reminded him instantly of his past. The little glutinous rice dumpling he saw was full of energy and was very cute, so he drew this painting by accident.

And in the past few days, he thought about drawing a few more pictures for her, but he still wanted to draw a picture for her openly.

"Then, my lord, is there anything else you want to do about this marriage?" Wang Chong naturally knew the influence of the princess on him now, so he should still ask.

"I will personally supervise this marriage, and show me everything, and the small details of the marriage must be done to the best without the slightest mistake." Rong Su paused, then thought again After thinking about it, I said it.

"Okay, this old slave understands that this marriage is not only supervised by the prince himself, but this old slave will definitely prepare carefully, and order the people below not to make any mistakes."

Wang Chong bowed to him, and then retreated.

Rong Su looked at the figure of him walking out, then looked down at his legs, his eyes showed his firmness, he had already thought about it, if he could really stand up again, he would definitely follow her In the same way, he went out to travel all over the world. In the first half of his life, he had used his own life to uphold and maintain his father's last wish. He used his own legs to repay the kindness of this country and Ziming. From now on, he will just be himself. , It's just Rong Su, he doesn't want to become that burdened person anymore, he just wants to be with her well.

(End of this chapter)

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