Chapter 37 Guess?

However, how could Qiao Sheng be such a fool?
This dog man wants to be deceived and pass the test, and he wants to be beautiful!

She squeezed his earlobe a little harder, then chuckled, "Mr. Pei, don't try to change the subject. If you do this again, you will sleep in the study from now on."

Pei Yu's face was very helpless, how could this threaten him?
"How dare I despise Shengsheng, I was wrong and wrong, so Shengsheng can punish me and let me do whatever." Pei Yu's magnetic voice was full of apologies, for fear that Qiao Sheng would be angry.

Qiao Sheng hooked his red lips instantly, this dog man admitted his mistakes quite quickly, but what about the punishment?She should think about it.

"Since Mr. Pei admits his mistake so seriously, Mr. Pei will be punished within three days. Without my permission, he is not allowed to go half a step." After thinking about it, Qiao Sheng was the most annoying man, who made him drive all the time. .

Hearing this, Pei Yu used his own skills to flexibly turn Qiao Sheng on his back, hugged her directly in front, and supported her hips with both hands, just like hugging a child, while Qiao Sheng Sheng also wrapped his feet tightly around his waist and wrapped his hands around his neck.

Afterwards, Pei Yu leaned close to her neck and sniffed lightly, and rubbed his chin on her shoulder, then asked in a pitiful tone, "Shengsheng, can you change it? Is this really the case?" Will kill me."

If you don't touch Shengsheng within three days, isn't that courting death?Pei Yu thought he couldn't do it, who could truly be Liu Xiahui and a gentleman to the person he likes?

"No, there is no time to change what I said."

Qiao Sheng pushed his body, keeping him a little distance away from him, holding his face in his hands and looking at him with a playful face.

"Then Shengsheng, don't regret it." Pei Yu's eyes instantly deepened, and his slightly cold thin lips smiled charmingly.

Qiao Sheng put his finger on his lips, and softly hissed, "I won't, don't worry, Mr. Pei."

Pei Yu's eyes flickered with a black belly, didn't he?Her request is to keep him from overstepping the threshold within these three days, but what if she can't help it?Don't blame him then.

He doesn't mind seducing the person in front of him more, after all, isn't she quite greedy every time?
"Mr. Pei, did you just tell me where to go tomorrow? Then tell us, Mr. Pei, where are you going to take me tomorrow?" Qiao Sheng asked with a charming smile while playing with his Adam's apple.

Pei Yu's Adam's apple couldn't help rolling, he pulled out a hand and grabbed the messy little hand, and looked at her with a dark face, "Guess?"

"I don't want to guess, anyway, if I'm not happy tomorrow, Mr. Pei will wait to accept my punishment." Qiao Sheng pulled out the trapped hand, with a friendly face, and helped him tidy up the things just now. The tie she messed up.

Pei Yu knew that this little fox was not easy to fool, so he brushed the messy hair around her ears, and said with a doting and affectionate expression: "How could it be? Shengsheng will definitely like it."

"Okay," Qiao Sheng just reluctantly believed him once.

She glanced at the sky, the sky was covered with red sunset glow, like a kind of silky satin blooming different colors in the sky, and the afterglow of the setting sun, together with the sunset glow, formed a beautiful scene picture scroll.

"We've had enough fun today, let's go home."

"it is good!"

Pei Yu walked across the water with her in his arms, like a knight walking for love.


(End of this chapter)

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