Ordinary observers in fast time travel

Chapter 606 The world is on the verge of being broken

Not to mention how angry Xun Yu was after he realized what happened.

At this time, Zhuo Jingyu and An Yuer were already in a huge panic.

An Yue'er even showed signs of threatened miscarriage because she was too panicked.

After Shijia returned to the military camp, he heard the news. She didn't show any expression. She just went to the pharmacy and took a bottle of birth control pills and handed them to the military doctor.

"Let An Yue'er relax, I won't kill them. We have known each other for a while, and we have some affection. Besides, they can be regarded as heroes."


The military doctor was ordered to leave.

Xun Yu followed beside him and couldn't help but shake his head when he heard Shi Jia's words, "Zhuo Jingyu probably won't be able to eat after hearing what you said."

"Follow him, he is going to be a father too, and he has to be responsible for what he does." Shi Jia shrugged, took out another bottle from the medicine cabinet, and handed it to Xun Yu, "Well, I made it some time ago. I forgot to give it to you.”

"Medicine for my father?" Xun Yu opened the bottle cap and smelled a familiar medicinal fragrance.

"Well, I remembered that the medicine I practiced last time was almost finished. So I practiced some." Shi Jia said and took another white porcelain bottle from the medicine cabinet. "I made this specially for my aunt."

"What is this?" His mother was still in good health.

"It nourishes qi and blood. Auntie will be in good health after taking it. Here, there is a method." Shi Jia turned the bottle in a different direction. On the other side of the bottle, there was a piece of paper with instructions for taking it densely written on it.

Xun Yu took it and was a little touched. His lord was so busy with daily affairs, but he could still think of his parents and find time to refine the medicine.

His eyes couldn't help turning red.

Shi Jia was a little embarrassed when he saw it, "Ahem, things here have just come to an end. You ask Xunshan to take the medicine back."

"Ask uncle again, what is the result of today's test?" Shi Jia warned, "If the test result is not satisfactory, it doesn't matter. What you have learned is to apply it. Let them all come over and learn while using it. The effect will be better."

Xun Yu: "..."

Bai was moved. It turned out that the key point was to find people.

But that's exactly what he thought.

As more cities were captured, their manpower became increasingly scarce. He wished more people could come to help.

Although they have worked hard to cultivate talents in the past three years, the cultivation of talents takes time, and the occupied state capitals have already emptied their talents.

Xun Yu thought for a while, "I'm afraid there are some difficulties. Half a year ago, I asked my father to hire a group of talents. In half a year, I'm afraid there won't be many new people."

Shi Jia drooped her shoulders when she heard this, "What should we do?"

"I'm afraid we can only use Han Xuan's people." Han Xuan has many talents, but without a period of ideological correction, it is easy for things to go wrong.

Shi Jia nodded, "There are quite a few scholars in Yudu. They can be put to good use with some training, but the core position still needs our own people."

"It's just that our pace will slow down. Fortunately, we have set a time of four months before, so let's stay in Yudu for one month first."


"Have you seen the imperial list?"

"Imperial list? What emperor list? Hasn't the emperor been deposed?"

"The old emperor has been deposed, isn't there a new emperor?"

"The new emperor? I heard that he is a woman."

"Shh, do you want to die?"

"What's wrong with women? Women can still kill you!"

"It's absurd, it's absurd, the world is upside down, the chicken is sitting in the morning, the world is in chaos." An old man dressed as a Confucian scholar looked pitiful.

"Old sir, please stop talking nonsense."

"Old man, the world has been in chaos for a long time. People outside have long been displaced. It's just that the people in Yudu City have been fascinated by this false prosperity." "Things that suck human blood!"

"I heard that the new owner is generous and wise. Although the place under her jurisdiction is not rich, the people live and work in peace and contentment. They don't have to suffer from hunger."

"Who did you hear this from?"

"Who said this? Everyone on the street said so. Besides, after the new owner entered the city, did he cause trouble to our people?"

"No, but I heard the screams in places like Changxing Street and Chongyifang were miserable."

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense. By the way, what were you talking about just now?"

"By the way, Huang Bang? What did Huang Bang do again?"

"The new chief is Kai Enke, and it's different from the past!"

"What's the difference?"

"Not only are Jinshi exams open, but arithmetic, engineering, agriculture, and business are also open. I heard from people who read the imperial examination that anyone with talent can take the exam regardless of their status."

"You can become an official if you pass the exam." The person who spoke was an ordinary accountant. He was a little excited. If what the imperial list said was true, then he would have a chance to become a master.

"Wait a minute, why does this sound so unreliable to me?" The person who retorted was a businessman. He never thought that businessmen would be taken seriously.

"Humph, I'm afraid it's not a trap. Arithmetic? Agriculture? Business? Since ancient times, scholars, farmers, industry and merchants have been divided into different classes. If a businessman surpasses the scholars, it will be a sin against Tiangang!" This is a scholar with a look of age on his face. There are traces of it, and it looks like he is over thirty years old.

Others murmured upon hearing it.

When the scholar saw this, a smile appeared on his face.

"You young man is right! A businessman is a businessman. If the status of a businessman is improved, then everyone will go into business, and where will there be people who work in agriculture?" The old Confucian scholar who spoke before was the one who spoke.

He held his beard with one hand and held it behind his back with the other, looking quite upright.

"This old man is concerned about the country and the people. I wonder if you have ever worked in the fields or plowed a field?" A clear yet majestic voice sounded.

People in the teahouse looked back and saw five or six men walking in surrounded by a tall woman.

The woman behaves generously and has the air of a gentleman.

"Who are you?" The old Confucian scholar's heart skipped a beat when he saw the person coming. He guessed which noble lady this was, but then he felt disdainful.

She is just a woman, and her status and status are all given by men.

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's just that what the old man said just now makes me very uncomfortable. Regardless of businessmen, farmers, or scholars, they are actually just people serving this country, and there should be no distinction between high and low in status. point."

"Furthermore, do you think that anyone can be a businessman? Old man, if I gave you a hundred taels and asked you to be a businessman, would you be able to do well?"

The old Confucian scholar wanted to refute, but the woman did not give him a chance, "There is a so-called specialization in the arts. The purpose of this order issued by the new master is to select talents."

"The management of a country does not only require so-called scholars. Do you think it is possible to let a scholar who is industrious and indifferent to grains manage merchants and trade? Let a scholar who is industrious and indifferent to grains be able to succeed? Is it possible for a scholar to manage farming?"

"Is it okay for a person who doesn't even understand the ways of the world to be an official and the head of a county other than studying?"

The questions left the scholars in the teahouse speechless.

The ignorant accountant and the small businessmen became even more confused. Why did the original excitement disappear after listening to what she said?

"You, you, are talking nonsense!" Older people tend to be more stubborn. The old Confucian's face turned red with anger, "That's nonsense. How many talented people has Enke selected for the world since its establishment?"

"How many good ministers and prime ministers came from Enke, why do you, a yellow-haired girl, say that Enke is not good?" The old Confucian scholar became excited as if he had caught the woman.

"If you talk nonsense, a woman's knowledge is short-sighted."

"Yes, the old gentleman is right."

"Whose girl is this? It's so inappropriate."

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