After confessing in front of the whole server, she was chased by the boss

Chapter 123 The original intention of making this game

Chapter 123 The original intention of making this game
After Ensiruo's birthday, everyone expanded the original WeChat group and chatted in it all day long, talking about games and daily life, and they were much more familiar with it than at the beginning.

Zhou Ran, who was pulled into the group by En Siruo, expressed great condemnation to En Siruo for not being able to go that day.

But fortunately, the chocolate birthday cake I brought her was delicious, so it was basically even.

After the birthday, the days before the public beta of "Little Forest" also suddenly shortened, and the work pressure suddenly increased a lot.

Endless bug fixes, endless programs, endless drawing, and all kinds of things are almost piled up together.

Lingdao Games has invested a lot of money in the promotion of "Little Forest", and the advertisements are overwhelming.

The previous "Laughing Dream Jianghu" has already occupied a certain market in the online game area, and its income has been good.

Now the company naturally wants to develop other fields, and "Little Forest" just took advantage of this wind to realize the three-terminal intercommunication between mobile phones, PCs and consoles, greatly expanding the potential player user base.

So "Little Forest" naturally carried the company's new hope.

Such hopes are too heavy for a small team of less than 50 people.

Even if the team has expanded its recruitment again, the team is not too big after all, and the workload that each person has to complete every day is still not easy.

And in order to welcome the public beta, the chief producers and chief planners, led by Gong Cen and Ren Sui, decided to add more game content, which also virtually increased the workload.

Working overtime for a long time has become the norm, and the lights in the office have to be turned on until more than ten o'clock in the evening every day.

Sometimes after get off work, it is no longer uncommon to continue typing those codes when you return to your dormitory and home.

Nanjiang City also unknowingly entered winter, and the temperature once dropped to less than 10 degrees.

This is really a rare thing for a coastal city with long summers and short winters and sweltering heat all year round.

December is here, and the pre-publicity of "Little Forest" has taken effect. The number of pre-ordered downloads of the game on the official website and major platforms once exceeded one million.

100 million, 200 million, 300 million
The numbers are going up little by little.

Finally, at twelve o'clock in the morning on December 12th, "Little Forest" officially ushered in the public beta.

There were nearly 500 million online players on the first day of launch, and all servers were full.

These news all mark the beginning of "Little Forest" is a success.

until that day
"In my next life, in my next life, I don't want to be a game artist anymore."

At the dining table in the lunch canteen, Zhou Ran couldn't help sighing.

En Siruo, who was sitting across from her, was silent, just looking at her with pain in his eyes.

Zhou Ran pursed her lips: "Well, it's still worse for you."

En Siruo sighed, and put down his chopsticks, "I haven't had much rest since the week of our game public beta. Every day when I open and close my eyes, it's just that pile of codes."

"On the day of the public beta, I frantically repaired the server and repaired all kinds of feedback bugs, which almost cracked my head. Now I am afraid to talk to sister Yi Jia."

"As long as Sister Yi Jia finds me, there must be a bug somewhere and I need to fix it! Just kill me!"

"Oh." Zhou Ran sighed, "It's not easy."

The two chatted.

The lunch break is a rare time when they don't have to work overtime. In this time, they can relax a little, eat, chat and rest, and don't have to think about work for the time being.

After eating, the two bought snacks and took the elevator upstairs.

Back in the office, when passing by the small conference room where everyone usually holds a meeting, there was a loud noise inside——

"Fuck! We didn't give any help when we made this game! It's good now! Come here!"

"What should we do now?"

The two people passing by outside the door stopped in response, glanced at each other, and immediately sensed something was wrong, and both of them leaned towards the door of the meeting room.

Inside were the voices of Tao Wenyao and Zhu Yue.

"Zu Gong, you really agreed to their request, didn't you?"

Gong Cen is here?

"No, I just said to give us some time to think about countermeasures, so I'm here to discuss with you, right?" Gong Cen's voice came.

There was silence in the office.

En Siruo, who was eavesdropping outside the door, looked at Zhou Ran, and then at the door of the conference room, only to suddenly realize that it was a frosted glass door.

"It's over."

As soon as the two words were finished, En Siruo clearly saw the glass door being pulled open from the inside.

Looking up, she met eyes with Zhu Yue who opened the door.

"Sister Zhu Yue," Zhou Ran said tremblingly.

Several people in the conference room looked towards the door one after another.

En Siruo also looked in, and clearly saw the familiar figure standing silently by the floor-to-ceiling window, lonely and tall, showing a bit of uninhibitedness.

"Why are you here?" Tao Wenyao asked.

"Xiao Ruo and I just passed by and heard you talking inside, so that's why" Zhou Ran explained.

Hearing Zhou Ran's words, the person in front of the window moved, turned his head, and met En Siruo's eyes.

En Siruo asked aloud, "Did something happen?"

"It's okay, you go back."

Before Gong Cen finished speaking, Ren interrupted: "Let them in, it's not confidential news, and more than one person has multiple solutions."

After En Siruo and Zhou Ran entered the conference room, Zhu Yue closed the door.

"Did something happen to the public beta?" En Siruo asked first.

Tao Wenyao frowned, rarely showing a sad face, and replied: "The company said that although "Little Forest" can rank in the top three in daily activities, the turnover is too low, and we are required to increase the player's krypton gold."

Hearing this, En Siruo and Zhou Ran exchanged glances.

The purpose of "Little Forest" when it was established and produced was to build a highly open and highly free game, no matter how old or young the player is, they can be any animal in the forest and live happily in the forest.

Construct a game world that does not have an overly lengthy plot story, forces the protagonist to upgrade to fight monsters, excessive liver game time, and does not appear to be better than others after charging money, etc., which will only make players disgusted.

A utopia only for players who love games.

In that utopia, players can rely on their own efforts to pursue everything they want and temporarily escape all the unpleasantness in real life.

It is precisely because of this that when the game was first built, Gong Cen and others, who were the main creators, did not do a comprehensive job of krypton gold recharge.

After all, in the game, players can be self-sufficient in whatever they want.

If you want to build a house, you cut down trees yourself.If you want beautiful clothes, you can make fabrics yourself as a tailor.

In short, everything can be done by yourself.

It is precisely because of this way of playing that "Little Forest" was welcomed by many players during the closed beta and internal beta.

And this is also the reason why "Little Forest" can stand out from the encirclement and get extremely high praise from players.

Now that the company makes such a request, isn't it tantamount to overturning all the previous praise and love of the players, and making the production team go against their original intention of making this game?
But if the game flow is not enough, then how can the game "Little Forest" get the support of Lingdao Games and continue to operate?

 There will be another update later, when I go out to get a courier _(:з」∠)_Today will be 5 updates with a total of 1w words. If there is no accident tomorrow, it will probably be 1w or 8k. Shamelessly ask for a wave of recommended tickets? clatter!I wish you all a happy summer vacation!


(End of this chapter)

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